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January 2, 2024
by Patricia Tomasi

How Much Do The Holidays Stress You Out? A Lot According To A New Survey

January 2, 2024 08:00 by Patricia Tomasi  [About the Author]

A new survey was recently released by the American Heart Association regarding health habits during the holidays. The survey found that nearly 80 per cent of people overlook their health needs during the holidays.

“The survey is about the general trends and attitudes U.S. adults have about stress during the holiday season,” Dr. Glenn Levine told us. Dr. Levine is a volunteer medical expert from the American Heart Association. “Many people do not realize the impact stress can have on heart-health, so the survey is meant to help contextualize how people are feeling during this time of year.”

The survey also found that it takes weeks for over half of people in the U.S. to eradicate stress following the holiday break and mothers in particular say that it takes them a month or more to feel themselves again.

A whopping 70 per cent of U.S. adults who took the survey say they wish they took more downtime during the holidays. Over 60 per cent of U.S. adults who participated in the survey say the holidays are more stressful than tax time. Most Americans who took the survey say they wish they could prioritize sleep, exercise, and healthy eating during the holidays.

“There were some interesting responses,” Dr. Levine told us. “Overall, respondents claimed they find the holiday season more stressful than tax season.”

People also reported they struggle with eating healthy, exercising, and getting enough sleep during the holidays. All these things are important habits to keep up with year-round for better mental and physical health.

“One of the surprising findings is that most people spend this time of year focusing so much on others that they lose sight of their own needs and health, and that once the season is over, they regret not taking the time to enjoy the holidays and relax,” Dr. Levine told us. “It’s a good reminder to prioritize our own health.”

Dr. Levine advises that during the holidays, people shouldn’t completely abandon healthy habits or push off taking care of yourself until the New Year.

“Carve out time every day to decompress, enjoy holiday meals in moderation and stay present during the holidays so you can enjoy the time,” Dr. Levine told us. “Prioritizing your own health is a gift for you and your loved ones.”

About the Author

Patricia Tomasi

Patricia Tomasi is a mom, maternal mental health advocate, journalist, and speaker. She writes regularly for the Huffington Post Canada, focusing primarily on maternal mental health after suffering from severe postpartum anxiety twice. You can find her Huffington Post biography here. Patricia is also a Patient Expert Advisor for the North American-based, Maternal Mental Health Research Collective and is the founder of the online peer support group - Facebook Postpartum Depression & Anxiety Support Group - with over 1500 members worldwide. Blog:

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