School is now in full swing and children, as well as then
parents, are probably experiencing increased demands on their time and their
coping abilities. School involves concerns beyond those experienced by parents
when they were children. Not only do children today report anxiety about school
performance and acceptance, they also deal with increased violence in their
place of learning. While there are no simple solutions or easy answers to
social violence, there are things parents and concerned adults can do to create
safe relationships and to develop an understanding of how to help children cope
with their feelings and develop strategies to assist them in managing the
problems and stresses of daily living. Resilience is one of those things.
Resiliency has become a buzz word in recent years. But, how
many parents and caregivers understand resiliency and how to cultivate
resiliency in their children? What does it mean to be “resilient?” Dictionaries
generally indicate agree resilience is the ability to rebound or bounce back
from a stressful situation or event to a pre-stress level of functioning. The
definition appears to apply across many fields, not only psychology and
sociology. The resiliency of a material is its ability to endure applied
pressure and then return to its previous state before the pressure was applied.
A rubber band when stretched and released bounces back and appears no worse for
the wear. However, that same rubber band is unlikely to return to its original
shape when stretched to capacity for long periods of time, or it may break when
the force applied exceeds its structural capacity. Resilience in people is
similar and is important because resilient children area able to bounce back
from adversity and stress more quickly than non-resilient children. It is
likely correlated with several factors commonly referenced as nature (genetic)
and nurture (environmental). For example, in infancy a child’s temperament is
often recognized by parents and caregivers through their conversations with
others stating their newborn seems to be fussy or highly active while their other
newborns seem to have been born with a calm and passive demeanor. Whether the
observation is nature or nurture is difficult to assess even when the infant’s
temperament coincides with the biological mother’s experience of fetal behavior
during pregnancy. What matters most is how parents manage their reactions to
their children and situations involving their children, and whether parents
teach their children healthy coping skills and problem skills to manage
appropriately temperamental behaviors.
While life will provide many situations that can challenge a
child’s core identity and sense of value, one of the greatest challenges
children will struggle with is that of relationships. Through teachable
moments, which are excellent moments of intervention when parents can help
children develop healthy coping and problem solving skills, children can learn
how their choices and actions affect others, and about accountability. Fay et
al. (2015) propose that childhood is a
great time for children to learn from their mistake by being allowed to
experience the consequences of their poor choices because the consequences of
those mistakes are much less severe than the consequences of poor choices made
in adulthood. For example, the consequences of skipping bee practice for an
eighth grader in likely to be less severe than the consequences of skipping a
mandatory function as an employee. Mistakes in childhood can be great
opportunities for learning how to become a responsible and productive adult.
Responsible parenting is the key to fostering resilience in
children. Through attuned care-giving, relational foundations are laid early in
a child’s life even when caregivers are unaware of the great power they hold in
shaping a child’s life. Early childhood caregivers, especially, have the power
to shape the direction of a child’s life through words and actions used to
communicate approval and disapproval. Their words can create confusion through
mixed messages when what is said does not match attitude or action leaving the
recipient feeling confused and insecure. Mixed messages can go both ways with
messages that a) sound pleasant or b) sound threatening but the corresponding
actions and nonverbal communication indicates the opposite. The underdeveloped
brain cannot make sense of where things stand or exactly what is and is not
acceptable-including them. How can children view themselves and other people as
safe or valuable when early formative experiences suggest otherwise? Or how can
they be expected to form strong healthy attachments in relationships if early
formative experiences have borne out their needs and feelings do not matter?
How do children develop a clear sense of identity and character as they mature
when their role models have modeled inconsistency, incongruencies, and lack of
affection, rigidity, or lack of accountability both personally and as parental
On some level most caregivers will admit that children, even
adolescents and emerging young adults, are still developing and maturing, and
are not miniature adults possessing the experiential knowledge or abilities of
seasoned adulthood. Yet, many youth today admit to feeling frustrated, angry,
and misunderstood despite a more informed generation of parents about child
development. Information and support is a quick click away via the Internet with
a plethora of resources and experts available to educate and support parents
who take the initiative to ask for help, or to learn about early childhood
development both through literature, web sites, and media.
Parents and caregivers can foster resiliency in children
through exposure to a variety of healthy activities, through multiple
opportunities to contribute to the family and social groups, and by being
allowed to participate in making decisions (and being allowed to experience the
consequences of poor decisions). A responsible parent allows children to make
mistakes and to experience the consequences of those mistakes realizing this is
part of a child’s maturation process towards becoming a responsible adult able
to function in society. When it comes to those things that can result in
serious consequences, such as alcohol and drug use, parents set clear guidelines
recognizing children’s minds are still unable to fully process the long-term
effects of those activities and consequences of a poor choice related thereto. In
a survey of adolescents conducted by Feldhahn and Rice (2007), teens admitted
they are not truthful with their parents because they do not believe their
parents are safe people with whom they can disclose their true thoughts and
feelings. The kind of safe relationships children want and need from their
parents are developed over a period of years beginning early in life.
Resiliency is built through modeling appropriate problem
solving skills and behavior. Anger management specialists purport people (including
children) become angry when they perceive a need is not being met. Marriage
therapists John and Julie Gottman state arguments erupt when a needed
conversation did not take place. How parents approach problems and disputes
contribute to children’s understanding about how to manage their environments.
Can needs be discussed without fear of sarcasm, contempt, criticism, or emotional
shutdown? Children need opportunities to voice their concerns and their needs,
perhaps even more so than adults because they lack the experiential knowledge
and processing skills often needed to manage their environments effectively.
Parents are the primary architects for building a culture of
resiliency for their children. It is through a warm and positive relationship
with clear and consistent rules and consequences that children build trust and
resiliency. This safety net allows children to have the internal protections
needed to explore their environment and develop positive relationships with
peers and adults (The Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2015). The nurturing
parent will provide a safe and healthy environment for their child and will
have high expectations for their child based on the child’s developmental level
and needs. The escalating nature of violence and frustration among adolescents
and young adults is a symptom of a deeper societal problem that cannot be
ignored and expected to resolve itself. Today’s children need strong nurturing
relationships more than ever if future escalating levels of violent behavior
are to be curtailed. Resiliency may be a missing core characteristic in
children and youth who commit acts of violence. Maybe it is time to look at
investing in a safer future by fostering resilient children who possess
effective problem solving skills and healthy emotional management skills.
Fay J. & Cline, F. W. Love and Logic. Retrieved October
20, 2015 from
Feldhahn, S. & Rice, L. A. (2007). For Parents Only.
Multnomah Books. Colorado Springs Co.
Gottman, J. & Gottman, J. S. (2012). Bridging the Couple Chasm. The Gottman Institute Inc. Seattle, WA.
The Child Welfare Information Gateway. Nurturing and Attachment. Retrieved October 20, 2015 from
Dictionary. What is resilience? Retrieved October 20, 2015 from
About the Author
Karen J. Allen, MS, LMHCKaren invests her time and energies towards helping people overcome the effects of painful situations and events. She works extensively with people using various therapeutic skills such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy, Accelerated Resolution Therapy, clinical hypnosis, Rapid Resolution Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and other trauma focused interventions including traumatic grief.
Office Location:
716 S. Oakwood Ave.
Brandon, Florida
United States
Phone: 813-373-0315
Contact Karen J. Allen
Karen J. Allen has a clinical practice in Brandon, FL
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