Caleen Martin

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Caleen was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, a neurological chronic pain condition in 2011. Since then she has dedicated her time and energy to research and education on chronic pain in order to share her personal story and knowledge with others facing similar physical and emotional challenges. Her hope is that by changing our attitudes on chronic pain we can encourage our own personal healing and strengthen our dedication to living the best life we can, in spite of our physical challenges.

Articles Written By Caleen Martin

Taking back control of chronic pain through social media
Surviving chronic pain. Making stress your ally and not an enemy
Change Your Words, Change Your Worth. New Perspectives on the Language of Fibromyalgia.
Chronic pain and extreme self-care
5 steps to rid yourself of the uncomfortable feelings of extreme self-care.
Best tips for learning to love yourself
How communication contributes to your self-care with chronic pain
Creating your health miracle, how to stop contributing to your illness and take back control of your health and well-being
Mourning your past self and living in the present with chronic pain.
How Forgiveness Can Free our Emotional Heartache and Better our Health
Why Too Many Choices Can Cause More Pain for Those with Fibromyalgia
Mothers with Chronic Pain: Three Things You Should Never Do
The Invisible Disease: Best Tips for Surviving Fibromyalgia
Life Lessons that Speak the Truth Through the Ages
Finding our Inner Buddha: Are we taking the responsibility for our lives and health seriously?