Great Couples Counselling in Brantford, ON. Therapy to heal relationships.

Licensed therapists for relationships and marriages in Brantford, Ontario. Discounts available (see profiles).

Chad Tomlinson, MTS, M’Ed, MA, OCT
Couples Counsellor

Chad Tomlinson, MTS, M’Ed, MA, OCT

Chad Tomlinson, Therapist/Counselor

In L9C 7N4 - Nearby to Brantford.

You deserve to be happy in your relationship and I can help make that happen. Together, we will find the joy that once brought you together and bring the healing you need to make this relationship what you’ve always hoped it would be. Love isn’t easy; it takes work, but together we will make it fun. Together we can help get you back to where you belong.

Transformation Counselling, In-Person & Online Therapy
Couples Counsellor

Transformation Counselling, In-Person & Online Therapy

Registered Social Worker

In N1R 1S3 - Nearby to Brantford.

Our approach to couples counselling is centered on fostering healthy communication and deepening emotional connections. In a supportive and neutral setting, we will work together to address conflicts, enhance understanding, and rebuild trust. Using evidence-based techniques such as Emotionally Focused Therapy and active listening exercises, we help couples navigate challenges and strengthen their bond. By focusing on both individual and relationship growth, my goal is to create lasting positive change. Reignite your relationship and book an appointment with us today for a more fulfilling partnership.

Sierra Goldfinger, RP (Qualifying)
Couples Counselor

Sierra Goldfinger, RP (Qualifying)

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Taking time with your loved one can be a beautiful and fulfilling experience. However, it can feel challenging when you and your partner are stuck in previous patterns of behaviour, communication, and interaction. As a couple therapist, I will support you in better understanding yourself, your loved one, and your relationship to navigate challenges (e.g., communication, attachment, trust, etc.). I seek to enable you and your partner to work as a team in navigating whatever struggles come your way and developing your own unique toolkit. Speak with me today for a free consultation to begin your journey.

Omar Waheed, MA RP CSAT
Couples Counsellor

Omar Waheed, MA RP CSAT

Registered Psychotherapist | Certified Sex Addiction Therapist

In N2H 1Z6 - Nearby to Brantford.

I often see couples when one side is experiencing an addiction. This can cause relatively predictable effects in the other half of the partnership. The person addicted needs their own recovery and the partner needs their own healing. The couple also needs to heal by restoring trust and dealing with underlying issues. At OWA Therapy, I focus on overcoming those underlying issues.

Kristina Beifuss, MDiv, RP
Couples Counsellor

Kristina Beifuss, MDiv, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

In N3C 3X1 - Nearby to Brantford.

In couples counselling, I collaborate with clients to increase their relational satisfaction. Through a safe and neutral environment, both partners are guided to express their thoughts and emotions, openly. Techniques that I often employ include active listening, empathy-building and conflict resolution skills. I help couples to identify their negative patterns and encourage development of interaction strategies that are more supportive of the relationship. Couples can expect to gain a deeper understanding of each other and practical tools that allow them to manage disagreements constructively.

Bayridge Counselling Centre- Hamilton
Couples Counsellor

Bayridge Counselling Centre- Hamilton

Individual, Couples, and Family Counselling

In L9C 7N4 - Nearby to Brantford.

Couples Counselling Most relationships will become strained at some point and will begin producing maladaptive patterns. Relationship problems are rooted in our distorted egos, insecure attachment, emotional immaturity etc., which create to the many issues that develop for couples - infidelity, financial stress, poor communication, ill health, sexual divergence, household responsibility conflicts, addictions, etc., .... or just simply growing apart. Relationships can often be restored if help is sought soon enough. A counsellor can help reorient perceptions and emotions (how we look at a situation and how we feel about it) and assist the couple in adopting conscious structural changes.

Sanjay (Jay) Rao, BSc.,MS Psy.
Couples Counsellor

Sanjay (Jay) Rao, BSc.,MS Psy.

Licensed Therapist

In L9C 7N4 - Nearby to Brantford.

Couples desire to seek the most from their relationships. Whether it is rekindling a passion they once possessed, resolving disagreements in more effective ways, or fighting to exist as a loving partnership, building a secure emotional connection often lies at heart of it. As an emotionally-focused therapist (EFT), couples will be taught to recognize patterns that keep them trapped in conflict and interchange them with more adaptive patterns to assist them out of it. Through learning the principles of EFT, partners discover they can face new challenges together and develop a deep sense of emotional safety, security, and love.

Tony Miller, RP
Couples Counselor

Tony Miller, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

When it comes to couples, the total is greater than the sum of its parts. Therefore, in couple therapy, the focus is not on the two sides of the equation. Rather, the object of inquiry and therapy is the relationship between those two sides. The therapy examines the interpersonal relationship and treats it as a third space. Therefore, the goal is not to change the individuals but to change the way they communicate, understand, and accept each other. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to see if we are a good fit.

Michelle Iacobucci, RP
Couples Counselor

Michelle Iacobucci, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

My background in relational therapy allows me to understand individuals through the relationships they cohabit. Couple therapy may be a vehicle for growth to occur both relationally and individually. This in turn may assist in bringing you closer to your desired goals through understanding and breaking down language used in romantic relationships. Throughout couple sessions, I lean towards emotionally focused therapy, as I have witnessed its transformative effects particularly in romantic relationships. Please contact me for a free consultation to learn more about my approach and to determine if we would be a good fit.

Delreen Hiscock, MDiv, RP, RMFT
Couples Counsellor

Delreen Hiscock, MDiv, RP, RMFT

Registered Psychotherapist, Registered Marriage & Family Therapist

In N1R 7Z1 - Nearby to Brantford.

It was once said, 'we are wounded in relationships and we gain our healing in relationships.' Working with couples is one of my focus of interest. I have been married for over 30 years and have an understand of the challenges that being in a couple can bring. Drawing on a number of models of therapy and life experiences, it would an honor to help you navigate your relationship.

James Morgan, M.Div., M.A.Sc.
Couples Counsellor

James Morgan, M.Div., M.A.Sc.


In N2H 1V2 - Nearby to Brantford.

Working with couples is actually working with two individuals. Each person brings their own unique personality to the couple relationship. Where those personalities clash, and a clash is inevitable, there is an opportunity to learn something about the Self. Why is it that I react the way I do to this aspect of my partner? Do I like this about my Self? Would I like to be able to respond rather than react? Moving into this territory is moving into the land of personal growth which is possible through being in a relationship. It's moving to a place where you have the opportunity to become the best person you can be and to move beyond the personality you inherited through your history.

Bayridge Counselling Centre, Counselling Centre
Couples Counsellor

Bayridge Counselling Centre, Counselling Centre

Individual, Couples, and Family Counselling

In L9C 7N4 - Nearby to Brantford.

Couples Counselling Most relationships will become strained at some point and will begin producing maladaptive patterns. Relationship problems are rooted in our distorted egos, insecure attachment, emotional immaturity etc., which create to the many issues that develop for couples - infidelity, financial stress, poor communication, ill health, sexual divergence, household responsibility conflicts, addictions, etc., .... or just simply growing apart. Relationships can often be restored if help is sought soon enough. A counsellor can help reorient perceptions and emotions (how we look at a situation and how we feel about it) and assist the couple in adopting conscious structural changes.

Mark Laing, B.A. Honours Psychology
Couples Counsellor

Mark Laing, B.A. Honours Psychology

Registered Psychotherapist

In L9C 7N4 - Nearby to Brantford.

We are not prepared to be married. Clouded with romantic ideals and unreasonable expectations, our relationships can quickly begin to feel lacking in fulfillment. I believe that most couples don't want divorce. What they do want is to feel connected again and safe again. I use Imago Therapy and Emotion Focused Therapy to help couples re-connect. Building a healthy marriage takes both time and commitment. The skills you will obtain will give you a clear path to reconnection and safety.

Kristie Brassard, MSW, RSW
Couples Counsellor

Kristie Brassard, MSW, RSW

Registered Social Worker | Psychotherapist

In N2G 1G3 - Nearby to Brantford.

When we're feeling disconnected, unhappy or lonely in our relationships, it can take a toll on our wellbeing & mental health. Couples therapy gives folks hope that there relationship can be more connected, calm & loving. In sessions, we'll focus on the root issues in the relationship, and co-create a plan to heal. We prioritize working on effective communication and conflict management, healing past relationship hurts and building intimacy. Monogamous & polyamorous couples of all genders, sexual orientations and cultural backgrounds are welcome in our virtual office! If you want to start improving your relationship, book a consultation or session now!

Lisa Bynoe-Stevens, BA, Mdiv counselling,CFST
Couples Counsellor

Lisa Bynoe-Stevens, BA, Mdiv counselling,CFST

Licensed Therapist

In L9C 7N4 - Nearby to Brantford.

I have been a couple therapist for over 10 years and have enjoyed every minute of it! I have found great success using Gottman and Solution-Focused Strategies. Couples seemed to appreciate these approaches, as they seem practical and easy to comprehend. As well, the Gottman resources and its foundation sound research have seemed to empower clients to take charge of their situations with confidence.

Sherry Maxwell, BA (Psych), MTS, OACCPP(C), RP
Couples Counsellor

Sherry Maxwell, BA (Psych), MTS, OACCPP(C), RP

Registered Psycotherapist and Counsellor

In N1R 1W8 - Nearby to Brantford.

Couples are bound to have ups and downs in their relationship. It doesn't mean that it's not a good match. It simply means that there are issues that need to be addressed and discussed. Sherry helps her clients address the various issues that are causing distress in their relationship. From communication to infidelity, Sherry supports health and growth in the relationship.

Michelle Gibson, MSW,RSW
Couples Counsellor

Michelle Gibson, MSW,RSW

Registered Social Worker and Psychotherapist

In N2G 4G7 - Nearby to Brantford.

Couples therapy is not just for times of trouble, it is also important for building a strong foundation to an already strong relationship. Our couples therapists focus on learning about your unique relationship and what each of you bring to the table. We tailor this process to what your relationships needs, which could be healing from a trauma, infidelity, loss, and/or life stress. We are here to help and to support your relationship.

Zoë Paul, MSW, RSW
Couples Counsellor

Zoë Paul, MSW, RSW

Registered Social Worker

In L9H 1V1 - Nearby to Brantford.

Couples can be supportive in addressing challenging dynamics within a partnership that may be impacting individuals and to create positive, meaningful changes within their relationship. Couples therapy is not just for relationships in crisis, but can also be a chance to set goals for your relationship and be pro-active in identifying relational patterns that may create challenges down the road. Attending therapy with your loved one is a wonderful way to deepen your relationship and connection in a safe, supported space.

Rita France, BRE, MDiv, RP
Couples Counsellor

Rita France, BRE, MDiv, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

In N1R 7Z1 - Nearby to Brantford.

I utilize an integrative therapeutic approach when working with couples. One is Emotional Focused Therapy, Systems Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. We look at the family of origin to determine how this has affected your new family system. We look at attachment issues as well as negative thinking patterns. Collaboratively we work on new ways of living by making the necessary changes that are required for a healthy, happy relationship!

Brianna Stewart, MA, BA
Couples Counsellor

Brianna Stewart, MA, BA

Registered Psychotherapist

In N1S 2L6 - Nearby to Brantford.

In working with couples, the relationship is my client. My goal is to ensure that both partners feel heard and validated. I support the couple in creating space to have conversations that might otherwise be difficult to have. In working with me, couples will learn improved ways of communicating and being there for one another. They will also learn how to manage conflict in a way that is supportive of relationship growth. Further, the couples' strengths will be highlighted and accessed to continue to grow the relationship bond.

Dan Watterworth, BTh., MDiv.
Couples Counsellor

Dan Watterworth, BTh., MDiv.

Therapist, Counsellor

In L9C 7N4 - Nearby to Brantford.

In a warm and empathetic environment I assist couples in building trust, improving communication and working through conflict. My work involves helping change problematic thinking and communication, guiding through pain and forgiveness and helping you build the skills you need to improve your relationship both now and in the future.

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Couples Counselor

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

At Home or Private Discreet Intensives

What are the most common couples' issues? If you are thinking "communication, conflict, sex, money, child rearing" you are correct. However, most therapists will go after the symptom on each side of the couple fence thinking that the way to effective change is by getting each party to "work" on their respective "issue". Many times the parties don’t agree but comply. Imagine if you could align the unconscious brains of a couple and stop the "working on your issues" part that has become so popular in therapy settings? Contact to learn how! Or call 877-606-6161. DR. FLEMING'S NEW RELATIONSHIP/COUPLES INTENSIVES.

Rick Defoe, MACP, CCC, RP-q, RSW
Couples Counsellor

Rick Defoe, MACP, CCC, RP-q, RSW

Registered Clinical Therapist

In N1S 1H6 - Nearby to Brantford.

Relationships are hard work and sometimes require help. Whether you and your partner are experiencing conflict, a loss of connection, hope, or near separation/divorce, Growth Counselling Services can help. At GCS’s your challenges as a couple are treated as unique and personal, thus, we work together in discovering what works best for the two of you on a respectful basis. I have helped many couples by utilizing a combination of various couples focused therapeutic approaches such as EFT and ACT while ensuring that both individuals feel safe and comfortable to express their perspectives, concerns and needs. If you and your partner are committed to improving your relationship, call GCS's today

Atlas Therapy, M.A., RP, OAMHP
Couples Counsellor

Atlas Therapy, M.A., RP, OAMHP

Registered Psychotherapist

In N3H 1C2 - Nearby to Brantford.

Seeking change but unsure of the path forward, you find yourself contemplating the path that led you here. The exhaustion from perpetual discord, the careful navigation of conversations to sidestep arguments – it's an energy-draining cycle. Even if the clashes have diminished, a feeling of being overlooked persists. Recognizing that things haven't always been this way, you understand that seeking assistance is essential for any substantive shift. Navigating relationships is intricate, and we've guided numerous couples through seemingly chaotic situations. At Atlas Therapy we help each partner feel seen, heard and appreciated again.

Bojena Kelmendi, M.S.W. R.S.W.
Couples Counsellor

Bojena Kelmendi, M.S.W. R.S.W.

Registered Social Worker, Therapist

In N2M 4K1 - Nearby to Brantford.

Over the course of your relationship, you are going to face its ups and downs. Learning how to meet all that life may throw at you, together as a couple and grow stronger in each experience are just some of the many benefits of couples counselling I provide. I help you develop the tools you need for when your relationship goes through a tough time. You'll learn how trust and open to your partner and feel safe, how to respond to your partner's needs during the good and the bad times, keep moving forward and blooming as the time goes by.

You Have Found The Best Couples Counsellors in Brantford, ON. Restore Your Relationship.

Thank you for visiting our Ontario search of licensed therapists for couples in Brantford who specialize in helping relationships and marriages heal and overcome division and hurt. Relationships are hard. Unless you are actively working towards coming together, by default you are drifting apart. It takes work. A licensed therapist is an expert at helping to untangle the mess that can develop when things go wrong. Find honest and effective couples Counselling in Brantford and renew your relationship.

Brantford is located in Ontario, Canada. It has a land area of 72.44 square kilometers.  The population of Brantford is 134,203 people with 39,215 households . The population ranking for Brantford is #56 nationally and #27 for the province of Ontario with a density of 1345.90 people per sq km. Brantford therapists serve postal code: N3R.