Addiction Therapists in Anmore, BC.

Counselling for addiction and codependency in Anmore, BC. Help for alcohol and substance abuse, pornography, sex and internet addiction, gambling, and compulsive spending.

Aleksandra Dobric Stanosevic
Addiction Counsellor

Aleksandra Dobric Stanosevic

Registered Transactional Analysis Practitioner

In V5E 3C8 - Nearby to Anmore.

A person with addiction usually goes straight from feelings into behaviour. And it is usually such an unbearable feeling that the person resorts to 'self-cure', i.e. substance abuse in order to bury it deep down inside. So after building trust, I carefully inquire about the painful events in the person's life. As alcohol and drug abuse is often sustained by denial, the client learns levels of discounting the problem (How am I lying to myself?). Often, clients will embrace alcohol/drugs because they have given up on people; sometimes, they don't know how to protect themselves from poisonous relationships: "discovering a 4-step approach to assertivity" can be of much help!

Raheel Rahman, MA, RCC
Addiction Counsellor

Raheel Rahman, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V3T 4H4 - Nearby to Anmore.

I use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for addiction treatment. Through this approach we will look for connections between the thoughts, feelings and actions for clients and how this is impacting on their recovery. We will go over if there are other co-occurring disorders as well such as anxiety or depression. We will go over tracking the urges weekly and go over distress tolerance skills and mindfulness skills in practicing to not act on the urges that do come up.

Sherri Scott-Berner, CBT, CP, DBT, Life Coach
Addiction Counsellor

Sherri Scott-Berner, CBT, CP, DBT, Life Coach

Cognitive Behavioral Marriage, Individual Therapist and Life Coach

In V3X 3E6 - Nearby to Anmore.

Have you ever had fresh baking in the house that were saving for Christmas or some other celebration? You had to stop yourself from eating it. How it called your name while you were watching TV, or sent visions of sugar plums dancing in your head while you were hungry cooking dinner? Well that is a small snap shot of the feeling of addiction. Having such a strong compelling desire to experience the rewarding outcome, regardless of how short-lived it might be. Well not all compulsions ( or addictions) are only as dangerous and life changing as a 5 lb weight gain encountered by January 2. Some addictions can own us to the point that there is nothing left of who we really are, or were.

Alain Langlais, MH, RTC, CHHt
Addiction Counselor

Alain Langlais, MH, RTC, CHHt


Available for Online Therapy

“It was a long and heavy day and I just need to break the edge.” “I communicate better after few drinks” “I can’t fall asleep if I don’t have my…” When a substance becomes a “priority”, or becomes overused, it begins to creep into and destroy an individual’s health, family, relationship and even work. The question becomes "Do I have control over it or does it have control over me?". Often substances are used as coping mechanism without realizing that it often creates even more anxiety and depression, leaving a person feeling more stress and low down the road. Feeling anxious without a "quick fix" or a “temporary Band-Aid” is a strong indicator that a person is or has lost control with the desired substance. In counselling, we work to support...(view profile to read more)

Kristen Holbrook, RCC
Addiction Counsellor

Kristen Holbrook, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellors

In V3B 2H6 - Nearby to Anmore.

Addiction can have clients feeling chained to the life they are living and breaking free can feel impossible. Addiction can have a domino effect causing other issues in one’s life regardless as to whether the client considers themselves a “functional addict” or not. We can help you break free of these chains so you can live the life you want. We provide you with psychoeducation to better understand addiction, help your identify your triggers and provide you with the tools to sustain your recovery.

Lori Capozzi, B.A., M.Ed., RCC
Addiction Counsellor

Lori Capozzi, B.A., M.Ed., RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V4A 2J2 - Nearby to Anmore.

Addiction can be debilitating. However, recovery is possible. In my 25 years working as an addiction counsellor, I have come to learn that addiction is usually the symptom of a deeper issue, perhaps an unresolved trauma or loss. My approach is to address and heal the initial trauma and then explore new ways of coping and being in the world. In this way, an individual can live life more authentically and be free from the grip of addiction.

Mary Longworth, BA MSc RCC
Addiction Counsellor

Mary Longworth, BA MSc RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V3M 3P6 - Nearby to Anmore.

I have worked in a number of treatment centres and I am able to help clients face the fear of not having their addiction to deal with life's difficult times and the subsequent emotions . I work with clients struggling with addictions to the internet, gambling, shopping, drugs and alcohol, exercise and work. By looking at the purpose/reason behind the addictive or compulsive behaviour the client is able to begin to resolve their relationship with their addiction and to be free!!

Trevor Hale, PsyD. MSc., RCC
Addiction Counsellor

Trevor Hale, PsyD. MSc., RCC

Registered Clinical Counselor

In v7h 2h7 - Nearby to Anmore.

There is no magic bullet to treating addictions. Many addictions stem from a trifecta of circumstances: (1) a biological / chemical dependance (eg. alcohol leads to chemical changes how our brain and body's nervous system functions and communicates) , (2) a cognitive dependance (I deserve a drink at the end of the day, it helps me relax), and (3) a behavioural (eg. having a drink at a social event is normal, or helps me loosen up). Often addiction is a (not so) perfect storm of these three issues. The good news is that the Cognitive and Behavioural components are quite easy to begin to address; and, in turn, the biological / chemical component is also adjusted.

Aaron Chin, MA, RCC
Addiction Counsellor

Aaron Chin, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V4N 0W7 - Nearby to Anmore.

Working with addiction, I focus on cultivating awareness of triggers and cravings without judgment. I teach mindfulness practices like meditation to help clients observe their thoughts and sensations. This awareness helps them break automatic patterns and make conscious choices, reducing relapse risk and promoting self-compassion. Mindfulness empowers clients to manage urges skillfully and build a healthier relationship with themselves and their behaviors.

John Zak, RCC, MAMFT
Addiction Counsellor

John Zak, RCC, MAMFT

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V4B 3X7 - Nearby to Anmore.

In line with Gabor Mate, I am convinced that all addiction is rooted in pain, and this overwhelming pain is connected to unhealed trauma. I believe that addiction is a treatable condition, and that everyone has the capacity for healing and growth. Since trauma is an emotional wound/injury, true healing can only occur within contexts that provide corrective emotional experiences that will produce positive brain change.This is why therapy can be so powerful. A skilled therapist helps clients get back in touch with themselves, which results in recovery.

Jessica Willis, MA, RCC
Addiction Counsellor

Jessica Willis, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V6B 2W9 - Nearby to Anmore.

Addiction counseling provides a holistic approach to supporting individuals struggling with substance use disorders and their loved ones. A safe and non-judgmental therapeutic relationship is used to explore the underlying causes of addiction, address co-occurring mental health issues, and develop personalized recovery plans. Additionally, counseling helps loved ones understand addiction as a complex disease and offers guidance on setting boundaries, practicing self-care, and fostering healthy communication within the family system. Through education, empathy, and ongoing support, addiction counseling empowers individuals and their loved ones to navigate challenges.

Jacqueline Nadworny, M.A. (Couns), B.A. (Psyc)
Addiction Counsellor

Jacqueline Nadworny, M.A. (Couns), B.A. (Psyc)

Registered Professional Counsellor and Supervisor

In V7L 2B2 - Nearby to Anmore.

Most of us have some form of addiction. Whether it be alcohol, pornography, drugs, shopping, gambling, eating or even love, these behaviours can enslave us. In therapy, we will identify that addiction, the reasons behind the addiction, the triggers and the payoff it provides in your life. You will learn about the cycle of addiction and recovery and relapse. I will give you tools and strategies to help you gain freedom from your addiction.

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Addiction Counsellor

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

In V6C 1H2 - Nearby to Anmore.

While most treatment approaches to addiction include 12 step programs, rehabs, and now sober living houses, Grey Matters International, Inc. provides a wildly successful alternative to traditional models of addiction treatment----that keeps the brain in mind. That is, talking to the conscious brain while the primal brain is deciding things even before you are consciously aware? Well, that is the problem to solve in addiction. We have the solution utilizing a new cutting edge neuroscience-centered brain rebalancing system. Contact or call 877-606-6161.

Shannon Ritchie, MC, RCC
Addiction Counselor

Shannon Ritchie, MC, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

Available for Online Therapy

The question is not "why the addiction but why the pain" - Gabor Mate. Addiction is rooted in human suffering and complex social problems. Drawing on the work of Gabor Mate, Narrative Therapy, Systemic Family Therapy, and Response-Based practice, I will begin to address the pain and suffering experienced by individuals and families. We will also exploring the social context the contributes to an addiction culture. One of the goals is to start to separate the person from the addiction. Each individual is so much more than the addiction they experience.

Barbara Ohori, RTC MTC
Addiction Counsellor

Barbara Ohori, RTC MTC

Registered Therapeutic Counsellor, Master Therapeutic Counsellor

In V5Z 1C5 - Nearby to Anmore.

Drugs, alchol, food ,sex, gambeling...these do not cause addiction. Many people use or have used these in their life and do not become addicted. Some people are much more vunerable to addiction than others. I understand this and work form a bio/phycho/social and mostly spiritual model. I have worked for many years with people in recovery...YOU can recover and re build your life now, you can have the life you deserve. If you or a loved one is suffering because of addiction please call me or go to any AA NA or ALONON meeting that you can.

Patrick Myers, Ph.D.
Addiction Counsellor

Patrick Myers, Ph.D.

Registered Psychologist #1850

In V3B 2H6 - Nearby to Anmore.

Stuck in a rut? Trying to get out, but don't know how? Don't like AA? Let me help you unshackle yourself from that annoying addiction. Personalized help, skill building, and non-judgemental support in overcoming an addiction. Call 604-657-9534 now if you are ready to take a step into the first day of the rest of your life.

Helen Francis, BscN MSW RCSW
Addiction Counsellor

Helen Francis, BscN MSW RCSW

Registered Clinical Social Worker

In V6K 2G8 - Nearby to Anmore.

I will work with you in finding detox and treatment suited to your needs. I will work with you to address the underlying issues which may have contributed to the addiction, such as unhealed trauma and loss, broken attachments, relationship issues and family disruption. I work with adult children of alcoholics to address the impact of growing up in a family affected by addiction.

Natasha Noble, RCC, CCC, MACP, BTh
Addiction Counsellor

Natasha Noble, RCC, CCC, MACP, BTh

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V6G 1W6 - Nearby to Anmore.

As is often said in AA, your very best thinking has gotten you here. In other words, it's time to let yourself have the outside support you need. It's time to do something different. An important part of my role in working with clients who have addictions is helping them conceptualize what recovery means: while sobriety and/or abstinence are goals - they are merely steps along the journey of recovery. That is, without doing the inner work of healing, sobriety and/or abstinence are short-lived. Learning to identify and process one’s emotions in healthy ways, as well as establishing/re-establishing relationships with others and with self, are some examples of what recovery work entails.

Fred West, RCC
Addiction Counsellor

Fred West, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V3A 4G4 - Nearby to Anmore.

If you or someone you love suffers from substance use disorder or other behavioral health issues, we can help. From acute detox and residential rehab programs to recovery homes and long-term outpatient & mental health services, we’re here with the safe support you need to work through the root of your addiction and find your own recovery lifestyle.

Tim Garner, MC, CCC
Addiction Counsellor

Tim Garner, MC, CCC

Canadian Certified Counsellor

In V5M 2W2 - Nearby to Anmore.

Feeling trapped in a cycle of addiction? Are you using to escape reality? Do you feel like you can't function without your addictive crutches? Do you struggle to control your cravings, and your loved ones are worried? If any of any of this sounds familiar, counselling can help. Let's work together to break free from the chains of addiction and regain control of your life. Imagine building stronger relationships with family and friends, living a healthier life, and finding emotional balance and inner peace. Take the first step towards a brighter future today. Book your free 15-minute consultation now.

Annette Kasahara, BA, MEd. (Psychology), RCC
Addiction Counsellor

Annette Kasahara, BA, MEd. (Psychology), RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V1M 3G7 - Nearby to Anmore.

My hope for clients facing challenges with addictions is that they will develop an openness and willingness to explore the underlying issues related to the addictive behaviours. Clients will benefit from looking at childhood factors and relationships issues, both past and present. Clients will identify any limiting and self-defeating beliefs which may have contributed to harmful and alienating behaviours. Clients will learn to replace negative thought and behaviour patterns with self-affirming thoughts and behaviours. They will also explore and create support systems. It is my hope that clients will develop greater self-acceptance and kindness to Self.

Jordan Penner, MA, RCC
Addiction Counsellor

Jordan Penner, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V2Y 2B2 - Nearby to Anmore.

Recovering from addiction is an greater process then just abstaining from a particular substance. Developing an awareness about the triggering issues that fuel the addiction is key towards developing the strength and skills that will propel you forward in living sober. I approach addictions from a perspective that develops positive skills and thoughts patterns to over come the triggers to use such as: anxiety, depression, trauma, and negative thought patterns, and self-medication. In addition, it is important to remember that with addiction partners, family, and friends are also affected. Working to rebuild bridges in this area, without demotivating or creating conflict is key.

Bronwyn Sullivan, MOC, RCC
Addiction Counsellor

Bronwyn Sullivan, MOC, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V5H 4M1 - Nearby to Anmore.

Do you wake up in the morning with a feeling of regret and remorse over how many glasses of wine you had, again? Are you struggling with a habit that you thought was temporary and now you find you can't walk away from. The realization that you may be struggling with an addiction may gradually unfold or a loved one may bring it to your attention. Often addiction arises from a need to 'take oneself away' from the rough spots on life or it may be a habit out of control. Whatever the background, together we will look at what has contributed to your desire for you habit, what is reinforcing it and get you back in the drivers seat of your life.

Francesca Tomas, RPC, RTC
Addiction Counsellor

Francesca Tomas, RPC, RTC

Registered Professional Counsellor, Registered Therapeutic Counsellor

In V3M 1B2 - Nearby to Anmore.

As a therapist with a specialty in Addictions Counseling, I can help you work through the underlying issues that may be a contributing factor to your addiction. I can help you identify triggers and help you with coping skills, which are also a contributing factor to addiction. Developing a strong sense of self is key to a healthier and happier you. I can help you learn how to set boundaries, increase your self-respect, and how to give yourself what you need.

Tracey MacKenzie, CCC
Addiction Counsellor

Tracey MacKenzie, CCC

Canadian Certified Counsellor (CCC)

In V4B 3Z8 - Nearby to Anmore.

Addiction is NOT a choice. You don't wake up one day and say, "Hey! I'm going to start doing drugs." No, substance use is a coping mechanism and escape from (more than likely) a whole bunch of trauma from your younger years. Soon though, the "escape" became an additional problem to deal with. Are you tired of the rollercoaster? The shame? The guilt? The regret? It won't be easy and it doesn't start with the addiction itself ... healing starts with working on the underlying traumas. You'll need to learn a lot of new skills to control thoughts and cravings, instead of letting them control you, and then we can gently work through the traumas. You don't have to carry those burdens forever.

You have Found the Top Therapists for Addiction And Codependency in Anmore, BC.

Thank you for visiting our British Columbia page of therapists in Anmore who specialize in addictions in all forms- internet addiction, pornography and sex addictions, gambling, alcohol and drug abuse, shopping, and food addictions.  An addiction can destroy lives and relationships. Often times there is a codependent person somewhere in the sphere of an addict. Professional therapy from an addiction specialist in Anmore, BC is a vital part of recoverey and healing. We are ready to help, let's get started.

Anmore is located in British Columbia, Canada. It has a land area of 27.55 square kilometers.  The population of Anmore is 2,210 people with 688 households . The population ranking for Anmore is #1264 nationally and #181 for the province of British Columbia with a density of 80.20 people per sq km. Anmore therapists serve postal code: V3H.