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Families for Addiction Recovery (FAR)

Families for Addiction Recovery (FAR) is a Canadian charity founded by parents of children who have struggled with addiction from their teens. Our goal is long term recovery for those with addiction and their families. FAR offers free and confidential parent-to-parent support for families struggling with addiction in Canada. We are a voice for families to influence government policy. We educate law enforcement, the medical profession and community groups about addiction, health laws and drug policies.  (Read More...)
Friends of Karen

No family is ever prepared to hear the four worst words: Your child has cancer. Friends of Karen, New York-based and serving families in the NY-TriState area since 1978, is a non-profit with a vision that every child with a life-threatening illness, and his or her family, will have all that they need to keep them stable, functioning and able to cope. Providing financial assistance, illness education and supportive counseling, among other services, our staff of experienced social workers, child life specialists and expressive arts therapists guide families from their child’s diagnosis through treatment, at no cost, so they have more time for what's most important: each other.  (Read More...)

The Erika Whitmore Godwin Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, has five primary goals: (1) to provide hope and support to any parent who loses a child; (2) to support siblings, family members, and friends impacted by the death of a child; (3) to educate the public about the loss of a child, letting them know how they can support parents in rebuilding their lives; (4) to educate and collaborate with professionals who deal with the death of a child; and, (5) to provide ways for parents to honor their child.  (Read More...)
Erin's House

Erin’s House provides grief support to children, teens, and their families who have experienced a death of a loved one. Our peer-support program nights offer grieving children and teens the opportunity to be surrounded by others also suffering the death of a loved one, helping them feel a sense of belonging and respect. The bi-monthly peer-support groups are available to ages 3-30, and are no cost to the individuals. Erin’s House is located in Fort Wayne, Indiana. For more information, call 260-423-2466 or visit  (Read More...)
Pathway To Hope

PATHWAY TO HOPE is a nonprofit, peer support environment that encourages, educates, and empowers individuals and families whose lives are affected by mental illness. We believe that no one should face mental illness alone. Our services include: Weekly support groups we call Courage Groups for both caregivers and those living with mental illness. E3: Encourage • Empower • Educate course for family members, caregivers, advocates and ministers supporting someone living with mental illness. Reclamation Clubhouse, for adults living with mental illness (open Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30). Our website has full details on each of these services.  (Read More...)
Baby's Breath Canada

Baby’s Breath is Canada’s only national organization focused on sudden unexpected infant & childhood deaths, including SIDS, SUDC and stillbirth. Baby’s Breath provides support for families faced with the traffic loss of an infant or young child. They advocate for the needs of these families, as well as for the need for more research into the causes of these deaths. They educate the public on how to reduce their infant’s exposure to risks. The death of an infant is a devastating event not only for the parents, but for the entire family. Siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends are all affected by the sudden death of a baby. Baby’s Breath believes no one should endure the grief of such loss alone. They are there to help.  (Read More...)
My Sister's House

My Sister's House, serving the Lowcountry community for 40 years, is a local expert in Domestic Violence survival. Domestic violence can affect any individual regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation or any other defining characteristic. At MSH we serve victims from all walks of life and make our services available throughout the Lowcountry free of charge. If you or someone you know is in an abusive situation or looking for resources, please call our 24-hour hotline at 1-843-744-3242 or 1-800-273-HOPE. We offer individual therapy, group counseling, emergency shelter and more.  (Read More...)
The Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Association (BANA)

The Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Association (BANA) is a not-for-profit, registered charity, community-based organization servicing the Windsor-Essex Region in Southwestern, Ontario. Since 1983, we’ve been committed to the provision of specialized clinical treatment, education and support services for individuals affected directly and indirectly by eating disorders. As the primary regional source for the prevention and treatment of eating disorders, BANA is a leader in the promotion and acceptance of diverse body shapes and sizes through the adoption of a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Since its inception, BANA has provided services to thousands of individuals of all ages, genders and social/economic backgrounds with an ongoing case load of approximately 300 clients. In addition, we annually organize and host 250 educational health promotion presentations and programs that reach more than 20,000 children and adults. Services are provided free of charge, without age restrictions and are supported by the Ministry of Health and the Erie St. Clair LHIN. For more information visit  (Read More...)
Tourette Syndrome Alliance

The PA Tourette Syndrome Alliance is a non-profit organization that promotes awareness and acceptance, provides education, and assists families, schools and communities while advocating for individuals with TS. The services provided by PA-TSA are focused on increasing understanding of the disorder and providing proven accommodations and strategies so a child or adult diagnosed with TS can succeed. Tourette Syndrome can be a very complex disorder and many people do not have a full understanding of these complexities. PA-TSA's programs and services include providing information, education, support and disability advocacy. They strive to promote understanding of Tourette Syndrome in order to promote acceptance of those diagnosed!  (Read More...)

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