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November 13, 2015
by Agnes Oh, PsyD, LMFT

dad son swinging

Science Behind Power of Play: How Play Can Improve Health, Work, and Family Relationships

November 13, 2015 13:00 by Agnes Oh, PsyD, LMFT   [About the Author]

dad son swinging
With the advance of technology, human lives have become increasingly more hectic and complicated. As a result, many people are deprived of the necessary time to relax and play for pure fun. If prolonged, however, this state of privation could engender adverse ramifications on health and relationships. [More]

October 29, 2015
by Anne Kip Watson


Football Season - Preventing Child Head Trauma

October 29, 2015 04:04 by Anne Kip Watson  [About the Author]

With recent headlines for the National Football League on head injuries revealing devastating results, more questions are now being raised about how to keep kids safe from similar future outcomes. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and Boston University, new research examining the brains of 91 deceased football players found signs of chronic traumatic encephalopathy or CTE in 96 perfect of them. [More]

October 5, 2015
by Eric Ellis, Psy.D.

Breaking the Stigma of Psychosomatization

October 5, 2015 07:55 by Eric Ellis, Psy.D.  [About the Author]

If you are suffering from a so-called psychosomatic disorder, you know how deflating it can be to go to the doctor and be told the problem is in your head. Unfortunately, this experience gives people the false impression that there symptoms are not real. In this video podcast, learn how to contextualize so-called psychosomatic issues in a western medicine world. [More]

October 3, 2015
by Christie Hunter

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Hajj Takes Over 1000 Lives- Brutal Stampede

October 3, 2015 07:55 by Christie Hunter  [About the Author]

bigstock defocussed concert crowd at mu 83956181
In the deadliest incident in 25 years, more than 1000 people are dead and over 900 injured during the last rituals of the Hajj, the Islamic annual pilgrimage that takes place each year in Saudi Arabia. The stampede occurred during a ritual called “stoning the devil” on Thursday, with some pilgrims saving their entire lives in order to participate. The event was held in a tent city about two miles from the holy site in Islam’s holiest city, Mecca. More than 2 million pilgrims attend the Hajj in Saudi Arabia. The pilgrimage is a requirement of Islam that all Muslims make the pilgrims at least once in their lives. [More]