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January 14, 2020
by Ruth Gordon, MA, MSW, LCSW


Intermittent Fasting and Circadian Clock

January 14, 2020 09:45 by Ruth Gordon, MA, MSW, LCSW  [About the Author]

Just about all species — humans, animals, plants and some microbes are influenced by their circadian clock. The circadian clock controls every hormone. It is found in the hypothalamus and is called the suprachiasmatic nucleus which is a cluster of nerve cells. The circadian clock serves as a master clock in one’s anatomy. It coordinates every biological clock in the body in virtually every tissue and organ. The so-called intermittent fasting diet was the most popular dietary regimen in 2019. There are several avenues of approach to this method of eating. Some appear, scientifically, to provide a more successful experience than others. [More]

December 24, 2019
by Patricia Tomasi

apostpartum depression

New Mom Pens Book To Help Other Moms Going Through Postpartum Depression

December 24, 2019 08:00 by Patricia Tomasi  [About the Author]

apostpartum depression
After Ivana Poku became a mom, she was astonished and shocked by the reality of motherhood. “It was nothing like I had expected,” Poku told us. “I remember I could not wait to meet my twin boys and experience this immediate rush of love people were talking about. However, when that moment came, I felt nothing. I was glad they were ok. I was glad to have them, but there was no rush of love, no pure happiness, no fireworks. Immediately, I felt like a complete failure. And it didn’t get better from there.” [More]

December 17, 2019
by Patricia Tomasi

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Autistic Adults Think They’re Bad People, New Study Finds

December 17, 2019 08:00 by Patricia Tomasi  [About the Author]

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According to the World Health Organization, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) begins in childhood. One in 160 children worldwide has been diagnosed with autism. But since autism was only recognized as a disorder in 1980, there are many adults who went through childhood without a diagnosis and without help. Now, a new study thought to be the first of its kind examining an autism diagnosis exclusively in middle age, found that adults diagnosed with autism in their fifties grew up believing they were ‘bad people’, ‘alien’, and ‘non-human’. The study is published in the Journal of Health Psychology and Behavioural Medicine [More]

December 10, 2019
by Patricia Tomasi

drinking holidays

Seven Tips To Stay Sober This Holiday Season

December 10, 2019 08:00 by Patricia Tomasi  [About the Author]

drinking holidays
Here are some sobering statistics. According to a survey of 1000 Americans, 47 per cent of men and 40 per cent of women binge drink more on New Year’s Eve than during any other holiday. In a study done by Alcohol Monitoring Systems, though they were fully aware that they were being monitored, over 450,000 DUI offenders still drank 33 per cent more between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. Why is it so hard to stay sober during the holidays? [More]

November 26, 2019
by Patricia Tomasi

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Transgender College Students Four Times More Likely To Experience Mental Health Problems

November 26, 2019 08:00 by Patricia Tomasi  [About the Author]

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A recent study on gender minority mental health in the U.S. gathered information from a national survey on college campuses among undergraduate and graduate students. “I have been conducting transgender health research for more than a decade,” study author Sari Reisner told us. “Routine collection of gender identity data as a population demographic is vital to public health. The disparities seen in this study offers an example of why these data are so urgently needed.” [More]