Category: disabilities

The Centre for ADHD Awareness Canada

CADDAC is a national, not-for-profit, organization providing leadership and support in awareness, education and advocacy for ADHD organizations and individuals across Canada. From a day to day perspective this means CADDAC organizes, builds and presents up-to-date scientifically based, educational programs; actively advocates to government and institutional decision makers for changes that will benefit those with ADHD, their families and care providers; provides one on one support and information to parents and adults with ADHD; provides networking between ADHD groups across Canada, and strives to increase the awareness and understanding of ADHD on all levels. For more information contact us at: Address - 7800 Kennedy Road, Suite 303A Markham ON L3R 2C7 Phone: (416) 637-8584 Website:  (Read More...)
Family Resource Center On Disabilities

Family Resource Center on Disabilities (FRCD) is a training center that provides parents of children with disabilities with information, training, assistance, and support. FRCD helps a wide variety of families and professionals on local, state, and national levels every day through informational workshops, phone trainings, and community outreach. We help you communicate more effectively with school professionals, obtain appropriate services for your child, effect positive change in your child’s school. You can call us at (312)939-3513 or send an e-mail to Our office hours are from Monday thru Friday 9 am to 5 pm. Visit our website at us online at  (Read More...)
For Grace

Founded in 2002, For Grace’s main goal is to increase awareness and promote education of the gender disparity women experience in the assessment and treatment of their pain. We believe empowering women to be better consumers for their pain management care, sensitizing the general public to gender pain disparities and enlightening public policy makers about pain as a major health issue will improve life outcomes for all women in chronic pain. Also, we see increased medical research about the differences in how men and women experience pain as part of the answer to alleviating the toll of human suffering. We believe medical research will pave the way for gender-specific therapies that will better manage persistent pain.  (Read More...)

SAY: The Stuttering Association for the Young is a national non-profit organization that empowers, educates, and supports young people who stutter and the world that surrounds them.  (Read More...)
Central WA Disability Resources

CWDR is a non-residential center for independent living providing assistance through independent living planning, peer support, advocacy, information and referrals. Our Commitment to you For over twenty five years, CWDR has enhanced our communities through advancing the empowerment, inclusion, and wellness of all persons with disabilities through advocacy, community education, peer mentoring, and skill development so that they may realize independence and full participation in life.  (Read More...)
Cure SMA Canada

Support. Research. Hope. The mission Cure SMA Canada Society is: To fund the best possible Canadian research in search of a treatment or cure for Spinal Muscular Atrophy. To support Canadian families and individuals affected by Spinal Muscular Atrophy in every province and territory. To work closely with CURE SMA (USA) and the Scientific Advisory Board in our selection of recipients of research and trial grant monies. To offer and supply information to any Canadian requesting it. To support Canadian families and individuals affected by SMA as newly diagnosed, during the affected person’s lifetime and the family after an affected person passes. To offer support for activities that bring families and individuals together mutually benefitting all that are involved. (example: the annual SMA conference, SMA Family Camp, Parent’s retreat) To support individuals with their fundraising activities benefitting Cure SMA Canada. To supply members with newsletters for the purpose of information, connecting and communication. To connect families to each other through various methods including our website, social media, through our national office, our newsletter and group activities. To help families realize they are not alone with the diagnoses of SMA. That Cure SMA Canada is here for them and will support them in any capacity we can. We understand, because we too are affected by SMA or are parents of children born with Spinal Muscular Atrophy.  (Read More...)
American Chronic Pain Association

Since 1980, the ACPA has offered peer support and education in pain management skills to people with pain, family and friends, and health care professionals. The information and tools on our site can help you to better understand your pain and work more effectively with your health care team toward a higher quality of life.  (Read More...)
Out of the Fog

Out of the FOG was launched in 2007 to provide information and support to the family members and loved-ones of individuals who suffer from a personality disorder. Dealing with a loved-one or family member who suffers from a personality disorder can sometimes feel like navigating through a fog. FOG stands for Fear, Obligation, Guilt - feelings which often result from being in a relationship with a person who suffers from a Personality Disorder. The FOG acronym was coined by Susan Forward & Donna Frazier in their book Emotional Blackmail. It is our hope that this site may help some navigate out of the FOG in their own lives.  (Read More...)
Facing Disability

Facing Disability is a web resource with more than 1,000 videos drawn from interviews of people with spinal cord injuries, their families, caregivers and experts.  (Read More...)
San Andreas Regional Center

Our Vision: People First Through Service, Advocacy, Respect, and Choice - A vision for leadership in service and advocacy for individuals with developmental disabilities. San Andreas Regional Center recognizes the ongoing need for advocacy to sustain the original intent and promise of the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Act and commits itself to protecting its provisions. San Andreas Regional Center strives for community partnership and excellence in customer service with its well-trained staff and service providers who use up-to-date technology, are good at what they do and are committed to this vision. San Andreas Regional Center enables the individuals it serves and their families to determine what happens in their lives. San Andreas Regional Center fulfills this vision through respect for the people it serves and their families, friends, service providers, agencies, staff, and community. San Andreas Regional Center accomplishes this vision through an organization that is trusted, responsive, supportive, creative, proactive, well-managed, and people friendly.  (Read More...)

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