Great Couples Counselling in Forest Lawn, AB. Therapy to heal relationships.

Licensed therapists for relationships and marriages in Forest Lawn, Alberta. Discounts available (see profiles).

Laura Romero, MC, RPsych
Couples Counsellor

Laura Romero, MC, RPsych

Registered Psychologist

In T3C 0X7 - Nearby to Forest Lawn.

Sharing your life with another is one of the most difficult yet potentially rewarding experiences life has to offer. Creating and maintaining open and honest communication (learning to listen, summarize and validate are skills that must be taught and practiced) is key to the success with relationships of any kind. I can assist in helping build strong interpersonal skills that help break down barriers and strengthen connections.

Sarah O'Brien, R. Psych
Couples Counsellor

Sarah O'Brien, R. Psych

Registered Psychologist

In T2P 1J9 - Nearby to Forest Lawn.

I offer mediation and communication techniques and strategies designed to help couples navigate difficult events and situations. I will work with you to gain a deeper understanding of your partner's and your own experiences which may be contributing to miscommunications within the relationship. We will work together to identify common goals and develop a treatment plan specific to your relationship concerns and challenges.

Joanna Jewell, M.A., R. Psych., CSAT, CMAT
Couples Counsellor

Joanna Jewell, M.A., R. Psych., CSAT, CMAT

Registered Psychologist

In T2R 1E8 - Nearby to Forest Lawn.

Most people want communication skills. Granted, those are needed but improving a relationship, increasing connection and intimacy, and navigating difficult conversations around areas of differing opinions involves yourself - you are your most valuable ally in any relationship. Understanding yourself, your beliefs, reactions and having ways to 'show up differently' in the relationship are your best bet to feeling better about your relationship, no matter what aspect you want to work on. Through my therapy techniques, I invite you to understand yourself in relationship as well as learn more effective ways to know and be known, the incredibly courageous work of intimacy.

Patrick Keelan, Ph.D.
Couples Counsellor

Patrick Keelan, Ph.D.

Registered psychologist

In T2T 2Z2 - Nearby to Forest Lawn.

I help couples by focusing on two goals: (1) Communicating constructively about issues; (2) Having a strong relationship friendship. I help couples achieve these goals by giving them skills from Gottman's Sound Relationship House Model and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). I am trained in Gottman's model and am certified in CBT.

Tamara McCormick, M.A., R.Psych
Couples Counselor

Tamara McCormick, M.A., R.Psych

Registered Psychologist (AB)

Available for Online Therapy

Couples often get stuck in their relationships - they disconnect. The good news is that reconnection is possible. Sometimes, it means processing through regrettable incidents or learning to take responsibility for the pieces of communication that you can improve. Tamara uses the Gottman Method in her work with you as well as her years of experience/knowledge in the area of mental health.

Mervin Van der Spuy, DTh-Counselling, BSc-Pharmacy
Couples Counsellor

Mervin Van der Spuy, DTh-Counselling, BSc-Pharmacy


In T2H 2G4 - Nearby to Forest Lawn.

Are you an emotionally-intelligent couple, or do you allow your negative thoughts and feelings about each other to overwhelm the positive ones? Let Dr Mervin (Paraklesis Counselling) make an innovative assessment of your relationship that will give you an in-depth analysis and inform you as to what it will take (effort and change required) to reach your goals. Dr Mervin’s contemporary therapy approach exposes the myths of outdated methods of couples counselling, and explores post-modernity models that work for you.

Megan Duffy, MC
Couples Counsellor

Megan Duffy, MC

Registered Provisional Psychologist

In T2E 0B8 - Nearby to Forest Lawn.

Drawing from the Gottman Method, I work with couples (married or not; in open or closed relationships), to assess and build upon the strengths of the relationship, and to develop ways to address challenges unique to you and your partner. We will find what's getting in the way of you and your partner trusting each other, or rebuild trust after it has been compromised.

Sabrina Ragan, M.Sc., CCC, CPT, RPsych.
Couples Counsellor

Sabrina Ragan, M.Sc., CCC, CPT, RPsych.

Registered Psychologist - ONLINE COUNSELLING

In T4B 1S1 - Nearby to Forest Lawn.

Keystone Child and Family Therapy offers counseling for couples. Counseling may include healthy communication, premarital counseling, coping with mental or physical illness in relationships, concerns with blended families, affairs, the impact of depression and anxiety in relationships, grief and loss, and facilitating deeper more meaningful relationships.

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW
Couples Counselor

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Loving, successful relationships need to be carefully and skillfully nurtured in the following five areas: Emotional, Intellectual, Spiritual, Sexual, Financial. Couples who are ready to do ongoing work on their relationships are richly rewarded with a loving, meaningful and joyful life together. Committed relationships that have the possibility of morphing into long term relationships benefit greatly by being guided by the Gottman research on relationships as well as Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). Premarital Counselling prepares a couple for a new stage in their relationship by identifying potential areas of conflict and strength and developing tools to create a strong foundation.

Robert Hammel,
Couples Counsellor

Robert Hammel,

Registered Psychologist

In T3A 2V7 - Nearby to Forest Lawn.

I employ the well researched and proven approach from the Gottman Method to help couples learn about and develop new ways to appreciate and develop greater fondness for each other. I help clients realize that truly the core of an intimate relationship is really friendship, and not necessarily the all encompassing passion and always being "in love" that popular media/culture have led us to believe that marriage should always be about. Marriages naturally wax and wane, and aren't always perfect; sometimes people fight and disagree and that doesn't always have to end in separation or divorce. There are no perfect marriages -- just ones that are good enough to make us feel happy and content

Terry Lindberg, M.Ed., R.Psych.
Couples Counsellor

Terry Lindberg, M.Ed., R.Psych.

Registered Psychologist

In T2P 3C5 - Nearby to Forest Lawn.

Relationships are both difficult and rewarding. Like most things of value, however, these intimate connections require intentional work in order to remain healthy and rewarding. Whether you are beginning a relationship or wishing to enhance an existing one, therapy can help you to discover and value each other's "owners manual" , communicate more effectively, and resolve conflict in a more timely and effective fashion.

Joshua Adams, M.A., B.Sc., B.RS., R.Psych
Couples Counsellor

Joshua Adams, M.A., B.Sc., B.RS., R.Psych

Registered Psychologist

In T2G 0T7 - Nearby to Forest Lawn.

Most relationships and marriages begin wonderfully! Unfortunately, many gradually decline. It does not have to be this way--there are methods and tools which can be learned and used which can help couples develop stronger friendships, resolve conflicts through understanding each partners dreams beneath the conflict, and eventually, develop meaningful and mutually authentic shared meaning. I use the Gottman Method for couples therapy which is evidence-based.

Bow Valley Counselling, BA, BSW, MSW, RSW
Couples Counsellor

Bow Valley Counselling, BA, BSW, MSW, RSW

Clinical Social Worker

In T2N 3R7 - Nearby to Forest Lawn.

I offered structured and effective methods for working with couples whether the goal is to improve the relationship or successfully separation. I use assessment tools that highlight what is working and not working in troubled relationships where couples want to stay together. Strategies to target problem areas are chosen and practiced in sessions and at home. By improving communication skills, conflict resolution skills and deepening couple intimacy, couples are able to feel more successful in their relationships. When there is closeness and comfort in our most important relationships it can positively impact our overall wellbeing.

Gerard Alberts, M.Ed., R.Psych., CCLC
Couples Counsellor

Gerard Alberts, M.Ed., R.Psych., CCLC

Registered Psychologist

In T2P 3T8 - Nearby to Forest Lawn.

Gerard has diverse experience as a psychologist and leader in social services, schools, university, workplaces, and his private practice. Using a theoretical foundation of social learning and cognitive-behavioural training, he is well-versed in various kinds of formal and informal assessment and solution-focussed approaches. He listens carefully to understand your needs and relies on his extensive experience to help you find solutions.

Living Well Counselling Services Inc., MA, MEd, RSW
Couples Counsellor

Living Well Counselling Services Inc., MA, MEd, RSW

Counsellors, Psychologist & Social Worker

In T2M 2N7 - Nearby to Forest Lawn.

One of the biggest problems with marriage counselling today is that counsellors use methods that haven't been proven effective by research. Many marriage therapists have worked with systems of therapy that they thought would be effective, but unfortunately they are not. This can then leave couples feeling like 'its them' when really it's just the therapy. Both Jennifer Watts & Dr. Patrick Keelan use Gottman-based marital counselling, which is based on 40 years of research and is proven to yield results. For more information on Jennifer or Pat go to

Virtuous Circle Counselling, MACP, MSW, RSW
Couples Counsellor

Virtuous Circle Counselling, MACP, MSW, RSW

Psychologists, Social Workers, Mental Health Counsellors, Marriage & Family Therapists

In T3E 6L1 - Nearby to Forest Lawn.

When couples require counselling, it is often because there has been a breakdown in trust and communication. At times like these, it is important to have a third party involved that can promote progress through evidence-based therapeutic techniques. Here at Virtuous Circle Counselling, we offer in-person and virtual sessions to couples in need so that they can find their way to a healthier future.

Carissa Muth, BSW, M.A. (Honours), RPsych
Couples Counsellor

Carissa Muth, BSW, M.A. (Honours), RPsych

Registered Psychologist- Depression, Anxiety, and Trauma Counselling

In T2E 0S9 - Nearby to Forest Lawn.

Communication is not merely talking to one another. It involves empathy, attunement, and listening, which can be difficult for many to master. It also requires awareness of each person's triggers and expectations and what might make them defensive. During couples counselling, I facilitate healthy communication between each partner by teaching skills and guiding each partner to express not just their primary emotions but their deeper feelings. I will not pick sides in the relationship but will keep the relationship as my client with the goal of restoration.

Velma Noble, MA, RP, CCC, CPCS (Ret),PAg (Ret
Couples Counsellor

Velma Noble, MA, RP, CCC, CPCS (Ret),PAg (Ret

Registered Psychotherapist; Cdn. Clinical Counsellor; Certified Professional Counsellor Supervisor (Ret); Professional Agrologist (PAg-Ret)

In T3E 5R6 - Nearby to Forest Lawn.

Precious few of us are naturally equipped with adequate relationship skills. All too often we find ourselves adrift in unhappy love relationships where unresolved issues and resentments have built seemingly impenetrable walls between partners. My model of choice for couples is relational therapy. I teach the partners how to become a safe, healing and loving presence for each other, building skills that allow the partners to reconnect through empathy and compassion (and let go of contempt and anger). It advocates self-leadership (i.e. each partner takes responsibility for his/her own feelings and to understand how each partner contributes to the conflict). My concept of relational therapy end....

Dan McKinnon, Daniel McKinnon
Couples Counsellor

Dan McKinnon, Daniel McKinnon

Registered Psychologist (Alberta #2896)

In T3A 6K4 - Nearby to Forest Lawn.

Couples and relationship counselling is about: using curiosity to discover each other, deepening your understanding of each other, cultivating empathy and compassion for each other, and communicating to each other that you are there for them. Research shows that friendship is the foundation of of a solid and healthy long-term relationship. During counselling with me you will learn the attitudes and skills needed to curate and participate in exciting, unforgettable and life-long friendships and intimate relationships.

Vanessa Leggio, RSW, MSW
Couples Counsellor

Vanessa Leggio, RSW, MSW

Registered Social Worker

In T3A 5R8 - Nearby to Forest Lawn.

My focus is on creating a safe and supportive space for partners to explore their challenges and strengthen their relationship. Whether you're facing communication issues, navigating conflicts, or seeking to rebuild trust and intimacy, couples therapy can help couples to rediscover their connection.

Cheryl McDougall, MSW, RSW, AAMFT
Couples Counselor

Cheryl McDougall, MSW, RSW, AAMFT

Registered Master of Social Work ,

Available for Online Therapy

Creating stronger relationships through the research- based Gottman approach. Couples who wish to develop a deeper awareness and connection in their relationships will benefit in using E- Counselling to enhance communication and bonding. Often when we are in a face to face conversation we are thinking of our next response rather than allowing the other person to be understood. Using a secure and completely confidential web based Gottman trained counsellor will help break down the barriers of communication and improve relationship dynamics. Couples can expect more understanding, respect and intimacy in their relationship. LGBT relationships are welcome.

Jenna Purcell, MSc, CCC
Couples Counsellor

Jenna Purcell, MSc, CCC

Social Confidence Life Coach

In T2L 1E6 - Nearby to Forest Lawn.

Do you or your partner suffer from social anxiety and it's affecting your relationship? Social anxiety is a fear of negative judgment from others and it can lead to reduced levels of intimacy, suppressed emotions, feelings of isolation and loneliness and lack of communication. If one or both of you feels anxious socially, your relationship may be suffering too. Contact me for ways in which you can move past social anxiety to a fuller, intimate, richer, relaxed more authentic relationship.

Penelope Yen, BA (Hons), MACP
Couples Counsellor

Penelope Yen, BA (Hons), MACP

Registered Provisional Psychologist

In T2Z 3W9 - Nearby to Forest Lawn.

Whether you're just wanting to clarify that you're in a healthy relationship or you have specific issues to resolve, I can offer a neutral and non-judgemental space while helping you navigate yourself and each other. Working from an Emotionally Focused Therapy and Systems theory framework, I can help you uncover your true needs in a relationship and work through any barriers or obstacles to living a healthy and fulfilling life.

Richard Mercier, M.A
Couples Counsellor

Richard Mercier, M.A

Registered Provisional Psychologist

In T2X 1M2 - Nearby to Forest Lawn.

With marriage therapy, I will help you: - Find forgiveness and healing from painful hurts so you can move forward with a renewed commitment to each other - Develop a sense of security and confidence in yourself and in your partner - Reignite the passion and intimacy you had in the past - Discover techniques to help you better manage stress and conflict in your relationship. - Become more understanding and compassionate towards each other - Create an even better relationship than you once had - Gain a renewed sense of hope for your future together

Kevin Alderson, Ph.D.
Couples Counsellor

Kevin Alderson, Ph.D.

Registered Psychologist (Alberta and Ontario)

In T2N 0A1 - Nearby to Forest Lawn.

[I OFFER VIDEO SESSIONS THROUGHOUT ALBERTA AND ONTARIO]. Your struggles might seem overwhelming now, but most situations can be rectified. I have worked with many couples, regardless of their lifestyle. I have been a psychologist since 1986. I am also a professor emeritus of counselling psychology. Set up an appointment now before things get worse by going to

You Have Found The Best Couples Counsellors in Forest Lawn, AB. Restore Your Relationship.

Thank you for visiting our Alberta search of licensed therapists for couples in Forest Lawn who specialize in helping relationships and marriages heal and overcome division and hurt. Relationships are hard. Unless you are actively working towards coming together, by default you are drifting apart. It takes work. A licensed therapist is an expert at helping to untangle the mess that can develop when things go wrong. Find honest and effective couples Counselling in Forest Lawn and renew your relationship.

Forest Lawn is located in Alberta, Canada. Forest Lawn therapists serve postal code: T2B.