Find An Eating Disorder Therapist in Murrayville, BC.

Experienced counsellors in Murrayville, BC for anorexia, bulimia, food aversion, orthorexia nervosa and other food issues.

Elnaz Bondar, MA, RCC
Eating Disorder Counsellor

Elnaz Bondar, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V3B 1A8 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Eating disorders are disorders that may affect you on a daily basis and may make your life very dysfunctional. Our counselling approaches for this treatment include the following: - To provide you with psychoeducation about how it functions, - To help you increase insights about your negative thoughts, - To find your inappropriate and negative thought patterns and replace them with positive ones, - To find your inappropriate coping mechanisms and replace them with appropriate ones, and - To recognize your triggers and gain control over them. One of the most effective treatments we use for eating disorders is Cognitive behavioural therapy while we may draw from other modalities as needed.

Bonnie Dyste, MAMFT
Eating Disorder Counsellor

Bonnie Dyste, MAMFT

Certified Clinical Counsellor

In V2Y 4K2 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Eating Disorders can seem like the only solution to emotional pain for many people. Eating Disorders rarely have anything to do with food itself, so it is important to truly identify the root issues involved. Often these actions are a result of some trauma in a persons life. I offer EMDR, which specifically addresses the trauma and helps the person suffering come to a peace about what happened. Eating disorders are also hard on supporting family and friends. Watching a loved one struggle with these disorders can bring about feelings of helplessness and despair as well. I would be honoured to help the family and friends of those suffering Eating Disorders come to some inner peace.

Jordan Penner, MA, RCC
Eating Disorder Counsellor

Jordan Penner, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V4N 5J8 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Eating Disorders are single issues problems and as such should not be treated with a single minded approached to only address ones 'eating'. The whole person's experience, environment, and goals must be taken into consideration in order to create true lasting change. This is why I use Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) when supporting individuals with ED. Teaching tools to identify and support unique thoughts, emotions and behaviors - while building success on towards attainable goals that are important to the individual. You can take back control over your life.

Heather Awad, MCP, RCC
Eating Disorder Counselor

Heather Awad, MCP, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

Available for Online Therapy

If you’ve struggled with disordered eating, you are all too familiar with compulsive behavior, obsessive thoughts and a disconnect from the body. You may also have a constant need for control while at the same time feeling a frightening and exhausting loss of all control. Please know that none of this is your choice, but rather is a state of stress and overwhelm while you do your best to feel better. I have nothing but compassion for the distress that comes with food-related challenges, and you have my commitment to help you care for the difficult underlying emotions involved. Together, we will create a safe space to move towards healing and a safe relationship with food and the body.

Ina Stockhausen, MTC
Eating Disorder Counsellor

Ina Stockhausen, MTC

Master Therapeutic Counsellor

In V5A 4E3 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Many forms or disordered eating are related to emotional eating. Somewhere along the line you have learned to soothe stress and overwhelm using food. Whether you're a binger or grazer, you are most likely familiar with feeling either in deprivation mode (you're dieting or restricting) or failure mode. Failure mode, feeling helpless and powerless in your attempts to control your eating behaviour can lead to bulimia, food addiction and binge eating. As an addictions counsellor I have specialized in Eating Disorders. Using a blend of cognitive behavioural therapy and somatic psychotherapy, I will help you change your eating patterns, stop disordered eating and develop a relapse prevention plan.

Fred West, RCC
Eating Disorder Counsellor

Fred West, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V3A 4G4 - Nearby to Murrayville.

I am sorry I do not offer this service but the system will not let me cross this off the list. I apologize to you, the client, for having you click on this only to find I DO NOT offer this service. I'm sure it is a clich in the theravive system that I am unable to correct. Best wishes for your continued search to find the right therapist for you! Fred West

Geoff Williams, MSW, RCSW, RCC
Eating Disorder Counselor

Geoff Williams, MSW, RCSW, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor & Registered Clinical Social Worker

Available for Online Therapy

I am flexible in approach with Eating Disorders, starting with what has worked or is working with you already. I offer Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a new approach that will help you to target the thoughts and feelings that cause the problem behaviours in a whole new way. I will give you new skills for handling difficult thoughts and feelings that cause you to binge, purge, or over/under eat. I have formal training in the ACT model which is an evidence based treatment for EDs. Contact me to discuss further.

Mary Longworth, BA MSc RCC
Eating Disorder Counsellor

Mary Longworth, BA MSc RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V3M 3P6 - Nearby to Murrayville.

I am able to help clients dealing with anexoria, bulimia or binge eating. By helping clients look at how and why they use food for control, reward, stress management or to deal with other emotions they can begin to change their maladative relationship with food. With some in office techniques and some out of office homework clients can have radical change in their lives. Enjoying food is one of life pleasures.

Raheel Rahman, MA, RCC
Eating Disorder Counsellor

Raheel Rahman, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V3Z 4P5 - Nearby to Murrayville.

I help my clients who are struggling with Eating Disorders based on the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) approach. I will help individuals understand the interaction between his thoughts, feelings and behaviours. We will develop strategies to challenge unhelpful thoughts and behaviours to improve mood and functioning. We will go over proof for the negative thoughts and proof against the negative thoughts along with goals and strategies in achieving them.

Hannah English, RCC, M.A.
Eating Disorder Counsellor

Hannah English, RCC, M.A.

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V3A 4G4 - Nearby to Murrayville.

When it comes to working with clients who are experiencing disordered eating, the first thing to understand is that rarely is it about food itself, and it can affect anyone from all genders, ages, classes, and abilities. I personally understand the amount of stress and anxiety that can arise around eating and body image and want to work with you to pinpoint what is triggering for you about eating. My goal is to help you create and maintain a healthy relationship with food, not a fearful one. By using open, supportive, and non-judgemental dialogue, we can break down the shame and stigma of eating disorders together.

Aleksandra Dobric Stanosevic
Eating Disorder Counsellor

Aleksandra Dobric Stanosevic

Registered Transactional Analysis Practitioner

In V5E 3C8 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Eating disorders are an unhealthy pattern, used by a healthy individual, to deal with an issue. Together we explore what the issue is about. We don't talk about food a lot, but about what lies beneath. In most cases the person has difficulties of emotional regulation, which are then transferred on the corporal level. Once the client becomes aware of that, we slowly unwrap the issue and the feelings involved.

Roya Vojdanijahromi, MA, RCC, CCTP
Eating Disorder Counsellor

Roya Vojdanijahromi, MA, RCC, CCTP

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V3B 0B3 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Having an eating disorder often leads to different emotions such as sadness, anger, shame and confusion. Having an eating disorder means you are probably also struggling with other mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. That is why it is really important to work with a therapist who can not only help you with symptoms of your eating disorder, but also help you with traumas and emotional difficulties that have led to your symptoms. When working with eating disorders, my goal is to help my clients understand their eating disorder from a compassionate perspective and also heal the deeper wounds that might lie underneath their eating patterns.

Annette Kasahara, BA, MEd. (Psychology), RCC
Eating Disorder Counsellor

Annette Kasahara, BA, MEd. (Psychology), RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V2Y 2V9 - Nearby to Murrayville.

It is my hope that individual therapy will benefit clients who may currently be participating in community-based support groups and group therapy, giving them the opportunity to explore in more depth the underlying issues related to their challenges with food. Clients will benefit from exploring relationship issues with significant people in their lives. They will learn to identify inner and situational triggers that may have resulted in harmful patterns and choices in the past. They will benefit from identifying negative and debilitating thought patterns, and will develop self-affirming beliefs to move them to greater confidence and self-acceptance.

Karen Cook, M.A.  RCC
Eating Disorder Counsellor

Karen Cook, M.A. RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V2Y 1J7 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Recovery from eating disorders (ED) is possible regardless of how long and intensley you may have struggled with it. ED works to rob you of your life, but you can have your life back from an eating disorder. Though it rarely seems so, ED's are not about food and body image, but about the underlying emotional issues and challenges one is experiencing. I would be pleased to assist you in recovering and understanding these issues and aid you in resolving them. Each woman longs for a beauty to unfold, and I believe each woman has this. You are not an exception.

Carolina Hall, R. Psych
Eating Disorder Counsellor

Carolina Hall, R. Psych

Registered Psychologist

In V3K 3P5 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Our approach to helping clients who are dealing with an eating disorder and require treatment and counselling is to work both with the family and with the individual dealing with this stressor. We work collaboratively with the client and use Dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT) and Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) to help manage the eating disorder. We come from a strength-based and collaborative approach.

Stephen Rochefort, Ph.D., R.Psych.
Eating Disorder Counsellor

Stephen Rochefort, Ph.D., R.Psych.

Registered Psychologist, Practice in Forensic and Clinical Psychology

In V3B 6B4 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Eating disorders are complex and multi-faceted. Treatment of eating disorders requires an holistic approach working with the individual and his or her family and other health care providers. More often than not, an eating disorder is a symptom of some other problem. While the individual's medical health must be monitored and controlled, therapy focuses on changing thinking and behaviour patterns that reinforce the eating challenges while exploring the underlying factors contributing to the presentation of the eating disorder.

Valentina Chichiniova, RCC, CCC
Eating Disorder Counselor

Valentina Chichiniova, RCC, CCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor, Canadian Certified Counsellor

Available for Online Therapy

EMDR therapy can be a useful tool in treating eating disorders by addressing the underlying emotional issues that may contribute to disordered eating behaviors. Trauma, negative self-image, and other emotional factors can contribute to the development of eating disorders. EMDR therapy works to reprocess these negative emotions and beliefs, helping individuals develop a more positive self-image and reduce the urge to engage in disordered eating behaviors. EMDR can also be used to address triggers that may lead to binging or purging, and to develop healthier coping mechanisms. By addressing the emotional factors that contribute to eating disorder, EMDR can be an effective tool in recovery.

Penney Hartsen, MSW, RCSW
Eating Disorder Counsellor

Penney Hartsen, MSW, RCSW

Registered Clinical Social Worker

In V4B 3X7 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Eating disorders are difficult because food is such an integral part of our survival and it can be a source of comfort as well as nourishment. We learn our relationship to food as young children and unconscious messages may continue to play a part in our eating habits as we grow older. Strong emotions often play a part as well since "emotional eating" is an attempt to keep our emotional balance. To develop a healthy relationship with food we need to take stock of all the elements of our lives and our culture to find a way to relate differently. You may be overlooking your strengths and be in need of a new perspective to assist in this process. Help is here - you don't need to do this alone.

Steve Rose, PhD
Eating Disorder Counselor

Steve Rose, PhD

Addiction Counsellor

Available for Online Therapy

I help clients overcome addictive relationships with food. Like all addictions, the behavior is the tip of the iceberg, used to cope with underlying thoughts and emotions. Through collaborative conversations, clients gain insight into underlying concerns, gaining coping skills to more effectively navigate these issues. I draw on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Motivational Interviewing (MI), helping clients achieve a sense of freedom and control over their lives, leading to long-term change.

Quyn Le Erichsen, M.Ed., RCC
Eating Disorder Counsellor

Quyn Le Erichsen, M.Ed., RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V3T 4Y3 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Are you struggling with binged eating? Do you wish to let go of your long-standing patterns of unhealthy eating habits? Do you know what to do, but have been unable to get the motivation to make the changes? I can help you! The EMDR I use helps you manage cravings of unhealthy foods by reducing their associated rewards in your brain. It also resolves certain traumas related to your associations with food and eating. The hypnotherapy I use helps you let go of certain beliefs in your subconscious mind about food, eating, and especially about yourself. You regain motivation and create new habits and patterns. As you enhance your self-worth, eating healthy becomes natural! Call 778-548-7345!

Jennifer Jantzen, MSW, RSW, RTC, BCN, RCC
Eating Disorder Counsellor

Jennifer Jantzen, MSW, RSW, RTC, BCN, RCC

Registered Clinical Counselor / Registered Social Worker

In V3J 1S7 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Eating disorders are complicated and complex. Having lived with an experience of a distorted body image, I have an understanding of some of the challenges of an eating disorder. To get the outcome clients want, I utilize the approaches of EMDR, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Neurofeedback (NFB). EMDR takes the charge out of rooted disturbances, allowing an individual to overcome challenging behaviours without needing to reason. With CBT, I am able to offer support while challenging distorted thoughts and dysfunctional behaviours. NFB trains the brain to self regulate, allowing optimal performance, effecting the thoughts, emotions and actions that keep an eating disorder alive.

H. Elise Reeh, PhD
Eating Disorder Counsellor

H. Elise Reeh, PhD

Registered Psychologist

In V2V 2C3 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Do you eat to feel better? Do you associate eating with comfort and other positive emotions? You are not alone. Join others in group therapy that struggle with the same issues with which you are faced. Through individual or group therapy (your choice), you can learn to become motivated to change this behaviour, self-monitor, control your eating, eat healthy meals, find alternate ways to meet your needs, and maintain new behaviours.

Angela Herd, Angela Herd
Eating Disorder Counsellor

Angela Herd, Angela Herd

Registered Clinical Counsellor, Certified Canadian Counsellor, Registered Canadian & BC Art Therapist, Child & Family Therapist & Clinical Supervisor

In V4B 1A4 - Nearby to Murrayville.

At the Family Hope Clinic we offer a range of support services provided by Registered Clinical Counsellors who are "also" Registered Art Therapists or "also" Registered Yoga Instructors. We understand that a multi-modality approach fosters the best outcomes and sustainability when addressing eating disorders. We are here to help you learn more about your needs and wants; as well as, how to build communication with loved ones to increase their understanding and obtain their support. Call today to set up your free 50 minute session!

Shannon Ritchie, MC, RCC
Eating Disorder Counselor

Shannon Ritchie, MC, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

Available for Online Therapy

Our relationships with our bodies are greatly impacted in a society that places more value on a specific body shape and appearance. The social pressure to confirm to this ideal are at the root of eating disorders. However, we locate the problem within the individual. Through counselling we can examine the individual experience of your experience and the loved ones who are also affected. We will also explore the role of social context and social pressure. One of the goals of therapy will be to strengthen other narratives of the individual. For example, that the identify of an "eating disorder" is not the individual only identity.

You Have Found Honest and Real Therapy for Food Issues in Murrayville, BC.

Are you ready to start on a new path? Thank you for visiting our British Columbia search of licensed therapists in Murrayville who specialize and have experience treating food issues such as anorexia, over eating, food aversions, orthorexia nervosa and bulimia.  Food issues affect anyone, both children and adults and can impede our relationships and daily life. Counselling for help with food and eating is a vital component of healthy recovery and restoration. Find the right counselor for eating and food issues in Murrayville right now and begin your new life.

Murrayville is located in British Columbia, Canada.  The population of Murrayville is 9,600 people. Murrayville therapists serve postal code: V3A.