Find An Eating Disorder Therapist in Baldonnel, BC.

Experienced counsellors in Baldonnel, BC for anorexia, bulimia, food aversion, orthorexia nervosa and other food issues.

Trobak Holistic Counselling, MACP, RCC, CCS
Eating Disorder Counsellor

Trobak Holistic Counselling, MACP, RCC, CCS

Registered Clinical Counsellor, nationally certified clinical supervisor

In V1J 2B1 - Nearby to Baldonnel.

Trobak Holistic Counselling's approach to eating disorders is: 1. Understand why a person is struggling with the eating disorders. 2. Eating disorders are usually not the problem but symptoms of much deeper issues. 3. Understanding the person's life and how the life experiences impacted the person to use eating disorders as a way of coping. 4. Helping the client express feelings and emotions he/she has been denying or avoiding. This denial and avoidance has usually been going on for a long period of time.

Shannon Ritchie, MC, RCC
Eating Disorder Counselor

Shannon Ritchie, MC, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

Available for Online Therapy

Our relationships with our bodies are greatly impacted in a society that places more value on a specific body shape and appearance. The social pressure to confirm to this ideal are at the root of eating disorders. However, we locate the problem within the individual. Through counselling we can examine the individual experience of your experience and the loved ones who are also affected. We will also explore the role of social context and social pressure. One of the goals of therapy will be to strengthen other narratives of the individual. For example, that the identify of an "eating disorder" is not the individual only identity.

Geoff Williams, MSW, RCSW, RCC
Eating Disorder Counselor

Geoff Williams, MSW, RCSW, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor & Registered Clinical Social Worker

Available for Online Therapy

I am flexible in approach with Eating Disorders, starting with what has worked or is working with you already. I offer Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a new approach that will help you to target the thoughts and feelings that cause the problem behaviours in a whole new way. I will give you new skills for handling difficult thoughts and feelings that cause you to binge, purge, or over/under eat. I have formal training in the ACT model which is an evidence based treatment for EDs. Contact me to discuss further.

Heather Awad, MCP, RCC
Eating Disorder Counselor

Heather Awad, MCP, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

Available for Online Therapy

If you’ve struggled with disordered eating, you are all too familiar with compulsive behavior, obsessive thoughts and a disconnect from the body. You may also have a constant need for control while at the same time feeling a frightening and exhausting loss of all control. Please know that none of this is your choice, but rather is a state of stress and overwhelm while you do your best to feel better. I have nothing but compassion for the distress that comes with food-related challenges, and you have my commitment to help you care for the difficult underlying emotions involved. Together, we will create a safe space to move towards healing and a safe relationship with food and the body.

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Eating Disorder Counselor

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

At Home or Private Discreet Intensives

While most eating disorder issues are treated by cognitive behavioral methodologies or specialized outpatient/inpatient programs, Grey Matters International and the work of Kevin J. Fleming, PhD provide relief first and foremost for the brain of one suffering from an eating disorder----without giving them medication. We believe that the neural circuitries responsible for the compulsive behaviors with eating are not necessarily only a neurotransmitter issue but of overused neural networks that affect the harmonization, balance, and decisions of the whole brain. Contact or 877-606-6161 to learn more about this safe and effective alternative.

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW
Eating Disorder Counselor

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Eating disorders benefit from the same or similar approach used for all addictive behaviours. One of the main therapeutic approaches I use is Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy. The relationship to food can be quite complex involving societal or cultural pressures, self-image, past traumas, addictive non-nutritious junk food, media images, social media pressures, bullying. Shame and guilt need to be addressed along with peer pressures. The most common eating disorders are: Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating, Pica, Rumination Disorder, Avoidance/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID), Orthorexia, Purging Disorder etc. The benefits of therapy are enhanced self-image, health and well-being.

You Have Found Honest and Real Therapy for Food Issues in Baldonnel, BC.

Are you ready to start on a new path? Thank you for visiting our British Columbia search of licensed therapists in Baldonnel who specialize and have experience treating food issues such as anorexia, over eating, food aversions, orthorexia nervosa and bulimia.  Food issues affect anyone, both children and adults and can impede our relationships and daily life. Counselling for help with food and eating is a vital component of healthy recovery and restoration. Find the right counselor for eating and food issues in Baldonnel right now and begin your new life.

Baldonnel is located in British Columbia, Canada. Baldonnel therapists serve postal code: V0C.