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Compassionate Friends

The Compassionate Friends is a self-help support organization that provides highly personal comfort, hope, and support to every family experiencing the death of a son or a daughter, a brother or a sister, or a grandchild, and helps others better assist the grieving family. Each chapter, along with the supporting National Office, is committed to helping every bereaved parent, sibling, or grandparent who may walk through our doors or contact us. TCF has over 600 chapters serving all 50 states plus Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, and Guam, that offer friendship, understanding, and hope to bereaved parents, siblings, grandparents, and other family members during the natural grieving process after a child has died. Around the world more than 30 countries have a Compassionate Friends presence, encircling the globe with support so desperately needed when the worst has happened. To find a local chapter:  (Read More...)
Young Adult Cancer Canada

Young Adult Cancer Canada (YACC) supports young adults living with, through, and beyond cancer through digital, local, and national support programs. It is a connection to peers, bridge out of isolation, and source of inspiration. Every cancer, every stage, YACC’s got your back.  (Read More...)
U.S. Pain Foundation

The U.S. Pain Foundation is the leading advocacy organization for people with pain. Its mission is to empower, educate, connect, and advocate for individuals living with chronic illness that causes pain, as well as their caregivers and clinicians. Through multiple programs and services, the U.S. Pain Foundation works to enhance the quality of life for people with pain, improve patient outcomes, address access and affordability issues, and increase public awareness and empathy for the issue of pain. The U.S. Pain Foundation is an independent nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.  (Read More...)
The Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults

Ulman is a non-profit located in Baltimore, Maryland dedicated to creating a community of support for adolescents and young adults, and their families, impacted by cancer. We provide direct support services including on-site AYA patient navigators, remote navigation, support groups, social support as well as survivorship programming. Our focus is to meet patients where they are and to engage, encourage, educate and empower our patients to live well with a cancer diagnosis.  (Read More...)
Brighten Up - Planting the Seeds of Positivity

Brighten Up! strives to improve emotional well-being by increasing mental health awareness and encourage positive living. We are dedicated to helping others become the best version of themselves, and to live on the "Bright Side" of life. *Please note webinars are currently being offered free of charge at  (Read More...)
This Is My Brave

This Is My Brave, Inc. is a national nonprofit dedicated to mental health storytelling. Through our flagship program, This Is My Brave - The Show, we invite individuals to share their personal stories of overcoming mental illness and/or substance use disorder using poetry, essay, original music and comedy on stage in front of a live audience in order to break down stigma and let others know they are not alone. Since 2014, we have produced over 100 shows and featured the stories of 1000 storytellers. All our shows are professionally videotaped and uploaded to our YouTube channel. We also encourage storytelling through virtual events and platforms, like Brave the Storm 5K, Teen Mental Health Month, Jay Walkers, and our blog. #Storytelling Saves Lives  (Read More...)
NICU Helping Hands

NICU Helping Hands provides support and education to families before, during and after a NICU admission or the loss of a baby. Our commitment is to walk alongside your family during these difficult and often times traumatic experiences. Our peer support program and educational resources are available to you at no charge. We are here to equip you with the tools and resources you need before, during or after a NICU hospitalization or in the event of an infant loss. You are not alone.  (Read More...)
The Grief Toolbox

When it comes to dealing with grief, it can be a challenge to find the resources we need to educate ourselves and our loved ones on what is happening and how to best keep going forward. Having been down this road, we want to give back. We want to reach out to those who are earlier on this road. We cannot make your pain go away, nor can we provide answers for you. What we can do is help you to find the tools that you need to work through your grief journey. Thus was born The Grief Toolbox. The Grief Toolbox is an ambitious project. Its goal is to be an all-encompassing place for grief tools: a singular area where a person can find all the resources they need to help them with that grief that neither time nor money can solve. We here at the Grief Toolbox understand that needs change as we go from the raw encompassing pain of the first year to the stark reality of the second year, and then to the growth and reinventing ourselves of the middle years to the acceptance and blessing that now coexists with the pain and love that will always be a part of our life. Grief, in our opinion, falls into two categories: grief that can be solved with time or money, and grief that can not be solved. If you leave your favorite coat on a plane, with time and money you can replace it and the grief will slowly fade. However, with the loss of a loved one - whether a spouse, a parent, a child or a sibling - no time and no amount of money will make this grief go away.  (Read More...)
Mothers of Sexually Abused Children (MOSAC)

The MOSAC site is designed specifically for mothers who have experienced the sexual abuse of one of their children. Life is difficult for mothers following the disclosure of a child's abuse, and they often have few, if any, resources available to them. Mothers sometimes have no supportive family or friends. They often have very little knowledge about child sexual abuse and want to read about and understand what has happened to their children. Most mothers of sexually abused children say that they need and want help following disclosure. This site is designed to be a comprehensive source of information about sexual abuse and to offer support and resources.  (Read More...)

The Erika Whitmore Godwin Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, has five primary goals: (1) to provide hope and support to any parent who loses a child; (2) to support siblings, family members, and friends impacted by the death of a child; (3) to educate the public about the loss of a child, letting them know how they can support parents in rebuilding their lives; (4) to educate and collaborate with professionals who deal with the death of a child; and, (5) to provide ways for parents to honor their child.  (Read More...)

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