Stress, PTSD and Anxiety Therapists in Anmore, BC.

Licensed professional counselling for anxiety, stress, phobias, and panic in Anmore, British Columbia.

Margaret Hearth,  MPCC-S, RPC, R.N. (np)
Anxiety Counsellor

Margaret Hearth, MPCC-S, RPC, R.N. (np)

Master Practitioner of Clinical Counselling/Clinical Supervisor

In V3M 1A5 - Nearby to Anmore.

Heightened stress or anxiety is so common in our society that sometimes we fear that without the adrenaline rushing through our bodies, we would suffer from extreme boredom or worse, fall into a deep, dark depression. Unfortunately, the stress response that protects us in times of extreme danger actually harms us when left to run rampant. Finding safe, healthy ways to ‘self-soothe’ will increase physical health & also free you to enjoy your life more fully. Since we have absolutely no power to control anyone but ourselves & nothing but the present moment, decreasing our ‘stress response’ frees up energy that can be put into significant relationships & activities that bring life to us.

Innerverse Therapy, MA, RCC
Anxiety Counsellor

Innerverse Therapy, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellors

In V6Z 2V4 - Nearby to Anmore.

We provide comprehensive support to clients dealing with anxiety and stress by utilizing various effective techniques. First and foremost, we employ psychoeducation to help clients comprehend the underlying mechanisms behind anxiety and stress. Through this knowledge, they gain a better understanding of their own experiences. Additionally, we integrate mindfulness practices, somatic experiencing, and other approaches aimed at fostering self-awareness of both thoughts and physical sensations. This helps clients develop a greater sense of being present in the here and now, enhancing their ability to manage and cope with anxiety.

Karen Cook, M.A.  RCC
Anxiety Counsellor

Karen Cook, M.A. RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V6H 3K2 - Nearby to Anmore.

You can live free of anxiety. There are step you can take. Anxious thinking creates powerful negative messages that impact your thoughts and your body physically. The result is your life begins to shrink. This is no way to live. You are meant to live a full, healthy life. The beautiful thing is you get to choose. Today you can start on a new journey towards freedom that gives you a new level of skill and an understanding of how anxiety works to assist you in defeating it and replacing it with greater peace and joy.

Sukhneet Bains, RCC, MCP
Anxiety Counsellor

Sukhneet Bains, RCC, MCP

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V3S 4H2 - Nearby to Anmore.

Anxiety comes in many forms - constant worrying, a sense of loss of control, or the overwhelming feeling that something is going to go wrong. As humans, we all experience some level of anxiety, it's a part of our normal stress response to help motivate us and even keep us safe by thinking ahead to danger. However, when we get stuck in this experience and feel held back, it can be helpful to talk to a therapist. My approach to anxiety is to help you understand your unique reactions and triggers and guide you in building further strategies and tools to cope with anxiety in a way that is manageable and healing.

Currents Counselling, RCC, CCC, RSW
Anxiety Counselor

Currents Counselling, RCC, CCC, RSW

Registered Clinical Counsellors, Canadian Certified Counsellors, and Registered Social Workers

Available for Online Therapy

Our clients consistently share high rates of anxiety, worry, stress and overwhelm. We understand that these states can profoundly impact the nervous system. Our team will work to understand the context of these things (what are they in response to?) and provide insight and interventions to best support individuals and families. Our therapists provide individualized support including EMDR.

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Anxiety Counsellor

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

In V6C 1H2 - Nearby to Anmore.

While most treatment approaches for anxiety and stress are effective on the surface, they don’t treat the real problem. Mantras, deep breathing, and rational dialogues about your fear being irrational rarely work---for most people don’t believe it or you! Imagine if you can trick the brain into changing without you telling your conscious mind that you are changing it? Problem with anxiety and stress is that the brain in this state knows you want to change it and it resists. Contact for the ultimate stress and anxiety solution that will literally change your brain's autonomic nervous system patterns while you sit on your butt. 877-606-6161.

Shelley Behr, MSW,RSW
Anxiety Counsellor

Shelley Behr, MSW,RSW

Registered Social Worker

In V6Y 2B2 - Nearby to Anmore.

Everyone experiences anxiety and stress at times. If anxiety and stress persist over a long period of time, and interferes with your daily life, you may have an anxiety disorder. Therapy can provide you with a safe space to help find relief and give you tools to move forward with your life. As a therapist, I will support you as you develop new skills, thinking patterns, and improve self esteem.

Bronwyn Sullivan, MOC, RCC
Anxiety Counsellor

Bronwyn Sullivan, MOC, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V5H 4M1 - Nearby to Anmore.

Do you find yourself worrying about whether you locked the front door,even though you know that you checked it three times? Do you feel your palms sweating and your heart racing, with an impending sense of doom as a sense panic washes over you? These are both forms of anxiety, that sense that the world is not a safe place and worry and concern over the future. Together we will work together to improve your sense of well being, decrease your anxiety and release you from the need to devote energy and brain space to safety behaviours.

Kristina Sohal, RCC
Anxiety Counsellor

Kristina Sohal, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V6E 2P4 - Nearby to Anmore.

Anxiety can create fears, threat safety, clients need to recognise their stress levels, their coping skills, and how their respond to stress. My treatment plan involves searching ways to help clients talk through strategies for comprehending and coping with anxiety. Understanding how they regulate their emotions when faced with stress and discovering the underlying issues behind the anxiety, is vital to the healing process.

Erica Collyer Beauchamp, MEd RCC
Anxiety Counsellor

Erica Collyer Beauchamp, MEd RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V6Z 2R4 - Nearby to Anmore.

I help clients dealing with anxiety and stress by using CBT, DBT, and Mindfulness based approaches. I help clients develop awareness and insight around the way they think to then create change in their thinking. Thoughts, Behaviours, and Emotions are all interconnected and drive each person's experience of an event and of themselves. By changing one, we change the other two. I help clients do this while pairing their thoughts with mindfulness based strategies to soothe their stress and anxiety.

Stephen Rochefort, Ph.D., R.Psych.
Anxiety Counsellor

Stephen Rochefort, Ph.D., R.Psych.

Registered Psychologist, Practice in Forensic and Clinical Psychology

In V3B 6B4 - Nearby to Anmore.

Anxiety is a perpetual worry or fear that feels uncontrollable. While a healthy level of anxiety helps us to function well in life, an unhealthy level can be debilitating. It can interfere with our ability to work, engage in relationships, and enjoy life. Dr. Rochefort can help you to reduce worry, stress, and panic, and to take back control of your thoughts, behaviours, and body.

Steve Rose, PhD
Anxiety Counselor

Steve Rose, PhD

Addiction Counsellor

Available for Online Therapy

If you're struggling with anxious thoughts, you may find it hard to focus. The fight or flight alarm is going off in your brain, constantly sending you messages starting with "what if...." If worrying is keeping you trapped in a hamster wheel, tired, but unable to rest, you may find yourself turning to addictive substances or behaviours to cope. As an addiction counsellor, I help clients cope with the anxious thoughts keeping them trapped in addictive behaviours. By uncovering these underlying thoughts, I help you develop coping skills so you can gain a sense of focus, clarity, confidence, and freedom from constantly overthinking. Send me a message and I'll guide you through the next steps.

Kathryn Dodds, RPC in Psychotherapy
Anxiety Counsellor

Kathryn Dodds, RPC in Psychotherapy

Registered Professional Counsellor in Psychotherapy

In V5R 6G4 - Nearby to Anmore.

In my professional and personal experience I have found that problems with anxiety, stress, depression, and anger issues are often overlapping. Many people feel mixed emotions of fear, worry, pressure, frustration, guilt, shame and low self worth. Unfortunately we have a tendency to doubt our abilities and our value which can quickly become a 'self fulfilling prophecy' and cause us to judge ourselves harshly, and/or isolate from others. This can become a cycle but it can often be broken by speaking openly with a professional who is competent, kind and encouraging. I am diligent in helping clients identify the false core beliefs and establish new beliefs that empower them again.

John Zak, RCC, MAMFT
Anxiety Counsellor

John Zak, RCC, MAMFT

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V4B 3X7 - Nearby to Anmore.

In my practice, I use a variety of evidence-based approaches to help my clients manage their anxiety and stress, including EMDR, Compassionate Inquiry, CBT, and mindfulness techniques. Whether you are struggling with generalized anxiety, panic attacks, or stress related to work or relationships, I am here to help. My goal is to create a safe and supportive environment where you can explore your thoughts and feelings, gain insight into your patterns of thinking and behavior, and develop the skills necessary to manage your anxiety and stress in a healthy way.

Vanessa McCall, M.Ed, RCC, EMDR trained
Anxiety Counsellor

Vanessa McCall, M.Ed, RCC, EMDR trained

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V3H 4T3 - Nearby to Anmore.

One of the most most successful approaches to helping my clients cope with anxiety, is helping them understand anxiety itself and the overall awareness of how it psychologically and psychologically affects us all individually. It is then I will be be able to introduce several cognitive behavioral interventions so that my clients may learn better coping mechanisms to help manage their anxieties.

Heather Pattern, MA, RCC, MTA
Anxiety Counsellor

Heather Pattern, MA, RCC, MTA

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V4A 7K9 - Nearby to Anmore.

Most people experience anxiety and stress in their lives. I approach anxiety as something that can be fought with evidence based strategies. Let me come alongside you as we build you a toolkit of strategies that you can practice. I will support your exploration of what is causing the anxiety, when it rears its ugly head and what you can do to confront it. Together we will build a plan to disrupt it's effects on your life.

Three Sisters Clinical Counselling, MACP, RCC, BPEH, RT
Anxiety Counsellor

Three Sisters Clinical Counselling, MACP, RCC, BPEH, RT


In V6B 2W9 - Nearby to Anmore.

Anxiety and stress are common, but then can become a problem when we start to worry about things that have not yet happened or we experience intense feelings of panic that are characterized by persistent worry about activities, people or events. Anxiety and stress can be caused by a mental disorder, adverse life events, and numerous other factors. Whether you find yourself thinking excessively about future events, panicking on a weekly basis, or unable to fall asleep at night, we will work with you to establish mechanisms to help you manage the symptoms of anxiety of stress. These include grounding techniques, mindfulness techniques, and physiological coping skills to manage.

Quyn Le Erichsen, M.Ed., RCC
Anxiety Counsellor

Quyn Le Erichsen, M.Ed., RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V3T 4Y3 - Nearby to Anmore.

Want to free yourself from anxieties, panic attacks or phobias? Want to learn to stop worrying or feeling stressed out constantly? Want to feel more comfortable and confident in social situations? You don’t have to live with anxieties anymore! The EMDR therapy I use can effectively help you with various types of anxiety, making changes in your brain and your nervous system. The powerful hypnotherapy I use can free you from anxiety by reprograming your subconscious mind that perpetuates anxieties. Many people can start to get great relief from anxiety working with me from 1 to several sessions, even if they have had anxieties for years! Fear no more! Worry no more! Call ME 778-548-7345!

Huda Sajjad, MA, MSc, RCC
Anxiety Counsellor

Huda Sajjad, MA, MSc, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V6Z 2R4 - Nearby to Anmore.

In Anxiety & Stress Treatment and Counselling, my approach centers on providing clients with practical tools and strategies to effectively manage and alleviate anxiety and stress. I create a supportive and empathetic environment where clients can openly discuss their concerns and fears. Through a combination of CBT techniques, mindfulness practices, and stress-reduction strategies, clients can expect to develop a deeper understanding of the triggers of their anxiety and stress responses. Together, we work on building resilience and adaptive coping mechanisms, enabling clients to regain a sense of control over their emotions and lives.

Simon Funnell, MACP, RCC
Anxiety Counsellor

Simon Funnell, MACP, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V4A 9E3 - Nearby to Anmore.

Dealing with anxiety and stress can feel overwhelming. Day-to-day tasks can be overwhelming. In our sessions, we'll employ evidence-based techniques such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to help you identify triggers and thought patterns, giving you practical tools to manage your anxiety. The road to a calmer mind may have its ups and downs, but please know that you're not alone on this journey. With consistent effort and support, you can regain a sense of control and peace in your life.

Sears Taylor, MA, LMHCA
Anxiety Counsellor

Sears Taylor, MA, LMHCA

Mental Health Counsellor

In V1M 3L7 - Nearby to Anmore.

In our modern society, we are constantly surrounded by stressors: work, relationship, past hurts, guilt and shame, illness, abuse, etc.. I use various counselling methods to help you become aware of these anxieties and fears, and then teach ways to reduce their control over your life. Clients routinely experience improved self-image, a renewed sense of hope and purpose, and a greater sense of personal freedom.

Patti Langlais, MA, RCC
Anxiety Counselor

Patti Langlais, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

Available for Online Therapy

Our focus is to support individuals who are struggling with anxiety and stress to a more relaxed and manageable way of being. Not only is stress and anxiety hard on our health and energy, but it also can have a significant impact on our world around us. We will work in a collaborative manor to break apart the building blocks that have contributed to the imbalance of anxiety and stress in your life, and empower you with the tools and techniques to remain in balance.

Sherri Scott-Berner, CBT, CP, DBT, Life Coach
Anxiety Counsellor

Sherri Scott-Berner, CBT, CP, DBT, Life Coach

Cognitive Behavioral Marriage, Individual Therapist and Life Coach

In V3X 3E6 - Nearby to Anmore.

Do you live under a heavy cloud that weighs you down preventing you from being even the shell of who you once were? Have you given up the desires and joys in life you once held dear as you are held prisoner from feelings of fear? Are your loved ones getting fed up, as your stress and anxiety has become a barrier for them too? Is it time you dealth with these feelings and romoved the bars from the doors and windows of the cell you live in and live the life you only now dream of re-entering. Let me help you. We can do it together. You no longer need to face this alone. I know it sounds hard and you are scared, but I an assure you, it is possible to be you again!

Kim Watt, MA (Psychology), RCC
Anxiety Counsellor

Kim Watt, MA (Psychology), RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V3R 7C1 - Nearby to Anmore.

Symptoms of stress and anxiety can originate from many different sources, including issues related to addiction, the effects of addiction, infidelity, difficult childhoods, dysfunctional families of origin, and the impact of past hurts and coping patterns. By offering a setting that is based on trust, empathy, and collaboration, counselling can provide you with a safe and supportive space to explore your thoughts and emotions while creating a deeper, more authentic understanding of who you are, what you need, and the dynamics that you are navigating. It is possible to thrive and be well no matter what you have been through, and counselling can help with this.

Mark Giesbrecht, MA, RCC, CCC, CT
Anxiety Counsellor

Mark Giesbrecht, MA, RCC, CCC, CT

Registered Clinical Counselor / Canadian Certified Counselor

In V5G 3B9 - Nearby to Anmore.

Anxiety as a result of stress is one of, if not the major contributing factor to poor health in most areas of people lives. If you have ever been tense before an exam or a visit to the dentist, you have a felt anxiety. Increased heart rate, sweating, rapid breathing, dry mouth, & a sense of dread are common. Changing this involves cognitive & behavioural approaches. Cognitive change is understanding how thoughts contribute to symptoms and how to change thought patterns to reduce the intensity of your anxiety. And behavioral changes involve using techniques to reduce or stop any undesired behaviors that are a result of the anxiety you have been experiencing.

You have Found the Top Therapists for Stress, Anxiety, and PTSD in Anmore, BC.

Thank you for visiting our British Columbia page of stress therapists in Anmore, British Columbia who are skilled and experienced in dealing with anxiety, worry, and panic in all its forms.  Worry and stress can cause a myriad of physical symptoms and wreck havoc on both our personal life and our relationships. Counselling for stress and PTSD in Anmore, BC will give you healthy tools and help you move forward. Let's get started. Reach out to us today, our contact forms are "open" 24/7.

Anmore is located in British Columbia, Canada. It has a land area of 27.55 square kilometers.  The population of Anmore is 2,210 people with 688 households . The population ranking for Anmore is #1264 nationally and #181 for the province of British Columbia with a density of 80.20 people per sq km. Anmore therapists serve postal code: V3H.