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December 28, 2017
by Tracey Block

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The answer may be just below the surface

December 28, 2017 01:04 by Tracey Block  [About the Author]

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For some sufferers of chronic depression, medications and psychotherapy bring no relief. For those people, researchers are looking at a completely different kind of treatment. And while drilling a hole into the brain may sound like something out of science fiction movies, it just might be the answer. The treatment requires a very small hole in the brain—but, it has been showing big results. [More]

December 25, 2017
by Tracey Block

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Make Mental Health a Priority in the Last Days of 2017

December 25, 2017 23:34 by Tracey Block  [About the Author]

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The last week of December rushes past in a whirlwind of remembering gifts, managing party schedules, and recalling recipe ingredients. Sometimes in the haste of it all, we forget what is most important--our mental health. Professionals suggest managing mental health issues as well in the last week of December as in the other 51 weeks of the year. How can you prevent one week of festivities from undoing all your hard work? [More]

November 27, 2017
by Tracey Block

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Technology is Reshaping Mental Health

November 27, 2017 08:00 by Tracey Block  [About the Author]

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Mental health therapy. The words conjure images of a patient lying on a couch while a Freudian-looking therapist sits in an adjacent chair, notebook and pen poised to write. But in the 21st century, there are powerful new mental health options: digital tools. What are they and which ones would you trust with your mental health? [More]

April 10, 2015
by Andrea Ruse, LCPC, LAC, CCDP-D, RPT

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4 Year Old Girl Can’t Stop Eating Carpet: Parents at “Wits’ End”

April 10, 2015 09:13 by Andrea Ruse, LCPC, LAC, CCDP-D, RPT  [About the Author]

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Eating her own carpet padding is a typical behavior for one child in England. Meet four-year old Jessica Knight of Cambridgeshire. Little Jessica has been struggling with a psychological condition known as Pica; a condition in which an individual craves and ingests non-nutritional substances, such as mud, chalk, paint, glue, etc. Parents Kelly and Chris Knight were interviewed and reported that they were unaware of their daughter’s unusual habits at until Jessica was around 2 years old and was discovered eating her faux-leather chair. In response to her most recent Pica activity, Kelly expressed shock at the amount of Jessica’s carpet padding that was eaten away. [More]

March 2, 2015
by Angela Wurtzel, MA, MFT, CEDS


The Hunger for a Juice Cleanse

March 2, 2015 07:55 by Angela Wurtzel, MA, MFT, CEDS  [About the Author]

Hidden behind the healthy benefits of the marketing strategies of a juice cleanse lie a magical lure to lose weight. Juice cleanses plead to those who seek impulsive, quick fixes to lose weight from binge eating disorder. Understanding the underlying motivations, hopes and wishes that go largely unnoticed in the conscious mind to begin a juice cleanse would initiate a more sound way to feed oneself. [More]

February 9, 2015
by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.

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Understanding the Role of Cognitive Dissonance in Addiction

February 9, 2015 07:55 by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.  [About the Author]

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Humans are fascinating, and sometimes baffling creatures. Psychologists have developed multitudes of theories about why we do the things we do. Their research helps us understand the connections between our thinking, our behavior, and our emotions. For example, why do we help a stranger even when it puts us in danger? Why do we do things that we know are bad for us? Why do we say one thing, and then do another? In addition to trying to answer questions like these, psychological research can also to help behavioral health professionals develop more effective treatments for mental illness and emotional distress. FB- If you have an addiction, you use cognitive dissonance every day even if you don't know it. Find out why and how you can manage it to your benefit. [More]

January 27, 2015
by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.

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Recognizing and Overcoming Food Addiction

January 27, 2015 07:55 by Lisa La Rose, M.A., L.P.C.  [About the Author]

recognizingand overcoming food addiction
Can we really become addicted to something we need to survive? First, we must understand what addiction is, and what it isn’t, to determine if eating behaviors and food can become addictions, with the symptoms and consequences associated with other types of addictions, like drug or alcohol addiction. Only then can we understand why many professionals believe that we can, indeed, become addicted to food. [More]