Find An Eating Disorder Therapist in Lashburn, SK.

Experienced counsellors in Lashburn, SK for anorexia, bulimia, food aversion, orthorexia nervosa and other food issues.

Marla Rauser, B.A., HON, B.S.W.,R.S.W
Eating Disorder Counsellor

Marla Rauser, B.A., HON, B.S.W.,R.S.W

Registered Social Worker/Family Counsellor

In T9V 2T5 - Nearby to Lashburn.

Eating disorders can be challenging to manage. Reaching out to talk to someone who can help you manage your thoughts and emotions associated with eating disorders is essential to your healing journey. I can help guide you through personal discovery of thoughts and feelings that may be contributing to unhealthy behaviour patterns where you can learn effective skill building

Heather Awad, MCP, RCC
Eating Disorder Counselor

Heather Awad, MCP, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

Available for Online Therapy

If you’ve struggled with disordered eating, you are all too familiar with compulsive behavior, obsessive thoughts and a disconnect from the body. You may also have a constant need for control while at the same time feeling a frightening and exhausting loss of all control. Please know that none of this is your choice, but rather is a state of stress and overwhelm while you do your best to feel better. I have nothing but compassion for the distress that comes with food-related challenges, and you have my commitment to help you care for the difficult underlying emotions involved. Together, we will create a safe space to move towards healing and a safe relationship with food and the body.

Jennifer Beattie, M.Sc., M.T.S.
Eating Disorder Counsellor

Jennifer Beattie, M.Sc., M.T.S.

Registered Psychologist AB & SK

In T9V 1V8 - Nearby to Lashburn.

I have worked with people who struggle with eating disorders in the past several years. I specifically work with issues of bulimia and binge eating disorder. I use a two prong approach, with a focus on healing underlying emotions that may be driving the behavior and a focus on behavior change...simply changing the habits that reinforce the problem behavior.

You Have Found Honest and Real Therapy for Food Issues in Lashburn, SK.

Are you ready to start on a new path? Thank you for visiting our Saskatchewan search of licensed therapists in Lashburn who specialize and have experience treating food issues such as anorexia, over eating, food aversions, orthorexia nervosa and bulimia.  Food issues affect anyone, both children and adults and can impede our relationships and daily life. Counselling for help with food and eating is a vital component of healthy recovery and restoration. Find the right counselor for eating and food issues in Lashburn right now and begin your new life.

Lashburn is located in Saskatchewan, Canada. It has a land area of 3.11 square kilometers.  The population of Lashburn is 983 people with 363 households . The population ranking for Lashburn is #2113 nationally and #127 for the province of Saskatchewan with a density of 315.70 people per sq km. Lashburn therapists serve postal code: S0M.