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Are Loners Happy?

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Are you a recluse, hermit, shy? Psychological research in the field of Positive Psychology suggests that to live your happiest possible life, you might need to come out of your shell. Dr. Anthony Centore explains how the "extremely social" may be the happiest people.

Do People Get What They Deserve?

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Do we live in a just world where good things happen to good people, and the not-so-good eventually get their just desserts? According to psychological research, we have a tendency to believe in such a "just world", even irrationally so. Dr. Anthony Centore explains.

Repeated Exposure Leads to Fondness

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Can't stand that new hip hop song on the radio? Just give it time. Decades of psychological research confirms what we hate to admit is true-repeated exposure to a stimulus leads to a preference for it. Dr. Anthony Centore explains.

Tips for Handling Performance Pressure

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Learn about how to thrive under pressure to perform.


Services Provided By Therapists

Most psychotherapists, psychologists and counselors offer a variety of therapies and have several areas of expertise. Chances are, regardless of how difficult your situation is, there is a therapist available to you who has years of experience dealing with exactly the hurt and uncertainty you are struggling with. On this page is just a small sample of the different kind of services you can find through professional and compassionate therapy.

Licensed and professional counselors are able to help you anywhere in the world. See our online therapy page to learn more.. You may call, with no obligation, free of charge, any of our online therapists to find the best fit for your unique situation.

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