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June 5, 2015
by Alicia Meade, MA, LCSW


Healing from Physical Trauma: Miracle, Coincidence or Human Influence?

June 5, 2015 07:55 by Alicia Meade, MA, LCSW   [About the Author]

How much power and influence do humans have when it comes to their healing? Is it luck, an individual’s own fierce determination and attitude, or what religion calls ‘God’s will’? The long-standing debate continues. Recently, however, three stories were presented to the media that shine more light on the discussion, reflecting great power within consciousness. [More]

June 4, 2015
by Dr. Christina Barber-Addis,Psy.D


June is LGBT Pride Month

June 4, 2015 07:55 by Dr. Christina Barber-Addis,Psy.D  [About the Author]

On May 29, 2015, President Obama re-proclaimed that June is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month. In his re-proclamation, Obama highlights his Executive Order on LGBT workplace discrimination. In this landmark order, Federal contractors are protected against discriminations based on gender identity and sexual orientation. He called to not only end the discrimination with Federal contractors but also to extend these protections to all American workers in the future. [More]

June 3, 2015
by Lee Kehoe, MS, LMHC, NCC


Paris Love Locks to Be Removed: A Loss of Love

June 3, 2015 09:35 by Lee Kehoe, MS, LMHC, NCC  [About the Author]

Paris' Pont des Arts bridge famous for its "love locks" is facing structural damage under the weight of so much love. The city of love's bridge has been a space for thousands around the world to mark their love with a lock, while then throwing the key into the River Seine. Throwing the key further symbolized the testament to love and commitment. Recently, the historical Pont des Arts bridge has been in danger of crumble as the heavy locks bare too much weight for the structure to hold. June of last year was the first scare as a five foot section of the bridge's rail collapsed from the weight of the locks. Now local protestors are showing their own love for the bridge as they ignite their "no love lock" campaign. Paris officials are listening, as the city plans to immediately remove over 45 tons of locks. It is ironic that a tradition that promoted love and commitment now puts a beloved landmark in danger of demise. What will the loss of such a culturally rooted tradition mean for the city of love and it's hundreds of thousands of tourists? [More]

June 2, 2015
by Ruth Gordon, MA, MSW, LCSW

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Toya Graham Hits Her Point Home- Mom Says "No" To Son In Riots

June 2, 2015 07:55 by Ruth Gordon, MA, MSW, LCSW  [About the Author]

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Toya Graham is a single mother who lives in a run-down and dangerous neighborhood in West Baltimore. She was not a likely candidate for national recognition, and yet, there are many who are hailing Toya as a hero. Riots broke out in Baltimore following the death of Freddy Gray, a 25-year-old African American man. Toya would not let her son participate in the riots and took a stand on this. [More]

June 1, 2015
by Mary Horn, Psy.D.


The Controversy in Hawaii is Representative of Important Issues World-Wide

June 1, 2015 07:55 by Mary Horn, Psy.D.  [About the Author]

The Hawaiian Islands are widely known for their beauty and rich cultural diversity. Located in the North Pacific Ocean, they encompass some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, some of the highest mountain peaks, volcanoes, waterfalls, rain forests, and protected land and native species. The climate in Hawaii boasts eleven of the thirteen climate zones in the world. The climate zones each have unique ecosystems and characteristics that make up their weather patterns. With all the natural beauty that Hawaii has to offer, the Hawaiian Culture and Spirit remain today the most powerful aspects of what make the Hawaiian Islands so special. [More]

May 30, 2015
by Karen Allen,MS, LMHC, CAMS, CHt

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Operation Jade Helm 15: Cause for concern?

May 30, 2015 07:55 by Karen Allen,MS, LMHC, CAMS, CHt  [About the Author]

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Whether on US soils or abroad, military exercises have been taking place for years. For whatever reason or combination of reasons, Jade Helm 15, a massive multi-state military exercise, has attracted the attention of the public. For some people it has raised concern about the federal government’s motives and intentions as it relates to them and their family’s personal freedom and future well-being. Public reaction to these concerns is varied from outright rejection and mockery, to cautious consideration there might be something undisclosed that is worthy of concern, to rising hysteria about the federal government targeting specific groups of citizens. [More]

May 28, 2015
by Henry M. Pittman, MA


Dangerous World of Spice- Synthetic Marijuana Explored

May 28, 2015 07:55 by Henry M. Pittman, MA  [About the Author]

The common thread between the District of Columbia, Washington, Colorado, Oregon, and Alaska is that they all have legalized marijuana for recreational purposes. Each state has their own set of rules on how they govern the purchase, selling, transportation, and cultivating of marijuana. There are many states that are working towards their own legalization of marijuana. Regardless of when or if that comes to be, the effects of marijuana are the same, it is substance that causes euphoria, a high that causes impairment. There is no employer that is going to take a risk of allowing a person to use marijuana and be employed. It is a risk hazard regardless of it being legal per certain states and remains illegal on the federal level. Therefore, people who want to get high and/or avoid anyone knowing that they have substances in their urine, aka pass a drug test; would use “fake marijuana” or “synthetic marijuana” or “Spice” [More]

May 26, 2015
by Cynthia Morales

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Josh Duggar- Molestation Reality

May 26, 2015 09:55 by Cynthia Morales  [About the Author]

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A popular celebrity publication, In Touch Weekly, exposed a family secret last week hidden for over a decade by the popular reality television family, the Duggars, who star in TLC’s long-running “19 Kids and Counting”. Josh Duggar, 27, eldest male member of a family known for their televised and strong Christian views, confirmed an uncovered police report from 2008 detailing his sexual molestation of multiple girls, a number that includes his own sisters. [More]

May 25, 2015
by Lorna Hecht, MFT

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Hillary Clinton: Is the U.S. ready for its first woman president?

May 25, 2015 10:25 by Lorna Hecht, MFT  [About the Author]

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On April 12, 2015, Hillary Clinton made the long-awaited announcement that she’s entering the 2016 U.S. presidential race. Part of the public discourse around her candidacy is the issue of sexism; is Hillary being treated differently (worse) because she’s a woman. Or maybe there’s something more basic at work here. Something fundamental to all living things. It could be that homeostasis is the common denominator driving what can otherwise be viewed simplistically as bigoted behavior in politics. [More]

May 23, 2015
by Raushannah Johnson-Verwayne,Psy.D.


Summertime Safety: Beyond Bug spray, Bottled Water, and Backpacks

May 23, 2015 09:34 by Raushannah Johnson-Verwayne,Psy.D.  [About the Author]

Summertime is known to be a time of relaxation, fun, family time, and long and lazy days. It is also a time when children are a little more independent, as they are off with friends, away at camp, on vacations and field trips, and learning and trying new things. Generally speaking, parents are prepared to send children on their adventures. Their backpacks are armed with bug spray, bottled water, sunscreen, hand sanitizer, and with extras of everything just in case. But what is often missed is the opportunity to arm them with safety from those who may try to harm them. [More]