Category: Grief and Loss

Peter's Place

Peter’s Place is a center for grieving children and families located in Radnor, PA. At our center, we offer age-appropriate peer support groups for children ages 4–17. While the children meet, their parents and caregivers have an opportunity to participate in their own peer support group. Additionally, Peter’s Place offers a group for young adults, ages 18-25, and a specialized peer support group called Ryan’s Hope, which is for parents who have experienced the death of a child as a result of addiction.  (Read More...)
Seasons Centre for Grieving Children

Seasons Centre for Grieving Children is a charitable organization serving Simcoe County. We opened our doors in 1995 and have been serving our community with their grief and bereavement since. We offer a variety of no cost peer to peer support groups for children, teens, young adults and their caregivers grieving the death, or life threatening illness of an immediate family member. Participants are supported through the grief process by trained volunteer grief facilitators and program staff in a safe, non-judgmental, home like atmosphere. Our programs are unique and are designed to provide children with the opportunity to express their feelings in appropriate ways. We discuss and identify coping strategies and how we can replace the negative strategies with positive ones. Several of our participants have expressed that Seasons Centre is the only place where they feel comfortable, understood, and not alone when talking about and expressing their grief. There are no fees for our services. Children are able to attend programs regardless of their family’s financial situation.  (Read More...)
Erin's House

Erin’s House provides grief support to children, teens, and their families who have experienced a death of a loved one. Our peer-support program nights offer grieving children and teens the opportunity to be surrounded by others also suffering the death of a loved one, helping them feel a sense of belonging and respect. The bi-monthly peer-support groups are available to ages 3-30, and are no cost to the individuals. Erin’s House is located in Fort Wayne, Indiana. For more information, call 260-423-2466 or visit  (Read More...)
The Grief Toolbox

When it comes to dealing with grief, it can be a challenge to find the resources we need to educate ourselves and our loved ones on what is happening and how to best keep going forward. Having been down this road, we want to give back. We want to reach out to those who are earlier on this road. We cannot make your pain go away, nor can we provide answers for you. What we can do is help you to find the tools that you need to work through your grief journey. Thus was born The Grief Toolbox. The Grief Toolbox is an ambitious project. Its goal is to be an all-encompassing place for grief tools: a singular area where a person can find all the resources they need to help them with that grief that neither time nor money can solve. We here at the Grief Toolbox understand that needs change as we go from the raw encompassing pain of the first year to the stark reality of the second year, and then to the growth and reinventing ourselves of the middle years to the acceptance and blessing that now coexists with the pain and love that will always be a part of our life. Grief, in our opinion, falls into two categories: grief that can be solved with time or money, and grief that can not be solved. If you leave your favorite coat on a plane, with time and money you can replace it and the grief will slowly fade. However, with the loss of a loved one - whether a spouse, a parent, a child or a sibling - no time and no amount of money will make this grief go away.  (Read More...)
National Widowers' Organization

The National Widowers’ Organization educates the public about the special needs of men who have lost their spouse or life partner. We do this by promoting the development of support groups for men to manage their grief and adjust to a new life and by advocating for research into mens unique needs to deal with grief and spousal loss. Our vision is to make appropriate groups available nationwide to all widowers that seek support.  (Read More...)
Walking Through Grief

The Walking Through Grief product line is divided in to two sections. One is a series of single short DVDs with a variety of different focuses. Each DVD is designed to stand-alone and be used by individuals or groups around a specific topic. The second section is a grief program designed to be used in a facilitated environment that includes everything you need to run and facilitate a successful grief support group.  (Read More...)

The Erika Whitmore Godwin Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, has five primary goals: (1) to provide hope and support to any parent who loses a child; (2) to support siblings, family members, and friends impacted by the death of a child; (3) to educate the public about the loss of a child, letting them know how they can support parents in rebuilding their lives; (4) to educate and collaborate with professionals who deal with the death of a child; and, (5) to provide ways for parents to honor their child.  (Read More...)
Camp Erin

Created and supported by The Moyer Foundation, Camp Erin is the largest national bereavement program for youth grieving the death of a significant person in their lives. Children and teens ages 6-17 attend a weekend camp experience that combines traditional, fun camp activities with grief education and emotional support, free of charge for all families. Led by grief professionals and trained volunteers, Camp Erin provides a unique opportunity for youth to restore hope, enhance self-esteem, and learn that they are not alone. There are 48 locations in the U.S. and Canada serving over 3000 grieving families each year.  (Read More...)

HealGrief, a nonprofit, is a social support network for people who are grieving, bereaved or for those just wanting to help them. By taking a modern approach to the way individuals communicate a loved one’s death, HealGrief brings family, friends and communities from around the globe to a virtual place to grieve and heal together. Everything they do is inspired by their core mission: guiding one’s journey with grief into a healthy grief recovery. From the moment a loved one dies, guides individuals through grief’s journey. They begin by taking the place of the traditional obituary. At no cost, users create a funeral notice and can choose to disseminate it to family and friends around the globe. From within the funeral notice, virtual candles are lit and memories are shared. Cathartic to users, this provides instant comfort as the funeral notice transitions into a celebration of the decedent’s life. This online interaction, changes the way we handle grief, but ultimately provides comfort as one journeys to a healthy grief recovery. Additional no-fee programs include a virtual: Candle Gallery - Individuals can light and share a virtual candle in memory of their loved one; Before I Die…wall - A virtual wall provoking thoughts about living life, to its fullest, every day. Loss Project & Artful Healing - Inspiring healing through art. PetsCountToo! - Providing tools to guide a child’s first experience with death into a healthy grief recovery.  (Read More...)
Grief In Common

Feeling lost, isolated and alone in your grief? Finding people who understand can be a big challenge in grief, but the right support can help. Grief in Common is the only online community that has been designed to connect those who are grieving based on background and similar experiences of loss. Our site is constantly monitored to create a safe, warm and welcoming environment. Professional grief facilitators are on hand to provide one-on-one support or answer any questions you may have. Sign up today to create a profile that outlines who you are, who you’ve lost and the circumstances surrounding that loss, and make a connection with someone who understands.  (Read More...)

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