Stress, PTSD and Anxiety Therapists in Bogota, NJ.

Licensed professional counseling for anxiety, stress, phobias, and panic in Bogota, New Jersey.

Jessica Corea, LMHC
Anxiety Counselor

Jessica Corea, LMHC

Licensed Mental Health Counselor

In 11530 - Nearby to Bogota.

Anxiety will often involve more than temporary worry or fear—and its symptoms can interfere with daily activities such as job performance, school work, and relationships. Anxiety disorders can be treated—and licensed professional counselors can help. I would look forward to working through this with you. Please feel free to call today to schedule your first appointment.

David Mark, MS, LCSW
Anxiety Counselor

David Mark, MS, LCSW

School Psychologist, Licensed Social Worker, Certified Gottman Therapist

In 11434 - Nearby to Bogota.

We have all had moments of anxiety and we remain anxious due to the beliefs we hold about our reality and the thoughts we have about our situation. An individual becomes anxious when they overestimate the negative aspects of their situation and underestimate their ability to cope and function in problem situations. The anxious individual will imagine and create even more negative consequences than are actually present. I guide my clients to a more rational approach of focusing on the task at hand, not engaging in or imagining negative outcomes, and not engaging in or exaggerating possible negative outcomes. We focus together on ways that enable coping, behavioral change and flourishing in that situation.

Tanvi Mathew, MS, LPC
Anxiety Counselor

Tanvi Mathew, MS, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 07450 - Nearby to Bogota.

Anxiety is a feeling that we experience at some point in our life. It’s that feeling of intense nervousness and fear that translate into physical symptoms. For some, the experience occurs more frequently with more severity and can go from occurring periodically to an everyday feeling. It can take a toll on your daily life ranging from your health, outlook on life to how you function socially. You will learn where your feelings of anxiety are stemming from and why they are so persistent. You will also become aware of how your physical and emotional symptoms not only connect, but how they trigger one another. Becoming complacent with anxiety shouldn't be a norm. Let's find your happiness.

Mars & Venus Counseling Center, LCSWs, DCSW, LPCs, LCADCs, Ph.D.
Anxiety Counselor

Mars & Venus Counseling Center, LCSWs, DCSW, LPCs, LCADCs, Ph.D.


In 07666 - Nearby to Bogota.

We live in an age of high anxiety and stress. Anxiety symptoms include muscle tension, feelings of restlessness, feeling on edge, irritability, and fatigue. Many people also experience difficulty sleeping. Other symptoms of anxiety can also include constant worry, obsessive thinking or compulsions, that is, uncontrolled behaviors, such as excessive hand washing. Some people also experience fears or phobias, as well as panic attacks. The symptoms of all of the above can be on a continuum from mild to severe. Some of our staff here at the Mars & Venus Counseling Center are experienced in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Our experienced counselors, trained in the techniques of leaders in the field of anxiety disorders, will provide extensive...(view profile to read more)

James Pearl, Ph.D.
Anxiety Counselor

James Pearl, Ph.D.


In 10016 - Nearby to Bogota.

Stress is not only an internal problem but is evoked by environmental impingement such as family, business, and political currents. All individuals have varying levels of stress in their lives. One of the focuses of psychotherapy is to help with increasing a capacity to move through it. An enhanced capacity for imagination and creativity can be a result.

Jessica Parlor, PhD
Anxiety Counselor

Jessica Parlor, PhD

Licensed Psychologist

In 10016 - Nearby to Bogota.

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy is a highly effective treatment for anxiety disorders, particularly OCD. It involves gradually exposing individuals to feared stimuli or situations while preventing the typical compulsive response. Through repeated exposure to these anxiety-provoking triggers, clients learn to tolerate distress without engaging in compulsive behaviors. ERP therapy is based on the principle of habituation, where anxiety decreases over time with repeated exposure. Therapists work collaboratively with clients to develop personalized exposure hierarchies and teach coping skills to manage anxiety. ERP has been shown to significantly reduce symptoms.

Jacklyn Rukaj, Psy.D.
Anxiety Counselor

Jacklyn Rukaj, Psy.D.

Postdoctoral Resident

In 10016 - Nearby to Bogota.

Anxiety and stress hold you back from living and enjoying life to its full potential. Let's work together to explore the sources of your anxiety, stress, and distress, and work together to create positive, solutions-focused momentum to help you move forward and open up your possibilities As a postdoctoral psychology resident, I am highly trained, and strive to create a safe and supportive environment. I believe that each relationship is a unique interaction, and tailor my approach to each client’s needs, integrating Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Therapy, and a Humanistic approach.

Maria Sue Butler, LMFT, Supervisor State Of Florida
Anxiety Counselor

Maria Sue Butler, LMFT, Supervisor State Of Florida

LMFT Diplomate, Certified of Anger management

In 10022 - Nearby to Bogota.

Art focuses on clients to re-encounter the positive skills they have already known and used, but that life problems made them temporarily forget. This way, clients rely on their own strengths and initiatives for their lives. Treatment will also provide opportunities to learn and apply new skills that in time will become part of the clients' lives.Tool Box for Life and Relational Skills When clients graduate from treatment, they take with them a box full of "tools", such as effective anger management techniques, avoiding confrontations that lead to negative expressions of anger, resolving conflict peacefully and quietly, making the right decisions in every aspect of life, and perseverance to alw....

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Anxiety Counselor

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

In 10012 - Nearby to Bogota.

While most treatment approaches for anxiety and stress are effective on the surface, they dont treat the real problem. Mantras, deep breathing, and rational dialogues about your fear being irrational rarely work---for most people dont believe it or you!. Imagine if you can trick the brain into changing without you telling your conscious mind that you are changing it? Problem with anxiety and stress is that the brain in this state knows you want to change it and it resists. Contact for the ultimate stress and anxiety solution that will literally change your brain's autonomic nervous system patterns while you sit on your butt. 877-606-6161

Hal Brickman, LCSW, RCSW, CSW, MSW, CHT
Anxiety Counselor

Hal Brickman, LCSW, RCSW, CSW, MSW, CHT

New York State Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 11375 - Nearby to Bogota.

Most people who suffer from excessive anxiety are suffering from a form of stage-fright. Some anxiety is genetically based. Some is culturally based. Hal encourages his clients to verbalize their anxieties so they understand it genesis. Which in turn eventually leads to confidence that they can learn to calm themselves down. Hal gives each client exercises to use to lower levels of anxiety and to find creative ways to modulate areas in their life that foment stress.

Terri DiMatteo, MA, LPC
Anxiety Counselor

Terri DiMatteo, MA, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 07417 - Nearby to Bogota.

While we all live with some degree of anxiety and stress in our lives, there are times when the anxiety and stress levels overwhelm us and our usual ways of coping no longer work. When overwhelmed by stress an anxiety, it is not uncommon to shut down, engage in poor decision making or partake in destructive escape routes. I help clients gain perspective, problem-solve, and find ways to increase support during times of extreme stress, anxiety, loss and disappointment. Clients with whom I work with on issues of anxiety and stress report feeling more hopeful, more capable, reassured and better able to tackle life's challenges and disappointments.

Steven Sussman, Ph.D
Anxiety Counselor

Steven Sussman, Ph.D

Licensed NJ & NY Psychologist

In 07092 - Nearby to Bogota.

University studies and media stories warn us that more youth suffer anxiety- related conditions. Bullying, depression, self-destructive behaviors, and substance use among children incrementally increase every few years, reaching younger and younger children. This is why my focus is on creating a safe fun place for kids to discuss and explore theses uncomfortable areas of concern.

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Anxiety Counselor

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

In 10065 - Nearby to Bogota.

While most treatment approaches for anxiety and stress are effective on the surface, they don’t treat the real problem. Mantras, deep breathing, and rational dialogues about your fear being irrational rarely work---for most people don’t believe it or you! Imagine if you can trick the brain into changing without you telling your conscious mind that you are changing it? Problem with anxiety and stress is that the brain in this state knows you want to change it and it resists. Contact for the ultimate stress and anxiety solution that will literally change your brain's autonomic nervous system patterns while you sit on your butt. 877-606-6161.

Kerry Ann Barrett, LCSW-R
Anxiety Counselor

Kerry Ann Barrett, LCSW-R

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 11201 - Nearby to Bogota.

Counseling will allow you to identity the things that triggers your feelings of anxiety and stress. It is important to explore current coping strategies whether successful or not. You will learn skills and technique to better manage your feelings and reaction. Some of these skills may involve relaxation, reframing thoughts, prioritizing or delegating tasks.

Rich Heller, MSW, CPC, ACC
Anxiety Counselor

Rich Heller, MSW, CPC, ACC

Relationship Coach

In 10803 - Nearby to Bogota.

Anxiety and stress are experienced by everyone!! So what makes one person more or less stressed than another? Why do some people have a greater sense of well-being than others? Well-being and stress live in opposition to one another. Working together, we will get to why some things are stressful and triggering anxiety while others do not, as well as how to reduce stressors and causes of anxiety so that your well-being increases proportionately.

Akeisha Rivera, Psy.D.
Anxiety Counselor

Akeisha Rivera, Psy.D.

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

In 10017 - Nearby to Bogota.

The world is a demanding place these days and we get pulled in so many different directions—add to that the stress of having, keeping, or finding a job, family and/or relationship pressures—and anxiety and stress can so easily gain the upper hand. My goal as a therapist is to help you talk though your issues and concerns so that I can give you the tools to help you overcome your sources of anxiety and stress.

The Imago Way, Psy.D. & L.C.S.W.
Anxiety Counselor

The Imago Way, Psy.D. & L.C.S.W.

Licensed Psychologist & Licensed Social Worker

In 10543 - Nearby to Bogota.

I teach clients tools that they can use to help calm them when they are feeling stressed. I also teach clients specific strategies to keep their stress and anxiety-related thoughts from interfering with their lives. I give clients positive and adaptive responses to stress. I explore with clients the root of their their fears and the importance of not letting those fears keep them from doing the things they want to do.

Donna Schinik, L.C.S.W.
Anxiety Counselor

Donna Schinik, L.C.S.W.

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 10605 - Nearby to Bogota.

Most individuals will encounter stress and anxiety throughout different times in life. How you manage stress is of key importance. When stress and anxiety overwhelm us we lose our footing. The Cognitive Behavioral approach to how we manage these stressors has become one of the most effective ways to regain control over our thoughts and behavior. Learning mindfulness techniques and recognizing ineffective thought patterns are tools you will learn to regain that footing. Let's work together so stress and anxiety does not continually become so overwhelming. Life's stressors are manageable wen you employ the right tools.

Lance Stern, LCSW, BCD
Anxiety Counselor

Lance Stern, LCSW, BCD


In 07481 - Nearby to Bogota.

We live in a stressful world. Often the complexities of our lives can become ovewhelming and they can cause great anxiety. Through good psychotherapy, together we can break down your seemingly unmanagable oppressive thoughts, this can help you cope with your life's circumstances in a productive manor and by eliminating the unhealthy anxiety you will be able to see stress as is, just one more challenge in your life.

Marc Shulman, Psy.D.
Anxiety Counselor

Marc Shulman, Psy.D.

Clinical Psychologist

In 11530 - Nearby to Bogota.

When working with people who struggle with anxiety I teach skills that enable people to manage the daily stresses of life. This includes those struggling with generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobias, post traumatic stress disorder, and panic disorder. By learning how to cope more effectively with these symptoms people learn how to live more functional and satisfying lives.

Empowered Life Counseling, Inc., Dr. Remy Nelson, LMHC,NCC, CCMHC
Anxiety Counselor

Empowered Life Counseling, Inc., Dr. Remy Nelson, LMHC,NCC, CCMHC

Licensed Mental Health Counselor

In 10001 - Nearby to Bogota.

What are the factors associated with your anxiety? Quite often, individuals who suffer from anxiety do not understand why they are having anxiety. As we engage in therapy together, questions that I ask you in therapy will help me to understand the collaborative factors that may be causing your anxiety. I want to help you understand and resolve the underlying problems that are keeping your anxiety alive. I will use cognitive and dialectical behavior therapy approaches to help you get your anxiety under control. Come join me!

Debra Feinberg, LCSW
Anxiety Counselor

Debra Feinberg, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 07040 - Nearby to Bogota.

If you're feeling anxious or stressed, struggling with social phobia or need help managing and reducing panic attacks, can help you. Cognitive-behavioral therapy can be very effective in helping you reduce and manage your anxiety and fears. If you are looking for a therapist to help to manage and reduce your anxiety, please contact me at call 973-902-8700 or by email if that's easier for you. I encourage to take the first step and contact me for a free phone consultation.

Sheryl Eisenberg, LCSW
Anxiety Counselor

Sheryl Eisenberg, LCSW

Psychotherapist / Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 11218 - Nearby to Bogota.

Anxiety is excessive worry about negative events that you expect to happen, but are not necessarily in the cards. The worry is enough to bring on dread, panic, obsessions, compulsions, and phobias. Usually, early life experiences – perhaps forgotten or suppressed -- taught you to anticipate the worst. Together, we will bring these memories into consciousness so you can consider if they still apply to you in your current life as an adult. This will help you stay more grounded in the reality of the here and now, which can significantly reduce anxious symptoms. I will also teach you calming techniques, including mindfulness practices and self-compassion to counter anxiety when it arises.

So.i.Heard Music Therapy, MT-BC
Anxiety Counselor

So.i.Heard Music Therapy, MT-BC

Music Therapist

In 07041 - Nearby to Bogota.

Our credentialed music therapists tailor sessions to each individual, utilizing personalized music exercises and interventions to address each person's unique symptoms of anxiety. Our music therapists work with each client using musical elements like songwriting, processing, and guided imagery to help clients find their own voice and learn new coping skills to help manage anxiety of any severity.

Jenna Purcell, MSc, CCC
Anxiety Counselor

Jenna Purcell, MSc, CCC

Social Confidence Life Coach

In 10012 - Nearby to Bogota.

Anxiety and stress take a hold on you and never let go, leaving you trapped and frozen. I help my clients to learn all about the magic of mindfulness practice. It's one of the most effective ways to put you in control of your emotions, rather than them controlling you. Imagine how great it would be to have an internal place of peace and serenity that you can use at any time to relax and become grounded. Mindfulness is an ancient practice that is also supported by scientific empirical studies. It's one of the best ways to change your life.

You have Found the Top Therapists for Stress, Anxiety, and PTSD in Bogota, NJ.

Thank you for visiting our New Jersey page of stress therapists in Bogota, New Jersey who are skilled and experienced in dealing with anxiety, worry, and panic in all its forms.  Worry and stress can cause a myriad of physical symptoms and wreck havoc on both our personal life and our relationships. Counseling for stress and PTSD in Bogota, NJ will give you healthy tools and help you move forward. Let's get started. Reach out to us today, our contact forms are "open" 24/7.

Bogota is located in Bergen County, New Jersey. It has a land area of 0.75 square miles and a water area of 0.04 square miles.  The population of Bogota is 8,400 people with 2,878 households and a median annual income of $76,649. .

Therapy Affordability Meter for Bogota, NJ

Mostly Affordable

Establishing weekly sessions with a professional therapist is considered affordable in Bogota for the average family. While sustaining a commitment to therapy is usually not an issue, if mental health treatment feels like a burden please ask your counselor about accepted insurance plans or sliding scale fees. Low cost counseling and affordable therapy are also sometimes offered by listed city and university level clinics, check with your local Bogota public health department.