Depression Counseling in Independent Hill, VA.

Leading therapy for major depression, bipolar, postpartum depression, SAD and mood disorders in Independent Hill, Virginia.

Linda Ritchie, Ph.D.
Depression Counselor

Linda Ritchie, Ph.D.

Licensed Professional Counselor/Marriage & Family Therapist

In 22031 - Nearby to Independent Hill.

We all experience ups and downs in life. This is normal and pat of living life. However, depression is characterized by feelings that are much more intense, let longer, and interfere more intensely with day-to-day functioning and interaction with other people. It is a serious condition that can impact every aspect of your life. It can affect your family relationships, work relationship, and impact negatively on your sense of self worth. Depression is very treatable. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is our primary approach to treating depression and it has been proven to be effective for most forms of depression and even to prevent the occurrence of future depressive episodes.

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Depression Counselor

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

At Home or Private Discreet Intensives

Grey Matters International, Inc. and the work of Kevin J. Fleming, Ph.D. handles depression and other emotional disorders in a very unique way. Most of therapy or counseling processes utilize validation, unconditional positive regard, and reframing as common techniques to get someone to heal from their depression. Though this can be helpful, it rarely fixes the core problem behind it and for tough cases we then refer them usually to a psychiatrist for medication which can have tons of side effects. Instead, why not try a natural and arguably more effective way to not just change your mind, but change the brain--where the depression is rooted. Contact us at

Sean Slevin, LPC, LMFT, NCC
Depression Counselor

Sean Slevin, LPC, LMFT, NCC

Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, National Certified Counselor

In 22101 - Nearby to Independent Hill.

Depression can vary from a vague sense of unhappiness and disquiet to crippling experiences of hopelessness that feel as though they will swallow you completely. Regardless of how your depression is manifesting, you cannot work through it alone. I would be honored to help you grow and heal such that you experience hope, joy and peace again (or perhaps for the first time). You do not have to be stuck in the darkness of depression--our brains are built with the ability to heal, and I would love to help you experience that.

Jill Weber, Ph.D.
Depression Counselor

Jill Weber, Ph.D.

Clinical Psychologist

In 22102 - Nearby to Independent Hill.

Depression is an emotional issue where a person feels down in mood for two or more weeks. Down mood includes: feelings of worthlessness, guilt, irritability, tearfulness, lack of interest, and lack of pleasure from usually enjoyable activities. Depression often involves repetitive negative thoughts about the self and may also include the loss of or increase in appetite as well as either excessive sleep or difficulty falling and staying asleep. Therapy can help you both manage and resolve issues that may be causing depression or Dysthymia.

Mary L Lyon, LPC
Depression Counselor

Mary L Lyon, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 22101 - Nearby to Independent Hill.

Depression is sometimes referred to as the "common cold" of mental health. At its root depression is about loss and loss always in some way has to do with love. In depression we lose a sense of connection to ourselves, to our relationships, to our tasks and even to God. In therapy, I provide a safe environment where you can face your sadness and loss, talk about it and reconnect in a caring place. Healing comes as deep pain is brought into loving and compassionate connection.

Susan Gorman, LCSW
Depression Counselor

Susan Gorman, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 22101 - Nearby to Independent Hill.

Depression frequently comes from feeling overwhelmed by the issues life presents to you--sometimes work, sometimes family, sometimes both. The stresses lead to negative thoughts which become hard to handle. In therapy we work to turn those negative thoughts into positive statements, and find the strategies to work through, or around, the problems which gave rise to the depression.

Nancy Montagna, Ph. D.
Depression Counselor

Nancy Montagna, Ph. D.

Clinical Psychologist, Licensed in Maryland and Virginia

Available for Online Therapy

Depression is a suffering that takes the joy out of life and seems endless and hopeless. It drains your self-esteem. It is a sign of a problem but it makes solving problems more difficult. Sometimes medication can help, but psychotherapy is more effective. There are several approaches to getting out of depression and I would use all of them. We can work to notice and challenge depressing thoughts. We can work with underlying trauma or loss where you may have begun to feel depressed. I can also support you to take the kind of actions that lift your mood. You will learn ways of being more nourished and fulfilled.

Katherine Rosemond, LPC, CPC
Depression Counselor

Katherine Rosemond, LPC, CPC

Licensed Professional Counselor/Certified Professional Coach

In 20109 - Nearby to Independent Hill.

Depression is a mood disorder that can cause a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest that can interfere with daily functioning. Reaching out for help is a step towards wellness. Symptoms of depression can vary from person to person, but it is a very treatable condition. Therapy for depression helps you overcome the feelings of hopelessness and despair and to gain control of your life.

Amy Wagner, LMFT, LMHC
Depression Counselor

Amy Wagner, LMFT, LMHC

Relationship and Trauma Therapist/EMDR Consultant/Business Coach - Licensed in Virginia and Florida

In 20170 - Nearby to Independent Hill.

Depression can be so difficult to manage and come out of nowhere. When we work together, we will gently learn the core of the distress that you are experiencing. As we learn your life story, we may find that some of the distress is rooted in early childhood trauma and attachment wounding. We will embrace all parts of yourself and learn about the challenging messages you may have grown up with that manifested into the distress you feel today. Depression can be a messenger, an alarm telling you that it is time to heal experiences from earlier in life. In our work together, we'll use EMDR, Emotion Focused Therapy and Expressive Arts to help you become your best self.

Earta Norwood, Ph.D.
Depression Counselor

Earta Norwood, Ph.D.

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

In 22304 - Nearby to Independent Hill.

Depression affects and is affected by your actions, thoughts, and emotions. We will stop this vicious cycle by starting to acknowledge the factors that contribute to your depression and develop strategies that will provide relief. As you gain ground against your depression, we will target more complicated problems and develop more comprehensive strategies. You will start with simple behavioral changes. You will follow with changes in how you think of yourself, others, and the problems you face. You will continue with changes in how you strategize and solve problems. Finally, you will develop methods to maintain these changes and continue to accomplish your goals with confidence and hope.

Lifebulb Counseling and Therapy, LCSW, Ph.D
Depression Counselor

Lifebulb Counseling and Therapy, LCSW, Ph.D

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 22310 - Nearby to Independent Hill.

Taking The First Step is Always The Hardest Let us help you, and together we can defeat depression. The right approach will help you feel better and lead you to recovery. Remember that feelings of helplessness and hopelessness are symptoms of depression—not the reality of your situation. Getting support is critical for you to fight depression. Our depression therapists understand your situation & take steps to help you feel better.

Mary Lou Lyon, LPC
Depression Counselor

Mary Lou Lyon, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 22101 - Nearby to Independent Hill.

If you are feeling depressed, you are probably feeling disconnected from yourself, your relationships, your tasks and your responsibilities. You may be feeling sad, a sense of dread or a loss of hope in your future. My approach to therapy is to provide a supportive and compassionate place where you can talk about your pain, be understood and find new ways of coping with the difficulties you are facing. Sometimes simply sharing your sadness with another person can put you on the pathway to healing.

Antonio Kallungal, LPC
Depression Counselor

Antonio Kallungal, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 22030 - Nearby to Independent Hill.

Often times our circumstances in life can leave us feeling defeated and hopeless, sometimes even to the point of wondering if there is any point in moving forward. A big part of my approach to counseling is to help you discover your ability to create the life that you want, and to empower you to make the changes necessary to do so. I am so excited to walk with you as you discover your potential and become acquainted with the person you are meant to be.

Carlos Durana, Ph.D.
Depression Counselor

Carlos Durana, Ph.D.

Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Licensed Professional Counselor

In 20190 - Nearby to Independent Hill.

Depression is a signal that your life is not in balance; it is also an opportunity and call to action for a better life. I provide a holistic and educational approach to help you: • Examine triggers of depression; • Identify and transform thoughts, behaviors and feeling tendencies that lead to depression; • Promote physical wellness; • Learn skills to resolve conflicts and improve relationships; • Adapt mindfulness skills for calmness, acceptance and compassion; • Enhance the body-mind connection; • Define values, create a life-vision plan, and pursue a life that is worth living. My approach is based upon a belief in everyone's lovability and personal worth.

Gina Binder, LPC
Depression Counselor

Gina Binder, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 20110 - Nearby to Independent Hill.

When you experience a severely depressed mood and decreased activity level for an extended period of time, your life really changes. Hope disappears, joy drains from life, and you may feel isolated, alone, and stuck. Your efforts may fall behind in school or at work, and your relationships may feel strained. But change is possible! Although depression controls your current experience, it does not define who you most truly are. Counseling can help you break the chains of depression, and create a new experience which includes hope and a meaningful connection to life. To determine if we can work together, please contact me to schedule a FREE 15-minute phone consultation.

You Have Found The Best Therapists for Depression and Mood Issues in Independent Hill, VA.

Are you ready to experience new freedom? Thank you for visiting our Virginia search of licensed therapists in Independent Hill who specialize in helping people overcome sadness, treat major depression and mood disorders such as bipolar, postpartum depression, and seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Feeling down, lonely, and depressed can affect us at any station in life. Sometimes the cause may be physiological (such as hormonal or due to medication), it may be emotional, environmental, psychological or any combination of the above. Counseling for recovery and restoration from depression by a top rated therapist in Independent Hill will help you climb back up and start living your dreams again.

Independent Hill is located in Prince William County, Virginia. It has a land area of 8.91 square miles and a water area of 0.04 square miles.  The population of Independent Hill is 7,973 people with 2,591 households and a median annual income of $138,565. .

Therapy Affordability Meter for Independent Hill, VA

Widely Affordable

Licensed, professional counseling in Independent Hill is considered widely accessible by the majority of people who live here and budget is often not a concern for mental health treatment. Low cost counseling and affordable therapy are also sometimes offered by listed city and university level clinics, check with your local Independent Hill public health department.