Grief and Loss Counselling in Murrayville, BC.

Therapy and bereavement services in Murrayville, BC. Find real help with the right therapist.

Rachel Wiens, MA, RCC
Grief Counsellor

Rachel Wiens, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V2S 7J8 - Nearby to Murrayville.

I have journeyed with clients through the grieving process and have been moved by the vulnerability and strength of my clients. Some areas of grief that I have particular experience in are pregnancy loss/stillbirth, loss of a parent, and grief of a "former self" as an individual enters into a new and unfamiliar stage of life. It has been a privilege to walk alongside clients as they process, remember, and honour the loss of their loved ones.

H. Elise Reeh, PhD
Grief Counsellor

H. Elise Reeh, PhD

Registered Psychologist

In V2V 2C3 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Grieving can be a difficult time. It can involve a variety of disturbing thoughts and emotions that need expression and ventilation or they may end up haunting you for years if you leave them unaddressed. Clients have reported that they felt great relief after engaging in grief counselling with me. I am usually available on short notice if needed.

Elnaz Bondar, MA, RCC
Grief Counsellor

Elnaz Bondar, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V3B 1A8 - Nearby to Murrayville.

It is beyond feeling down when you lose someone special or a loved one to death, addiction, divorce, immigration, or other life circumstances. You may find this a very lonely journey. We help you heal from your grief and loss using Narrative therapy, Gestalt therapy, and a person-centered approach while honouring the past about that loss and providing you with empathy in your grief journey.

Lori Capozzi, B.A., M.Ed., RCC
Grief Counsellor

Lori Capozzi, B.A., M.Ed., RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V4A 2J2 - Nearby to Murrayville.

If you are human and have ever loved, you will inevitably experience grief in your life. Grief comes as a result of a loss, whether it be loss of a loved one, a job, a home. Sometimes, grief is so intense, it feels overwhelming and paralyzing. My approach in dealing with grief is to provide a safe space to work through and process all of the emotions surrounding the loss, ultimately leading to a place of acceptance and peace.

Fern Whitfield, RPC, MPCC
Grief Counselor

Fern Whitfield, RPC, MPCC

Master Practitioner in Clinical Counselling

Available for Online Therapy

Are you feeling sad, anxious, angry, lonely, guilty, relieved, isolated, confused, or numbed out? Loss and grief is most often associated with loss of life, but it can also be central to the presenting problems and underlying issues that are brought into my counselling office by most of my clients. Death, divorce, relocation, immigration, job loss, relationship breakdowns...these are all losses that we need to work through. Talking about your loss and processing your feelings is a good place to start.

Jordan Penner, MA, RCC
Grief Counsellor

Jordan Penner, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V4N 5J8 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Losing a loved one, a job or changes to a closely held worldview and value structure alters the way you experience the world. The grieving process over this loss is natural as you come to terms with your new reality. This can be an uplifting time and growth opportunity. By embracing the change in your reality, identifying its meaning and effects on your value structure you will be able to celebrate a lost love one’s life and lessons learned to move forward with the greater purpose. Grief becomes overwhelming when we are trapped in mourning what we no long have. I will work with you to sooth this pain and help identify areas of positive growth; so you can come out the other side a greater str....

Sukhneet Bains, RCC, MCP
Grief Counsellor

Sukhneet Bains, RCC, MCP

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V3A 4G4 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Dealing with grief & loss is not easy. When we are grieving, it is often multi-faceted and non-linear, it can bring up many different emotions, some unexpected. Working with a therapist through grief & loss can help process the many emotions that may arise. I view the grieving process of each client as unique and support you by allowing space and guiding you to process whatever is coming up in a way that feels comfortable and towards healing.

Tara Azimi, PhD Candidate, RCC, CCC.
Grief Counsellor

Tara Azimi, PhD Candidate, RCC, CCC.

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V3C 6K5 - Nearby to Murrayville.

The pain of grief and loss can truly be painful. This emotional challenge can extend beyond death. May it be the loss of a relationship - past or present, loss of health, retirement, financial loss, or the death of a loved one, I offer a compassionate and safe space to discuss this grief. In my practice I encourage clients to express their feelings about their losses as part of the processing journey. I offer strategies to cope with the overwhelming feelings while educating my clients about the stages of grief and the mind body relationship during such an experience. Recognizing that grief/loss are profoundly unique experiences, I embrace a person-centred approach during treatment planning.

Hannah English, RCC, M.A.
Grief Counsellor

Hannah English, RCC, M.A.

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V3A 4G4 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Grief and loss can present itself in many different ways and show up in our lives in many different forms. Surviving a loss can be life-shattering, especially if we feel like we are experiencing it alone. My experience with grief is that it comes in waves and is not a linear process. There is no clear process or timeline that we should hold ourselves to when recovering from a loss. Each person's experience is unique and carries its own complexities with it. Together we can discuss what is weighing heavily on you and find a path forward towards healing.

Shannon Ritchie, MC, RCC
Grief Counselor

Shannon Ritchie, MC, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

Available for Online Therapy

Grief and loss is a profound and individualized experience. However, with ideas about specific stages of grief and appropriate and inappropriate types of grieving - grief and loss can be stigmatizing. Feelings of grief and loss can come from a wide range of experiences. For instances, these feelings can emerge from a death or loss of a loved one, an illness, death of a pet, loss from relationship or identity etc. In therapy we will explore your individual experience with grief and loss within the context of your life and life experiences. I offer support to individuals, couples, or families.

Annette Kasahara, BA, MEd. (Psychology), RCC
Grief Counsellor

Annette Kasahara, BA, MEd. (Psychology), RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V2Y 2V9 - Nearby to Murrayville.

My hope is that as clients work through the reality of the loss they have experienced, they will recover their clarity and inner direction, and will begin to create ways to move forward. Clients are encouraged to acknowledge the loss and to explore the gamut of emotions accompanying this loss. Clients are encouraged to express their gratitude for what was, and at their own pace, begin to move forward.

Deana Brandt, MA-MFT, RCC
Grief Counsellor

Deana Brandt, MA-MFT, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V2T 7A2 - Nearby to Murrayville.

Individuals, couples, and families experience grief in their own way and on their own time. Often the feeling of loss changes and it can be extremely helpful to have someone to support you along your journey without judgment or expectations. To walk alongside with empathy and understanding.

Jennifer Turnbrook, MA, RCC
Grief Counsellor

Jennifer Turnbrook, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V1M 4A6 - Nearby to Murrayville.

If you have lost someone, I offer a compassionate and supportive space to explore your unique experience of loss. Listening carefully to your story, there's an opportunity to identify and honour your feelings, your memories and your relationship. Through gentle conversation and questions, there's a chance to rewrite your grief story, discover strengths, attend to resilience and find meaning amidst your pain. You can begin to acknowledge what you've been through while promoting healing, growth, a continued bond with the one who has passed and learning to live with loss

Compassionate Bereavement Services in Murrayville, BC.

Thank you for visiting our British Columbia search of licensed grief specialists in Murrayville.  Moving through grief after loss is difficult. Therapy helps through listening, by having someone there with you who understands the stages and process of grieving. You can find help for grief in Murrayville right now, please contact a provider above, you can email 24/7.

Murrayville is located in British Columbia, Canada.  The population of Murrayville is 9,600 people. Murrayville therapists serve postal code: V3A.