Evanescence Counseling PLLC, LPC

Evanescence Counseling PLLC View Specialties

 I empower clients to conquer personal barriers so that they can enhance their overall satisfaction with life and improve their relationships at home, school, work and elsewhere.  My clients report that their ability to function in life increases and the negative personal impact of their stress decreases noticeably after 3 sessions and significantly after 8 sessions. Within my private practice I check with clients for therapist satisfaction, using empathy, agenda setting and over methods designed to move clients from a state of anxiety or distress toward their individual treatment goals.

I am a registered  Licensed Professional Counselor and Licensed Supervisor. I have a bachelor's degree in psychology and a master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. I have extensive study in sexual health, orientation, expression, and identification. I specialize in relationship therapy, sexual dysfunction and problematic sexual behaviors, depression, anxiety, personality disorders, and alternative lifestyles. I work with LGBT, Polyamory, Kink and BDSM.  My clients will learn how to communicate so they can be heard, build trust, make agreements and set boundaries for healthier and happier lives. 

Over time anxiety can cause physical and emotional stresses that can lead to both medical and social disorders,  whereas a healthy mindset will exponentially enhance and improve one’s overall wellness.  I offer counseling to those who want to take a step toward investing in their future life satisfaction.  Let’s get started today.

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Oklahoma City OK