Stress, PTSD and Anxiety Therapists in Leonia, NJ.

Licensed professional counseling for anxiety, stress, phobias, and panic in Leonia, New Jersey.

Esther Goldstein, LCSW,MSW, Trauma Therapist
Anxiety Counselor

Esther Goldstein, LCSW,MSW, Trauma Therapist

Licensed Clinical Psychotherapist

In 11516 - Nearby to Leonia.

Anxiety is the way our minds let us know that something is bothering us. A LOT! When helping you work with your anxiety, I invite anxiety to join us on our journey of discovery; understanding what anxiety is trying to communicate with us and the world. By opening that door, we gain control of the anxiety and can begin lowering symptoms by addressing real life issues that may be causing this uncomfortable feeling within. I have helped anxious clients improve emotional balance, increase feelings of calmness, inner peace, as well as learning how to use anxiety as powerful tool and not a stumbling block.

Allyson Cole, Psy.D.
Anxiety Counselor

Allyson Cole, Psy.D.

Licensed Psychologist

In 10016 - Nearby to Leonia.

We embrace an expansive view of the individual and collaborate with clients to explore how their sense of self, past experiences, environment, and culture, impacts their current moods, relationships, experiences, and self-beliefs. We will work together in identifying what areas of life you would like to further explore to best reach your goals/growth in this process of self-discovery.

Gerald Schoenewolf, Ph.D.
Anxiety Counselor

Gerald Schoenewolf, Ph.D.

Licensed Psychoanalyst

In 10009 - Nearby to Leonia.

Anxiety and stress are interrelated. Generally people with anxiety disorders, including obsessive-compulsive disorder, tend to internalize conflicts that cause them to always be stressed out, which affects their thinking and behavior. Through an eclectic psychotherapy approach that includes psychodynamic, cognitive and behavioral work, I help them release the fears and angers that underlie the build-up of stress. In time they learn to moderate their feelings, cope better with stressful situations and live a calmer life.

Jenna Purcell, MSc, CCC
Anxiety Counselor

Jenna Purcell, MSc, CCC

Social Confidence Life Coach

In 10012 - Nearby to Leonia.

Anxiety and stress take a hold on you and never let go, leaving you trapped and frozen. I help my clients to learn all about the magic of mindfulness practice. It's one of the most effective ways to put you in control of your emotions, rather than them controlling you. Imagine how great it would be to have an internal place of peace and serenity that you can use at any time to relax and become grounded. Mindfulness is an ancient practice that is also supported by scientific empirical studies. It's one of the best ways to change your life.

Empowered Life Counseling, Inc., Dr. Remy Nelson, LMHC,NCC, CCMHC
Anxiety Counselor

Empowered Life Counseling, Inc., Dr. Remy Nelson, LMHC,NCC, CCMHC

Licensed Mental Health Counselor

In 10001 - Nearby to Leonia.

What are the factors associated with your anxiety? Quite often, individuals who suffer from anxiety do not understand why they are having anxiety. As we engage in therapy together, questions that I ask you in therapy will help me to understand the collaborative factors that may be causing your anxiety. I want to help you understand and resolve the underlying problems that are keeping your anxiety alive. I will use cognitive and dialectical behavior therapy approaches to help you get your anxiety under control. Come join me!

Susan Galperin, LCSW LCADC SAP
Anxiety Counselor

Susan Galperin, LCSW LCADC SAP


In 07020 - Nearby to Leonia.

If you suffer from anxiety or stress then you know how it impacts upon your life. This is such a large topic. It could include ocd, panic attacks, low self esteem, ...poor relationships to numerous other issues. My approach depends upon who you are and what your issues are. I like to think of myself as being non-judgmental, creating an atmosphere where you are comfortable telling me your story. When that happens we can then identify the issue and choose strategic approaches that will fit with your views and personality so in the end you can have a life without the anxiety and stress that you are feeling presently.

Cristina Maria Fort Garcés, LCAT, ATR-BC, CPC
Anxiety Counselor

Cristina Maria Fort Garcés, LCAT, ATR-BC, CPC

Licensed Gestalt, Somatic, and Creative Arts Psychotherapists

In 10538 - Nearby to Leonia.

Anxiety and strees are deeply uncomfortable, and so often we want to get rid of it because we feel ashamed that we feel anxious in the first place. However, if we can get a little bit curious about our anxiety, it has so much wisdom. When we allow ourselves to be with our anxiety it can tell us so much about the beliefs we hold unconsciously that are steering our life. We can then begin to rewrite these beliefs and choose a different way to experience ourselves. When we can acknowledge that our anxiety has a purpose we can uncover our deepest wisdom. We can help with that. Get in touch with us today.

Jacklyn Rukaj, Psy.D.
Anxiety Counselor

Jacklyn Rukaj, Psy.D.

Postdoctoral Resident

In 10016 - Nearby to Leonia.

Anxiety and stress hold you back from living and enjoying life to its full potential. Let's work together to explore the sources of your anxiety, stress, and distress, and work together to create positive, solutions-focused momentum to help you move forward and open up your possibilities As a postdoctoral psychology resident, I am highly trained, and strive to create a safe and supportive environment. I believe that each relationship is a unique interaction, and tailor my approach to each client’s needs, integrating Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Therapy, and a Humanistic approach.

Craig Springer, PhD
Anxiety Counselor

Craig Springer, PhD

Clinical Psychologist

In 07078 - Nearby to Leonia.

Do you worry about work constantly when you’re at home, or feel anxious and tense even about small events? Is your mind riddled with a powerless sense of imminent danger, a place where rising panic can be difficult to quell? Does your apprehension make it difficult to get on with regular life and enjoy each day? Do you struggle with recurrent thoughts that bring about fear, doubt and anxiety and compel you to engage in safety and sometimes nonsensical behaviors? These signs and symptoms are common in those suffering from anxiety disorders. Anxiety and fear can have even paralyzing effects in many aspects of your life; however, there is hope for a calm and serene existence.

Jason Powell, LMFT, CST
Anxiety Counselor

Jason Powell, LMFT, CST

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and AASECT Certified Sex Therapist

In 06830 - Nearby to Leonia.

Anxiety and stress are some of the most common concerns that clients bring to me in session. The constant worry of how to get everything done, while navigating a pandemic, in an ever-changing world can seem overwhelming at times. You are not alone. Whether you are looking for help with your daily challenges or feel like stress and anxiety are impacting your relationships, I can help. I look forward to working with you on ways to calm your mind and experience the peace you are looking for.

Michael Lepak, LCSW
Anxiety Counselor

Michael Lepak, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 07042 - Nearby to Leonia.

Everyone feels anxiety at some point in their lives but when it starts to interfere with your life, counseling can help. Although anxiety can feel debilitating, it is treatable. People with anxiety don’t always share the same symptoms, they vary from person to person. Therapy will help you to reclaim your life and function in a chronically stressful world.

Tanvi Mathew, MS, LPC
Anxiety Counselor

Tanvi Mathew, MS, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 07450 - Nearby to Leonia.

Anxiety is a feeling that we experience at some point in our life. It’s that feeling of intense nervousness and fear that translate into physical symptoms. For some, the experience occurs more frequently with more severity and can go from occurring periodically to an everyday feeling. It can take a toll on your daily life ranging from your health, outlook on life to how you function socially. You will learn where your feelings of anxiety are stemming from and why they are so persistent. You will also become aware of how your physical and emotional symptoms not only connect, but how they trigger one another. Becoming complacent with anxiety shouldn't be a norm. Let's find your happiness.

Walter Masterson, LCSW
Anxiety Counselor

Walter Masterson, LCSW

Psychotherapy and Counseling

In 10021 - Nearby to Leonia.

A simple statement about the states of anxiety, depression and satisfaction might be: Depression is living in the past, Anxiety is living in the future, and satisfaction is living in the here and now. We have habitual patterns of thinking, and whole sets of beliefs underlying those patterns. Escaping from the grip of these is very enlivening. Just by taking the step of reaching out, the process begins.

Joseph Tropper, PsyD, MS, LCPC
Anxiety Counselor

Joseph Tropper, PsyD, MS, LCPC

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

In 11201 - Nearby to Leonia.

There is normal stress and anxiety and then there are levels which are far beyond what you imagine to be on that range. We live high-stress and fast-paced lives and it is understandable why we sometimes feel overwhelmed and highly stressed out. There is help available to assist you in calming your nerves and finding productive and safe methods for dealing with the many painful stressors around us.

Silvina Falcon-Levine, MSW, LCSW
Anxiety Counselor

Silvina Falcon-Levine, MSW, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 07078 - Nearby to Leonia.

Constant worry, recurrent thoughts that bring about fear, doubt and dread or even moments of overwhelming panic can have a powerful negative impact in your life. These experiences can compel you to engage in safety behaviors, ask others for constant reassurance, and progressively limit your life. Despite your best effort to try to cope, symptoms recur and your mind is never at ease. However, while enlisting the support of and knowledgeable therapist, you will be able to learn strategies that will allow you to regain control and experience joy. My approach uses cognitive behavioral strategies, insight oriented psychotherapy and mindfulness to help you regain the life you deserve.

Philip Kolba, MA LCPC NCC
Anxiety Counselor

Philip Kolba, MA LCPC NCC


In 10013 - Nearby to Leonia.

Everyone experiences anxiety at some point, but for some the anxiety is so frequent or intense that it interferes with their lives or even triggers panic attacks. I use Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) to help my clients get a sense of control over their own anxiety. We collaborate to learn skills to reduce the frequency or intensity of the anxious feelings, to tolerate the anxiety when it does occur so they can still function through it, and to practice habits that reduce stress and improve general mental health.

Michael Barmak, LCSW
Anxiety Counselor

Michael Barmak, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 07016 - Nearby to Leonia.

I help my clients learn how to self-soothe the part of them that is anxious. You can all do this by becoming aware of what you are telling yourself about a situation or others. Our thoughts often cause our feelings. I can teach you a process to be able to identify your false beliefs, learn the truth and then know what the loving action(s) you need to take to feel higher self worth and calmer.

Lance Stern, LCSW, BCD
Anxiety Counselor

Lance Stern, LCSW, BCD


In 07481 - Nearby to Leonia.

We live in a stressful world. Often the complexities of our lives can become ovewhelming and they can cause great anxiety. Through good psychotherapy, together we can break down your seemingly unmanagable oppressive thoughts, this can help you cope with your life's circumstances in a productive manor and by eliminating the unhealthy anxiety you will be able to see stress as is, just one more challenge in your life.

Elana Chasser, LCSW, CSAT, CMAT
Anxiety Counselor

Elana Chasser, LCSW, CSAT, CMAT

Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Sex Addiction Therapist, Certified Multiple Addiction Therapist

In 11570 - Nearby to Leonia.

Anxiety and stress are two of the most mind consuming elements people have. They are hard to control and manage. They are emotionally draining and fatiguing. You may be experiencing high levels of anxiety and stress and think that only medication can help you. I believe that people have the power within to be more helpful to themselves than they may believe or know. Having a willingness, desire, and commitment to try new behaviors and feel better prove positive for many people I work with.

Patricia Pitta, Ph.D., A.B.P.P.
Anxiety Counselor

Patricia Pitta, Ph.D., A.B.P.P.

Clinical and Board Certified Family Psychologist

In 11030 - Nearby to Leonia.

Anxiety and stress are signals that something is going wrong and you need to make changes. If you feel anxious or stressed ask yourself, " Who or what are you angry at? Or, what are you doing that is painful, without limits and leaves you in a state of Dis-Ease/ Anxious and Stressed? Many times your anxiety can be expressed in panic attacks which are overwhelmed emotions unable to be contained. Psychotherapy will help you to express these pent up emotions and burdens. It will teach you to: be assertive with yourself and others, learn to say "No", relax, set limits, take better care of yourself and learn to use anxiety as your friend and a warning signal that you need to make changes,

David B. Alexander, Psychotherapist/GestaltTherapist
Anxiety Counselor

David B. Alexander, Psychotherapist/GestaltTherapist

Licensed Psychoanalyst

In 11361 - Nearby to Leonia.

Good therapy helps uncover the root causes of anxiety, and finds ways to transcend the specific current issues and deals with the underlying sense of worry that seems to arise from nowhere. Anxiety arises due to one's own natural energies being turned back on oneself. I help you see that the anxiety and circular, repeated thinking are due to deeply-held messages. These restrictive messages cause you to feel that authentic self-expression is dangerous, not wanted, and unhealthy. Gradually discovering old traumas and hidden beliefs so they are fully understood and digested, frees you to live in more peace and more fulfilled.

Rich Heller, MSW, CPC, ACC
Anxiety Counselor

Rich Heller, MSW, CPC, ACC

Relationship Coach

In 10803 - Nearby to Leonia.

Anxiety and stress are experienced by everyone!! So what makes one person more or less stressed than another? Why do some people have a greater sense of well-being than others? Well-being and stress live in opposition to one another. Working together, we will get to why some things are stressful and triggering anxiety while others do not, as well as how to reduce stressors and causes of anxiety so that your well-being increases proportionately.

Allia Brickman, LMHC, Cert. Gottman Therapist
Anxiety Counselor

Allia Brickman, LMHC, Cert. Gottman Therapist

Alpha Psychotherapy Center

In 11030 - Nearby to Leonia.

Most of us experience anxiety and/or stress at some point. However, when it persists and reaches a heightened level of intensity, therapy may be needed and can have a powerful impact on reducing these symptoms. Talk therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy are two approaches shown to have success in treating anxiety. Talk therapy allows for my clients to open up and unburden themselves from the weight of what they may be carrying and validating their experience and emotions. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps address and shift any unhealthy thinking or behaviors associated with the anxiety. This can significantly improve ones ability to manage their anxiety.

Sheryl Eisenberg, LCSW
Anxiety Counselor

Sheryl Eisenberg, LCSW

Psychotherapist / Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 11218 - Nearby to Leonia.

Anxiety is excessive worry about negative events that you expect to happen, but are not necessarily in the cards. The worry is enough to bring on dread, panic, obsessions, compulsions, and phobias. Usually, early life experiences – perhaps forgotten or suppressed -- taught you to anticipate the worst. Together, we will bring these memories into consciousness so you can consider if they still apply to you in your current life as an adult. This will help you stay more grounded in the reality of the here and now, which can significantly reduce anxious symptoms. I will also teach you calming techniques, including mindfulness practices and self-compassion to counter anxiety when it arises.

Kelley Hopkins-Alvarez, LPC,CST,NCC,BCC,MS,MSEd
Anxiety Counselor

Kelley Hopkins-Alvarez, LPC,CST,NCC,BCC,MS,MSEd

Couples Therapist, Discernment Counselor, Healing Separation, Sex Therapist, Co-Parenting Counselor, Non-Adversarial Divorce Support

In 06830 - Nearby to Leonia.

I help couples identify the triggers to their anxiety and develop a system to deal with stress before it deals with them! What would your life be like as a couple if you weren't continually activated in negative ways by stress? We will work together to make small steps toward change. Clients report less chronic pain when they are managing anxiety in healthy ways. It is possible to reduce anxiety and live life in a more vivid way, even if you situation is not optimal. I can teach you both to acknowledge and release these negative thoughts, thus releasing the "trauma" that has built up in your body (stored stress and anxiety)

You have Found the Top Therapists for Stress, Anxiety, and PTSD in Leonia, NJ.

Thank you for visiting our New Jersey page of stress therapists in Leonia, New Jersey who are skilled and experienced in dealing with anxiety, worry, and panic in all its forms.  Worry and stress can cause a myriad of physical symptoms and wreck havoc on both our personal life and our relationships. Counseling for stress and PTSD in Leonia, NJ will give you healthy tools and help you move forward. Let's get started. Reach out to us today, our contact forms are "open" 24/7.

Leonia is located in Bergen County, New Jersey. It has a land area of 1.52 square miles and a water area of 0.10 square miles.  The population of Leonia is 9,219 people with 3,336 households and a median annual income of $86,107. .

Therapy Affordability Meter for Leonia, NJ

Mostly Affordable

Establishing weekly sessions with a professional therapist is considered affordable in Leonia for the average family. While sustaining a commitment to therapy is usually not an issue, if mental health treatment feels like a burden please ask your counselor about accepted insurance plans or sliding scale fees. Low cost counseling and affordable therapy are also sometimes offered by listed city and university level clinics, check with your local Leonia public health department.