Michelle Gay, M.A., RCC, CCC

Michelle Gay View Specialties

  • Registered Clinical Counsellor, Canadian Certified Counsellor, EMDR Certified Therapist and EMDRIA Certified Consultant, Teacher (BC and TESL Canada)
  • 1-1140 Fort Street, Victoria, British Columbia, V8V 3K8
  • Phone: 250-412-5921
  • Send A Message To Michelle.
  • Session Fees: Rates are comparable to the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors recommended fees. I provide a sliding scale in special circumstances. Coverage may be provided for memebrs of First Nations communities and clients eligible for CVAP.
  • arippleaffect.com
  • This member is also available for online counseling.
  • Online-counseling methods: Phone, Webcam

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Each of us face difficulty, confusion, and loss during our lives. While we may experience some common ground as humans, we are unique and complex in our history, experiences, emotions, and thoughts. Seeking a professional and confidential counselling process can help you gain clarity,  understanding and make changes.
I provide a gentle, confidential, and non-judgemental counselling space both online and in-person for individuals, families, couples, and children. I am dedicated to a collaborative process where clients feel connected, understood, and can create lasting change. Approaches that uncover root causes and nurture relationship with oneself are services that I provide for clients seeking a therapy process.  These approaches include EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), Ego States Therapy, IFS (International Family Systems) and somatic therapies. I specialize in EMDR intensives for those seeking a flexible therapy process that is also deeply transformative. I also specialize in working with children. Please see my webpage for more information. My background includes training in DBT, CBT, and mindfulness as useful ways to learn to handle emotions, navigate relationships, and set boundaries. Through the counselling process you will affect your life by making insights that can ripple into your well-being, your relationships, your community and beyond.  
Based in Victoria, BC specializing in trauma therapy and EMDR since 2012, I also offer individual and group consultation as an EMDRIA Approved Consultant, facilitate practicums for the Basic EMDR trainings since 2014, and host advanced workshops as an EMDRIA approved credit provider.  Please see the information under EMDR Consultation & Certification and also Trainings.
 Perhaps the best guide to help you decide is your own sense of comfort and trust with the person sitting across from you. I encourage you to email or call to make a 20-minute free consultation appointment where we can explore your concerns and questions together.

Michelle Gay Reaches

Victoria BC