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September 2, 2013
by Ashley Marie


Time Manage Today, Walk the Stage Tomorrow

September 2, 2013 16:05 by Ashley Marie  [About the Author]

You walked the stage on the day of your high school graduation. But will you do it this time around? Though many bright-eyed university students walk onto campus filled with hopes dreams, not all of them leave with a degree. The university dropout rate is 16% in Canada.[1] In the United States, the situation is even worse: a mere 53% of American students actually walk the stage.[2] There are m... [More]

September 1, 2013
by Cindy Marie Hosszu

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I Want To Be Alone

September 1, 2013 09:00 by Cindy Marie Hosszu  [About the Author]

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Social Creatures We humans are social animals. Our minds and bodies are wired to socialize for good reason. As a species, we use our socialization to solve problems, find safety, and survive. Every now and then, of course, we need a break from the social pack, and to retreat to a more quiet state of solitude, but what happens when that solitude becomes isolation? Sometimes we feel alone, even ... [More]

August 31, 2013
by Christie Hunter

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Homeschooling And Armed Police Raids.

August 31, 2013 17:44 by Christie Hunter  [About the Author]

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Would you call it “progress” if our society outlawed homeschooling under the threat of having licensed social workers and police raid your home and forcibly take your children away? This is not only possible in some countries in Europe, but has just actually happened. We were disturbed to read of a recent event in Germany where a home was raided with a battering ram, a team of armed ... [More]

August 30, 2013
by Cindy Marie Hosszu


Protect Yourself While Online

August 30, 2013 09:00 by Cindy Marie Hosszu  [About the Author]

Back to School Series: Technology and the internet have changed how we communicate, how we learn, and how we take care of business. It has given us new ways to create, and experience the world around us. Unfortunately, some of the ways we have used technology to evolve are very negative. In the 2008/2009 school year, 20% of students experienced bullying by electronic means, and 28% experience... [More]

August 30, 2013
by Cindy Marie Hosszu

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This is not a rite of passage...

August 30, 2013 08:00 by Cindy Marie Hosszu  [About the Author]

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Back to School Series: Bullying and being bullied is not a part of growing up. Bullying is not “kids being kids.” Being bullied is not a rite of passage. Over time, psychologists have come to understand just how damaging bullying behaviors can be to children, and into adulthood. Kids who are bullied are more likely to experience depression, anxiety, sadness, loneliness, changes i... [More]

August 28, 2013
by Cindy Marie Hosszu

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Having Trouble Letting Go, Or Just Keeping Kids Safe?

August 28, 2013 16:20 by Cindy Marie Hosszu  [About the Author]

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Back to School Series: There goes your child…. And most of your heart We notice it on that first day of kindergarten, or the first time our kids ride their bike out of our sight, or want to walk to a friend’s house. That sense of pride, and joy mixed with a crushing sense of fear and loss, as we watch our children grow, and experience the normal independence that will eventually bri... [More]

August 27, 2013
by Ashley Marie


Once Upon a Time, Your Child Hated Books

August 27, 2013 14:55 by Ashley Marie  [About the Author]

Back to School Series: I distinctly remember loving story time with my mum but dreading story time with our elementary school librarian. With mum, I could snuggle up next to her on the living room sofa, drink a cup of hot chocolate, watch her face light up as she neared the climax of the story, and lose myself in the magic of the moment. But with our librarian, I had to sit on a hard floor, lis... [More]

August 23, 2013
by Sheila Hutchinson, M.Ed.

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Forgiveness: Reflections on the movie “The Abyss”

August 23, 2013 18:57 by Sheila Hutchinson, M.Ed.  [About the Author]

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Directed by Canadian Film Maker Mr.James Cameron Like all great artists and masters of language, Mr. Cameron's genius opens up the deeper and sometimes hidden collective themes and truths of life. On the surface, "The Abyss" presents a good story filled with elements of mission, danger and risk. Basically the story is about a team of people on an undersea drilling rig who are asked by the milita... [More]

August 23, 2013
by Cindy Marie Hosszu


Afternoon Dance Party Anyone?

August 23, 2013 08:15 by Cindy Marie Hosszu  [About the Author]

Why Do I feel so tired? It is finally Friday! We are energized and eager to get that inbox emptied just in time for the weekend. Until that three o’clock crash hits us like a heat wave in the desert. Why is it that most people get so sleepy between two and four o’clock each day? We eat right, we love our jobs, and we want to be attentive and aware until that clock strikes five, but... [More]

August 21, 2013
by Ashley Marie

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The Ultimate Match: The Male vs. the Female Brain

August 21, 2013 17:00 by Ashley Marie  [About the Author]

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WEDNESDAY WISDOM Our world has been shaped by the brilliance of both male and female minds. Notable men include Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, and Sigmund Freud. And notable women include Charlotte Brontë, Margaret Thatcher, Barbara Walters, and Caroline Herschel. However, it remains a relatively taboo question to ask whether there are differences between the male and... [More]