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Griot Circle

Since 1996, GRIOT Circle has provided a welcoming space, culturally sensitive services, and member-centered programming that affirm the lives of LGBTQ elders of color. GRIOT Circle currently serves over 500 members and growing as we increase our outreach and expand our programs. The services are largely provided in Brooklyn, N.Y. but members commute from all neighboring boroughs. GRIOT members range in age from their mid-50’s to late 80’s. Over 90 % of all members are from low-income households; over 65% are retired and live on fixed incomes. Based on a recent survey 90% of GRIOT members identify as being Black, African-American, or Caribbean-American, with the remaining 10% identifying as Latino/a, white, multiracial or other. While we focus on the needs of LGBT elders of color, GRIOT creates a welcoming environment for all people. Services and programs are open to everyone.  (Read More...)
NICU Helping Hands

NICU Helping Hands provides support and education to families before, during and after a NICU admission or the loss of a baby. Our commitment is to walk alongside your family during these difficult and often times traumatic experiences. Our peer support program and educational resources are available to you at no charge. We are here to equip you with the tools and resources you need before, during or after a NICU hospitalization or in the event of an infant loss. You are not alone.  (Read More...)
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD), is a national non-profit, tax-exempt [Section 501(c)(3)] organization providing education, advocacy and support for individuals with ADHD. In addition to our informative website, CHADD also publishes a variety of printed materials to keep members and professionals current on research advances, medications and treatments affecting individuals with ADHD. These materials include Attention magazine, Attention weekly, a free electronically mailed current events newsletter, as well as other publications of specific interest to educators, professionals and parents.  (Read More...)
The Do More Agriculture Foundation

The Do More Agriculture Foundation is a champion for the mental wellbeing of all Canadian producers, and are changing the culture of Agriculture to one where all producers are encouraged, supported and empowered to take care of their mental wellbeing. Agriculture is an industry with a foundation of deep rural roots, hard work, resilience, strength and community. In order to uphold that image, those traits can also be the industry’s weakness as they become barriers for speaking up and seeking help. Producers are among the most vulnerable when it comes to mental health issues. Stress, anxiety, depression, emotional exhaustion and burnout are all high among producers. By collaborating with the entire industry and those working to address the state of mental health in Agriculture, we can and will make a substantial impact! Do More Ag operates under 3 pillars. As a Canada wide not-for-profit organization, these pillars drive our focus and efforts across the Ag industry. AWARENESS Awareness, education and breaking the stigma. These are the first steps to making a real and lasting impact for our industry. We strive for an industry where producers understand what it means for them to be truly healthy. COMMUNITY Community is more than just a physical place, community is also a sense of belonging and being a part of something more. We aim to create a community where people can connect and also find resources that are relevant and accessible to them. RESEARCH Research is the backbone to creating further resources and ensuring they serve our Industry. We want to ensure that more research can be completed in this field by supporting, sharing and funding present and future research projects. All funds go towards educating the Ag industry on mental health, breaking the stigma that currently exists, creating a community of belonging, support and resources, as well as ensuring research in this field can continue.  (Read More...)
Missouri Eating Disorders Council

The Missouri Eating Disorders Council, in collaboration with appropriate organizations and stakeholders, in addition to the Departments of Mental Health, Health and Senior Services, Elementary and Secondary Education and Higher Education, will lead the development of eating disorders education, awareness and research initiatives throughout the state, and promote increased access to treatments supported by clinical practice guidelines (i.e., considering the relevant scientific literature, as well as the potential harms and benefits of treatment for each case).1-3 The Council will focus on children, adolescents, and adults with anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa (BN), binge eating disorder (BED), atypical AN, sub threshold BN, sub threshold BED, and avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID). These are the major diagnostic categories included in DSM-5.4 It will include the sub threshold diagnoses (atypical AN, sub threshold BN, sub threshold BED) because patients with these disorders demonstrate levels of distress and/or impairment similar to full-syndrome AN, BN, and BED.5 Eating disorder awareness, detection, prevention, treatment and recovery is of paramount importance and must start early. Early intervention is linked to better treatment outcomes, but requires enhanced awareness and screening.6 The Council will focus on helping professionals to recognize individuals with eating disorders and individuals at high risk for developing an eating disorder (e.g., those with high weight/shape concerns or low levels of compensatory behaviors).7-8 The Council will advocate for increased access to care for this population, as well as promote early intervention and prevention programs and recovery supports. The absence of adequate coverage for treatment is a critical barrier to access to care for the patient.9 The high costs of medical complications, disability, and loss of life are significant health concerns.10-12 The Council will advocate for third party reimbursement for eating disorders, including coverage through private and public insurance plans. The Council will work with identified partners, including state departments, to develop an eating disorders awareness program that targets patients with eating disorders as well as non-patient community members. This program will be designed to communicate that eating disorders are serious illnesses that require complete treatment, and to foster recognition of eating disorder symptoms and support for seeking treatment. The objectives of the awareness program are to educate Missouri citizens on the true and serious nature of the disease, dispel myths on who is affected, drive early intervention and encourage appropriate treatment for those suffering or those at risk.  (Read More...)
Single Parent Advocate

Single Parent Advocate, a local 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization providing resource connection, growth-based training, and support for single parent families, based in Dallas Texas and the surrounding areas. Additionally Single Parent Advocate corresponds with families from all over the United States and consults non-profits, churches, businesses on how to build a program for success in serving and engaging single parents within their respective organizations.  (Read More...)

"The first and most important benefit of Inspire is instantaneous: realizing that you are not alone with your diagnosis. No matter how remote in the world you may feel or how isolating your diagnosis, Inspire is that corner café or pub where everyone pulls up a chair to meet over shared concerns and learn something new." Inspire was created with the belief that patients and caregivers need a safe and secure place to support and connect with one another. We strive to be ethical and transparent, and we never forget that our community is built upon the trust of our members. We place the utmost value on this trust, and maintaining it is our highest priority.  (Read More...)
Kelty Mental Health

The Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre provides information, resources, peer support and system navigation to children, youth and families in BC who are experiencing mental health and/or substance use challenges.  (Read More...) is a safe social support network that allows members, administrators, & therapists to engage in group discussions for everyone involved. Our groups provide support for those dealing with Mental and Physical Health issues, Addiction, Relationships, or their identity. Our mission is simple: Provide support in a safe online community for everyone who needs it.  (Read More...)
A Fresh Chapter

A Fresh Chapter is a non-profit organization that facilitates life-changing volunteer and leadership experiences to empower individuals both in the U.S. and abroad impacted by cancer. AFC programs blend volunteerism and meaningful travel to connect cancer patients and caregivers around the globe, and focus on healing the often over-looked emotional scars left by cancer. AFC’s perspective-shifting journeys to places like India, Peru and Kenya help participants reframe adversity and discover a new perspective and purpose in their lives.  (Read More...)

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