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Cancer Hope Nework

Cancer Hope Network provides free one-on-one emotional support to adult cancer patients and their loved ones. Each of CHN’s 400+ volunteers is at least one year post-treatment or successfully undergoing maintenance therapies. They have faced more than 80 cancer types and speak 15 languages. Our volunteers offer support from diagnosis, through treatment and into recovery. Cancer Hope Network serves cancer patients in the United States and Canada.  (Read More...)
Cancer Support Center

The Cancer Support Center is here to give strength, guidance and support to anyone living with a cancer diagnosis, as well as to their loved ones. We do this as a community-based, volunteer-driven, donor-supported organization. Our programs, resources and services are always delivered by professional therapists, counselors, nutritionists, and experts; and are provided in a warm, welcoming and nurturing setting at no cost to participants.  (Read More...)
Patient Mind Inc

We provide Education Tools for Pain Conditions. We are on a mission to reinvent how patients and clinicians absorb new science.  (Read More...)
Black Girls Smile

Black Girls Smile Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting positive mental health for young African American females. BGS works to achieve this ...through resource programs, forums, and mentorship initiatives that promote mental health education, awareness, and self-empowerment.  (Read More...)
Little Warriors

Little Warriors is a national, charitable organization focused on the awareness, prevention and treatment of child sexual abuse. We also advocate on behalf of and with child sexual abuse survivors. Little Warriors offers a free workshop called Prevent It! to educate adults on how to help prevent and respond to child sexual abuse. The Little Warriors Be Brave Ranch located east of Edmonton Alberta is a specialized, intensive, trauma-informed, evidence-based treatment centre solely focused on helping children from across Canada who have been sexually abused, as well as their families. The program is for girls and boys from 8-12 years old and girls between the ages of 13 and 16 and is a one-year combined onsite and outpatient program designed with significant input from many leading academic and clinical experts who specialize in child sexual abuse and trauma. The Little Warriors Be Brave Bridge is a comprehensive online program that connects specialized counsellors and coaches with children, teens and parents impacted by child sexual abuse who might not otherwise receive timely mental health support. The program offers similar evidence-based, specialized trauma treatment that’s provided at the Be Brave Ranch as we have taken the insights used at the Ranch and embedded them into the Be Brave Bridge online program. All of the information provided has been carefully researched and offers the most effective interventions and strategies. For more information visit our website at  (Read More...)
San Andreas Regional Center

Our Vision: People First Through Service, Advocacy, Respect, and Choice - A vision for leadership in service and advocacy for individuals with developmental disabilities. San Andreas Regional Center recognizes the ongoing need for advocacy to sustain the original intent and promise of the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Act and commits itself to protecting its provisions. San Andreas Regional Center strives for community partnership and excellence in customer service with its well-trained staff and service providers who use up-to-date technology, are good at what they do and are committed to this vision. San Andreas Regional Center enables the individuals it serves and their families to determine what happens in their lives. San Andreas Regional Center fulfills this vision through respect for the people it serves and their families, friends, service providers, agencies, staff, and community. San Andreas Regional Center accomplishes this vision through an organization that is trusted, responsive, supportive, creative, proactive, well-managed, and people friendly.  (Read More...)
Camp Mariposa

Created and supported by The Moyer Foundation, Camp Mariposa is a national addiction prevention and mentoring program for youth impacted by substance abuse in their families. Children ages 9-12 attend transformational weekend camps multiple times a year, always free of charge. Additional education and mentoring activities are offered to campers, teens, and their families throughout the year giving youth the knowledge, coping skills and confidence to prevent them from developing an addiction of their own. Led by mental health professionals and trained volunteers, Camp Mariposa provides a safe, fun and supportive environment critical to help break the cycle of family addiction across 12 locations nationwide.  (Read More...)

HealGrief, a nonprofit, is a social support network for people who are grieving, bereaved or for those just wanting to help them. By taking a modern approach to the way individuals communicate a loved one’s death, HealGrief brings family, friends and communities from around the globe to a virtual place to grieve and heal together. Everything they do is inspired by their core mission: guiding one’s journey with grief into a healthy grief recovery. From the moment a loved one dies, guides individuals through grief’s journey. They begin by taking the place of the traditional obituary. At no cost, users create a funeral notice and can choose to disseminate it to family and friends around the globe. From within the funeral notice, virtual candles are lit and memories are shared. Cathartic to users, this provides instant comfort as the funeral notice transitions into a celebration of the decedent’s life. This online interaction, changes the way we handle grief, but ultimately provides comfort as one journeys to a healthy grief recovery. Additional no-fee programs include a virtual: Candle Gallery - Individuals can light and share a virtual candle in memory of their loved one; Before I Die…wall - A virtual wall provoking thoughts about living life, to its fullest, every day. Loss Project & Artful Healing - Inspiring healing through art. PetsCountToo! - Providing tools to guide a child’s first experience with death into a healthy grief recovery.  (Read More...)

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