Serena Forward-Rodriguez, MA, MHP, LMHC

Serena Forward-Rodriguez View Specialties

  • Licensed Mental Health Counselor
  • 5608 17th Ave NW #1332, Seattle, Washington, 98107
  • Phone: 253-342-1900
  • Send A Message To Serena.
  • Session Fees: Intake sessions are $240. Follow-up sessions: $200 for 60 minutes and $280 for 90 minutes.
  • This member is also available for online counseling.
  • Online-counseling methods: Webcam

I mainly specialize in large-bodied and LGBTQIA+ folks as well as fellow therapists who are struggling with anxiety, depression, PTSD, burnout, and chronic illnesses. However, regardless of occupation or identity, I welcome all clients dealing with trauma or chronic illness to reach out because working with chronic illness (particularly Fibromyalgia, Celiac Disease, IBS, and Interstitial Cystitis/painful bladder syndrome) and trauma are areas of particularly extensive knowledge. It is also very common for trauma and chronic illness to be linked.

For marginalized folx, the convergence of identity, oppression, and health issues are complex. Finding a therapist who is knowledgeable about those experiences will help you feel safe and understood and get tailored support that addresses those systemic realities. Because I have an understanding personally and clinically about these realities, you spend more time doing deeper healing work in and out of sessions. For therapists, it can be easy to feel burned out while trying to balance work, home life, and personal issues. People around you will often assume you "got this" because of your specialized training, and you think you should too. It's difficult at times to admit we aren't less "messy" inside and we don't have it all worked out. Ultimately it's this authentic humanity that you, your loved ones and your clients benefit from. Our work will be to ensure that comes from a conscious, grounded, and insightful foundation by identifying and living your personal and professional goals and values.

My primary modality is Person-Centered Therapy. This means a few things. You will be driving your own treatment because you know yourself best. It also means that how well we get along, how regarded you feel in sessions with me, is foundational to the work. Additionally, self-respect and self-compassion are necessary for healthy and sustained change. You would bend over backwards to help someone who is kind and matters a great deal to you, but you are very likely to dismiss someone who is rude and inconsequential to your life. You must matter a great deal to YOURSELF by showing up for yourself with compassion and respect. This is not narcissism nor selfishness. It fuels you, readying you to strap in and commit to the work.

I formally trained in DBT. As a solo therapist now, instead of on a DBT therapy team, I use DBT skills to teach useful life skills everyone can benefit from. If you need a DBT program, you need to be seen at a clinic where your individual and group therapists are on the same team. I'm also formally trained in CPT for PTSD treatment. I use a blend of many other therapies to tailor your treatment and welcome your input about what does and does not work for you. This is a collaboration! My professional training and lived experiences, along with my relatable approach in sessions, gives my clients a unique and healing experience that many tell me they have not had with any other therapist. Please check out my website for more information and click the button to request a free 15-minute consultation prior to enrolling with me.

Serena Forward-Rodriguez Reaches

Seattle WA