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December 7, 2013
by Christie Hunter

9 10 13 returning to work after having a baby

Returning to Work After Having a Baby

December 7, 2013 04:55 by Christie Hunter  [About the Author]

9 10 13 returning to work after having a baby
Making the decision to reenter the workforce after having a baby is often a difficult challenge faced by many new parents. Returning to work can create emotional conflicts for new mothers, as they are torn between being the primary caretaker, and resuming their employment. However, with effective planning, the end of maternity leave does not have to be met with dread or despair. [More]

August 28, 2013
by Cindy Marie Hosszu

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Having Trouble Letting Go, Or Just Keeping Kids Safe?

August 28, 2013 16:20 by Cindy Marie Hosszu  [About the Author]

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Back to School Series: There goes your child…. And most of your heart We notice it on that first day of kindergarten, or the first time our kids ride their bike out of our sight, or want to walk to a friend’s house. That sense of pride, and joy mixed with a crushing sense of fear and loss, as we watch our children grow, and experience the normal independence that will eventually bri... [More]

August 27, 2013
by Ashley Marie


Once Upon a Time, Your Child Hated Books

August 27, 2013 14:55 by Ashley Marie  [About the Author]

Back to School Series: I distinctly remember loving story time with my mum but dreading story time with our elementary school librarian. With mum, I could snuggle up next to her on the living room sofa, drink a cup of hot chocolate, watch her face light up as she neared the climax of the story, and lose myself in the magic of the moment. But with our librarian, I had to sit on a hard floor, lis... [More]

August 19, 2013
by Ashley Marie


The Grinch that Stole the Back-to-School Season

August 19, 2013 11:00 by Ashley Marie  [About the Author]

Bullying is a concern for parents, teachers, and children. And this challenge is becoming evermore complex as traditional bullying behaviours are taking new forms on the Internet. School will be in session again. Mothers are scanning flyers from department stores to snatch the latest deal on school supplies. Fathers are planning their morning and afternoon pick-up and drop-off schedules. Girls ... [More]

July 23, 2013
by Dr. Kevin Kappler, Ph.D.

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Problems You May Encounter on a Summer Vacation

July 23, 2013 17:06 by Dr. Kevin Kappler, Ph.D.  [About the Author]

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How do you cope in small spaces? "To be stuck inside a mobile with the Memphis blues again" as Bob Dylan so poignantly phrased it going from living in a house to living in a recreational vehicle has some unforeseen difficulties. Most assuredly everyone you meet will be bedazzled by your transformation and with more than a little better than the wish that they too could live happily ever after as ... [More]

July 19, 2013
by Cindy Marie Hosszu

too pooped to party

Friday Inspiration -Too Pooped To Party?

July 19, 2013 04:15 by Cindy Marie Hosszu  [About the Author]

too pooped to party
Am I the only one who stays up late all week doing things around the house, forcing myself to go to sleep so that I can get up for work the next day, in full anticipation of Friday when I can stay up late to party, or in my case, read that book that left me hanging in the last chapter? Then, when Friday finally rolls around, I find myself falling asleep at the dinner table. It is so unfair. But ... [More]

December 11, 2012
by Gloria Day

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An Uncomfortable and Necessary Journey: “Boundaries” by Cloud and Townsend- Book Review Chapter 7

December 11, 2012 17:22 by Gloria Day  [About the Author]

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Well on the eve of Christmas I think it is timely that we deal with this chapter called “Boundaries and Your Family” A few important things have stuck out for me in this section. Primarily, how we can make a change on the outside yet if the change is not in our hearts or in our minds or our values then it will only be actions and in fact, we will be easily swayed to the old way; as wel... [More]

November 2, 2012
by Dr. Kevin Kappler, Ph.D.

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How to Avoid the Fallacies of Thanksgiving

November 2, 2012 14:43 by Dr. Kevin Kappler, Ph.D.  [About the Author]

11 2 12 how to avoid the fallacies of thanksgiving
The origins of Thanksgiving have nothing to do with a bunch of Indians and pilgrims sitting down for a bountiful feast of turkey. In reality although the settlers with pale faces had been bothering the Indians in addition to giving them many new diseases they had never had were starving by this time. The Indians took pity on them and brought them some corn and fish. Thanksgiving has a lot of emoti... [More]