Joseph Tropper, PsyD, MS, LCPC

Joseph Tropper View Specialties

  • Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor
  • 2850 Quarry Lake Dr , Baltimore, Maryland, 21209
  • Phone: 4439291801
  • Send A Message To Dr. Tropper.
  • This member is also available for online counseling.
  • Online-counseling methods: Phone, Webcam

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If you found this page it's because you're contemplating getting help for yourself or a loved one. Congratulations on taking the next step, it takes much bravery to face a personal or family problem. With our shared commitment to your recovery and success we can work together to help you live the life you always dreamed of. 
My experience has put my in contact with hundreds of clients ranging from teen to adult to the elderly suffering from issues which include: anxiety, depression, adjustment issues, addictions, family challenges and much more. My approach integrates views and techniques from the humanistic approach, existential theory and cognitive behavioral therapy. 
I provide prompt and professional counseling services. This allows us to focus on our work together to develop mutual trust and respect as we delve into understanding you and finding motivation to succeed while getting the support you need. I challenge you to call or email me to discuss your commitment to self-care.

I hold a Master's degree in Mental Health Counseling and a Doctorate in Psychology and over two decades of experience working with clients to motivate them to find success and fulfillment by celebrating their strong points and focusing on ways to empower them to live a life based on self-direction and healthy choices.  

Dr. Joseph Tropper Reaches

Baltimore MD
Brooklyn NY