JoAnna M. Smith, MA LMFT

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I imagine you are scared and feeling so depleted right now--searching for that person that you feel might understand and help you.  Maybe you fear no one will believe you.  You may have experienced trusted people saying things that minimized what you have been through and that have caused you to doubt you again.  I want you to know that I believe you. I also understand that the hurt you are carrying is very real and deep.  My greatest message to you is that there is hope and a way through. No matter how depleted, scared and uncertain you feel at this time:  You can do this and you can feel whole and joyful again.  I have helped others in similar situations and I want to help you.
Though you may feel broken, I assure you that you are not. Yes,  you are drained. I also understand that while you know your truth, you may not feel very trusting of you or others. That makes perfect sense. You have been through so much and hurt by someone you thought was supposed to love you.  That is not your fault.  Though you might feel stuck, or worry you do not have the energy to make it through this process, I want you to know there is a way. It is not easy but it is doable.  You need only reach out and we can begin the journey of you shifting from barely surviving to thriving. 
You deserve to feel whole, to feel loved and valued, and to experience peace.  You are important.  I understand you likely feel opposite at this moment, but I want you to know that you are on the right path and can achieve the freedom that you seek.
If you want to learn more, I invite you to check out my website.  If it resonates, you can reach out directly to me or even schedule through the link on my website.  I invite you to choose you and take the next step forward. 

JoAnna M. Smith Reaches

Clients throughout Minnesota