Category: trauma

Women Against Abuse

Women Against Abuse, Inc. is the leading domestic violence service provider in Philadelphia. We serve an average of nearly 12,000 people each year through emergency safe havens and transitional housing, legal representation, community-based supportive services, trauma-informed behavioral health therapy, hotline counseling, community education, advocacy, and technical assistance.  (Read More...)
South Dakota Network Against Family Violence and Sexual Assault

The South Dakota Network Against Family Violence and Sexual Assault is a state-level non-profit agency comprised of caring people dealing with the concerns of domestic violence and sexual assault victims. Our member programs employ and support individuals of all racial, social, religious and economic groups, ages, abilities, and lifestyles. Rural, urban and tribal areas are proudly represented. The Network believes that the abuse of power in society fosters domestic violence, rape, gender inequality, racism, and poverty by perpetuating conditions in which certain groups benefit from the domination of others. We believe that domestic violence results from the use of force or threat to achieve and maintain control over others in intimate relationships. The Network opposes the use of violence as a means of control over others and supports equality in relationships. All of our programs and services are rooted firmly in the belief that people victimized by crime have the right to assume power over their own lives by making informed choices regarding their empowerment journey. The Network is dedicated to the empowerment of those victimized by domestic or sexual violence. Therefore, we are passionate about eliminating personal and societal violence and welcome the help of all people as allies. We believe in a world free of violence and we are committed to turning this dream into a reality. The Network envisions a world free of violence. We are committed to making this dream a reality by diligently working in collaboration with other community allies to advance prevention endeavors and improve response efforts across our state. Networking with other entities in our community creates avenues to impact long-term systemic and social change.  (Read More...)
Wings Foundation

WINGS’ mission is to break the cycle and heal the wounds of childhood sexual abuse by providing education, advocacy and support to adult survivors, loved ones, providers and communities. Specifically, WINGS works to connect survivors, loved ones, providers and communities with the resources they need to speak about, heal from and thrive beyond CSA trauma, to live their fullest, healthiest lives. We do this by offering referrals to qualified therapists, training and education, and therapist-facilitated support groups in a number of confidential locations to adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse and their loved ones. Our program serves anyone who is 18 and older. Our “Survivors’ & Loved Ones’ Guide to Healing” handbook is a comprehensive resource used in our support groups to facilitate group members’ processes of learning and healing. The most powerful aspect of our program is the dialogue and exchange that occurs among and between group members in their weekly WINGS support group. In addition to support groups, WINGS offers local and national referrals, workshops, speaking presentations and training to survivors, loved ones, service providers and the general community. WINGS also offers this comprehensive website and an onsite resource lending library containing information on healing from childhood sexual abuse and trauma. We invite you to utilize these resources to become more informed and empowered in your own journey as a survivor, loved one, community ally or professional working with CSA trauma. While WINGS is currently based in Denver, Colorado, and our support group services are primarily offered here, we are actively building organizational capacity to be able to offer our services nationwide. If you would like to learn more about being a WINGS partner, please contact our Executive Director at  (Read More...)
The Mens Therapy Centre

We are here to support to anyone who identifies as a man who has experienced emotional, physical or sexual trauma in childhood or as an adult. When you survive a trauma or childhood abuse it can affect every aspect of your life; work, relationships and your health. Many men carry on in silence but there is help here for you. For over 10 years we have been working with men who have experienced trauma and we are here to listen to you. Call to make an appointment 250.381.6367 or email (info @t menstrauma dot com) History The Vancouver Island Men’s Trauma Counseling Society (Men’s Trauma Centre) was formed in September, 2003 in response to the closing of the Victoria branch of the BC Society for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse (BCSMSSA). The Men’s Trauma Centre provides support and/or counseling services to over two hundred men and their family members each year. The Men’s Trauma Centre is becoming increasingly busy and we now run a wide range of therapy programs, educational outreach and an advocacy service, as well as providing vital support during the criminal justice process from initial reporting through to trial. Why We Exist While the majority of sexual abuse is by males on females, anyone can be a victim of sexual trauma. Research suggests that between 20% and 30% of all male children are sexually abused before the age of eighteen. Many of the boys who suffer trauma grow up to be men whose lives are seriously impacted by their early childhood experiences. These men suffer from anxiety and depression, are haunted by flashbacks and nightmares, have trouble finding or keeping jobs, have problems maintaining intimate relationships and much more. To compound the difficulty they also experience the social stigma and the guilt and shame associated with victim-hood that is often significantly stronger for males. Despite the media stories of male survivors of abuse that have come out over the past few years, many people remain unable or unwilling to respond to this problem and the long term damage it creates both individually and at societal level. We believe it is vital, both to the individual and to society as a whole, to address the issues and concerns of male survivors. Prevention, education, treatment and support are the means.  (Read More...)
Little Warriors

Little Warriors is a national, charitable organization focused on the awareness, prevention and treatment of child sexual abuse. We also advocate on behalf of and with child sexual abuse survivors. Little Warriors offers a free workshop called Prevent It! to educate adults on how to help prevent and respond to child sexual abuse. The Little Warriors Be Brave Ranch located east of Edmonton Alberta is a specialized, intensive, trauma-informed, evidence-based treatment centre solely focused on helping children from across Canada who have been sexually abused, as well as their families. The program is for girls and boys from 8-12 years old and girls between the ages of 13 and 16 and is a one-year combined onsite and outpatient program designed with significant input from many leading academic and clinical experts who specialize in child sexual abuse and trauma. The Little Warriors Be Brave Bridge is a comprehensive online program that connects specialized counsellors and coaches with children, teens and parents impacted by child sexual abuse who might not otherwise receive timely mental health support. The program offers similar evidence-based, specialized trauma treatment that’s provided at the Be Brave Ranch as we have taken the insights used at the Ranch and embedded them into the Be Brave Bridge online program. All of the information provided has been carefully researched and offers the most effective interventions and strategies. For more information visit our website at  (Read More...)

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