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November 8, 2017
by Tracey Block

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30 Men Grew 30 Moustaches. The Rest is History.

November 8, 2017 23:53 by Tracey Block  [About the Author]

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More than just a contest to grow the best moustache, Movember has grown into a campaign successfully bolstering recognition of male cancers and male mental health issues. Thanks to its efforts, new websites and organizations catering to male needs continue to be established, and therapists worldwide are realizing the needs of the male psyche have long been ignored. [More]

October 26, 2017
by Melanie Laing

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Is A Florida Neighborhood being Terrorized by a Serial Killer?

October 26, 2017 07:00 by Melanie Laing  [About the Author]

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Recently, Florida police have said they are searching for a possible serial killer believed to have fatally shot three people over the last two weeks. This brings to light the problem of psychopathy. All psychopaths do not become serial murderers. Instead, serial murderers may have some or many of the traits consistent with psychopathy. Psychopaths who commit serial murder don’t value human life. However, psychopathy alone does not explain the motivations of a serial killer. [More]

August 30, 2016
by Hilda Huj


Cyberbullying: The New Era of Bullying That Affects Us All

August 30, 2016 00:02 by Hilda Huj  [About the Author]

Bullying has been a social problem since the beginning of civilized men. Therefore, it is no surprise that there are many different definitions of bullying. However, generally speaking, we can define bullying as repeated intimidation, over time, of a physical, verbal, and psychological nature of a less powerful person by a more powerful person or group of people [More]

August 14, 2016
by Agnes Oh, PsyD, LMFT

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Pokemon Fever: A New Cultural Phenomenon Consuming Humanity

August 14, 2016 09:35 by Agnes Oh, PsyD, LMFT   [About the Author]

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In this era of mobile technology, video games have never been more popular. Among them, Pokemon by Nintendo is considered to be one of the most beloved games with the biggest fan base around the globe. Since its creation 17 years ago, Pokemon has dominated the field of mobile games, especially with the latest version of Pokemon Go [More]

August 5, 2016
by Henry M. Pittman, MA

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Ubre Not Winning the Battle of Drunk Driving

August 5, 2016 08:01 by Henry M. Pittman, MA  [About the Author]

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It’s Friday or Saturday night. It has been a long work week and one is looking forward to the weekend. A way to relax or reward oneself for the hard work one has put in generally is associated with a drink or two of an alcoholic beverage. No harm in that. The harm comes in when one has become intoxicated from the amount of alcohol he or she has consumed that night and decides to drive home under the influence. [More]