Category: Youth

Matthew Silverman Memorial Foundation

The Matthew Silverman Memorial Foundation was founded in 2013 in memory of Matthew, who took his own life in January 2006. He was a compassionate and intelligent young man with limitless potential that chose a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Unfortunately, this choice is all too common amongst our youth in today's climate. The rate of suicide among persons 10-24 has increased by 56% between 2007-2017, affecting young adults regardless of race, religion, gender and socio-economical background. Experiencing the hardship that came with the lose of our founder’s son, he was motivated to find meaning and purpose after Matt’s passing. Ron Silverman wanted to reduce the possibility that any family has to go through the pain that he has gone through. With that hope, the birth of the Matthew Silverman Memorial Foundation (MSMF) was formed with the main goal opening the dialogue on mental health between youth, parents and educators. Our foundation is a nonprofit public charity that strives to backdown the stigmatism that surrounds mental health, primarily focusing on our youth. We provide financial and programmatic support as well as mental health program for teens, young adults, teacher and parents throughout the country. We covered over 99% of the expenses for programming, which can cost up to $10,000.00 per school, per year. Since the inception of our school programming in 2015 we have presented in over 150 institutions and 319 programs in elementary, middle, high schools, colleges and community centers across the United States. We have now reached over 360,000 students, parents and faculty but we need to do more. Below you will find a list of some of the programs that we offer: - Parent Training - Faculty Training - Student Curriculum - School Clubs - Campaigns - Community Events - Signs of Suicide Program - Student Assemblies with speakers that discuss a range of mental health issues (i.e. Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar, OCD ect). The topics are curtailed to whatever you choose  (Read More...)
CHADS Coalition

CHADS' mission is to save young lives by advancing the awareness and prevention of depression and suicide. We work to eliminate the stigma associated with mental illness and the suicide of young people, facilitate healing in the community, and instill hope in families struggling with mental illness or suicide. CHADS offers school outreach programs, community awareness presentations and classes as well as family support programs to advance the awareness and prevention of depression and suicide. Additionally, CHADS holds events each year (trivia night in March, Kids Walking for Kids in May and a walk/run in the fall) to raise awareness and funds for mental health.  (Read More...)
Kelty Mental Health

The Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre provides information, resources, peer support and system navigation to children, youth and families in BC who are experiencing mental health and/or substance use challenges.  (Read More...)
Laing House

Laing House's mission is to empower youth living with mental illness through innovative youth engagement and peer support. We are a drop-in centre and community of peer support for youth aged 16 – 29 with lived mental health experience. Members can meet friends who have gone through similar experiences and support each other as they find wellness. We offer peer support, social support, innovative programming and much more. New members can self refer or get connected via their clinician. For more information, please contact our Membership Coordinator at or call 902-425-9018.  (Read More...)
Tyler Clementi Foundation

Our mission is to end online and offline bullying in schools, workplaces, and faith communities. The Tyler Clementi Foundation was founded by the Clementi family to prevent bullying through inclusion and the assertion of dignity and acceptance as a way to honor the memory of Tyler: a son, a brother, and a friend. Through programs such as #Day1, which provides free downloadable toolkits customized for different communities, the foundation encourages leadership to create safe spaces where individuals move from being bystanders to Upstanders who embrace diversity.  (Read More...)
Young Carers Program

The Young Carers Program of Hospice Toronto is a GTA based program supporting children and youth 5-18 who are in a caregiving role for a family member living with a chronic or life-threatening illness, a disability, a mental illness or addiction, or a language barrier. The Young Carers Program offers programs, workshops and special events throughout Toronto to support Young Carers. The therapeutic and recreational programs offer Young Carers opportunities to foster resilience, build skills, connect to peers and just have fun! Programs include, but are not limited to, cooking workshops, sports programs, camp, expressive arts, games, day trips, homework help, leadership workshops, medical education, and so much more!  (Read More...)
Camp Mariposa

Created and supported by The Moyer Foundation, Camp Mariposa is a national addiction prevention and mentoring program for youth impacted by substance abuse in their families. Children ages 9-12 attend transformational weekend camps multiple times a year, always free of charge. Additional education and mentoring activities are offered to campers, teens, and their families throughout the year giving youth the knowledge, coping skills and confidence to prevent them from developing an addiction of their own. Led by mental health professionals and trained volunteers, Camp Mariposa provides a safe, fun and supportive environment critical to help break the cycle of family addiction across 12 locations nationwide.  (Read More...)
Youth Mental Health Canada

Youth Mental Health Canada is a grassroots, youth-driven and led non-profit organization focused on education, advocacy and filmmaking for youth mental health change. We advocate for greater funding of publicly funded, culturally sensitive, needs-based, innovative supports and services in healthcare and education. We believe that mental health and physical health should be valued equally. We need immediate and effective responses to mental health issues and crises. Waiting one year to access therapy, have a psychological-educational assessment and/or participate in in-patient or out-patient programs needs to change. We know what works for youth with mental health disabilities in the school system and we strongly advocate for suicide prevention strategies that demonstrate the value we place on the lives of all youth in Canada. We share international best practice and evidence-based news and information on youth mental health issues.  (Read More...)
Will To Live Foundation

The Will To Live® Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity that was created in October of 2010 to spread the awareness of teen suicide in our communities. The Will to Live Foundation is dedicated to preventing teen suicide by improving the lives and the ‘Will To Live’ of teenagers everywhere through education about mental health and encouraging them to recognize the love and hope that exists in each other. We achieve this mission by: RAISING AWARENESS (of teen suicide in our communities) INCREASING EDUCATION (of mental illnesses like depression & their stigmas) DELIVERING HOPE (to teens everywhere through our Life Teammates® programs  (Read More...)
Second Wind Fund

Second Wind Fund believes that every child and youth at risk of suicide should have access to the mental health treatment they need. We match children and youth at risk for suicide with licensed therapists in their communities. If a financial or social barrier to treatment is present, we pay for up to 12 sessions of therapy from one of our specialized network providers. Our unique program helps referred youth discover hope and healing in their lives. Address: 899 Logan St, Suite 208, Denver, CO 80203 Phone: 720-962-0706 Website:  (Read More...)

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