Addiction Therapists in London, ON.

Counselling for addiction and codependency in London, ON. Help for alcohol and substance abuse, pornography, sex and internet addiction, gambling, and compulsive spending.

Kristie Brassard, MSW, RSW
Addiction Counsellor

Kristie Brassard, MSW, RSW

Registered Social Worker | Psychotherapist

London, Ontario N5V 0A2 | 1-844-591-9892

Substance use/ Addiction is on a continuum. It can be something we occasionally due to numb out some distressing feelings, or it can be something that we can't function without. Wherever you are on the continuum, there is always room to shift. In therapy, we can help you gain new perspectives and learn strategies for managing your use, including exploring the areas of your life your use affects (i.e. relationships, emotions, healing, functioning, etc.). Our clinicians greet each of our clients with non-judgment and meet you where you’re at. If you're wanting to feel more in control of your substance use- Book a consultation or session today!

Sharron Carson, RP
Addiction Counselor

Sharron Carson, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Having an addiction is not a sign of weakness or lack of character. In fact, reaching out for help and being open to change takes a great deal of strength. My approach is one of openness and non-judgment. I follow a harm reduction approach meaning that I respect my clients right to set their own goals which will then guide our sessions. I appreciate that not everyone is ready to, nor wants to, work towards full sobriety. Harm reduction is about reducing the negative impact that substance use has on that person’s well-being and life. I strongly believe that any positive change is a success. If you think that my approach would work for you, please book a free consultation.

Sierra Goldfinger, RP (Qualifying)
Addiction Counselor

Sierra Goldfinger, RP (Qualifying)

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

As a therapist, I know how challenging it can be to manage addiction. Addiction can impact the quality of our lives, our relationships, and our connection to ourselves. Therapy can provide a safe space to navigate addiction and explore what you wish for in relation to the substance or behaviour. Discussing the addiction can also provide us useful clues as to what roots the addiction, allowing us to navigate the core issue at hand and explore preferred coping strategies. Connect with me today for a free consultation to begin your healing journey.

Patricia Berendsen, RMFT, RSW, RP, SEP
Addiction Counsellor

Patricia Berendsen, RMFT, RSW, RP, SEP

Psychotherapist, Registered Marriage and Family Therapist

474 King St., London, Ontario N6B 1T1 | 519 619 8801

Addictions can help us get through some challenges and maybe even have saved our life. Then there comes a time when addictions seem to get in the way and cause more trouble and more problems. Therapy can help to find different ways of coping. Learning other ways of handing stress and conflict helps quiet the compulsions. Counselling will help you take charge of your life.

Kelly Appleby, MSW, RSW
Addiction Counsellor

Kelly Appleby, MSW, RSW

Registered Social Worker, Psychotherapist

111 Waterloo Street, Suite 301, London, Ontario N6B 2M4 | (226) 378-5515

As the great physician and teacher Gabor Mate states, "the opposite of addiction is not sobriety. The opposite of addiction is connection". People often develop an addiction as a way to cope and manage distressing feelings and thoughts. Addiction is a form of escape from what otherwise can feel very painful and uncomfortable, therefore addiction serves as temporary relief but unfortunately can cause longer term suffering. In counselling, you can explore the experiences which tend to lie at the root of an addiction, put voice to the things that have been hard to talk about, learn how to cope with uncomfortable emotions and sensations, and develop alternative coping tools.

Lynda Martens, MSc. RP, RMFT
Addiction Counsellor

Lynda Martens, MSc. RP, RMFT

Registered Psychotherapist, Registered Marriage and family Therapist

Devonshire Ave (Wortley Village Area), London, Ontario N6C 2H9 | 519-852-2113

While I'm not an addiction specialist, I do have training in this area, and I can work with you to reduce or stop your use of addictive substances. We will work together to find the deep drives that feed the addiction. For example, is your addiction helping you feel less alone, less worthless, less powerless, or is it numbing some specific pain. We would look at how the addiction is affecting your life and how to use the supports around you to change your habits.

Laura Kemp-Romas, MA, RP
Addiction Counselor

Laura Kemp-Romas, MA, RP

Registered Psychotherapist & Clinical Director of EnerTherapy

Available for Online Therapy

"Addiction", whether it be over-using drugs, internet, sex, etc., is a means of seeking pleasure in order to mask difficult feelings and thoughts that you may be dealing with. Sometimes, the pain of difficult or traumatic experiences becomes so intense that we unknowingly turn to unhealthy means of gratification. It is my goal to collaboratively, delicately and thoughtfully explore the underlying reasons of your excessive use of drugs, internet, etc., and support the working through and acknowledgement of the feelings and thoughts associated with the underlying reasons. If you are persistent in obtaining health and a happier existence, you will experience healing and release from pain.

Chris Chmielewski, MSW, RSW,MA
Addiction Counsellor

Chris Chmielewski, MSW, RSW,MA

Psychotherapist; Registered Clinical Social Worker

186 Albert St., Ste 206, London, Ontario N6A 1M1 | 519-235-4845

A complex issue requiring discerning assessment. The most severe entail extensive brain changes however all have neurological aspects and individual susceptibility is an important factor. Yet esp non-substance based (eg, porn, gambling, food, sex, gaming) addictions are reversible through therapy . The approach in practice calls for amending this broad general term and defining it by how it functions: as a selected ‘reward system’ for managing past stressors that is now habituated, or for relieving current stressors impulsively/efficiently. However resulting in unrewarding consequences. From this perspective, many accurately focused interventions can be applied to change one's reward choice.

Robert Simms, MSW, RSW
Addiction Counsellor

Robert Simms, MSW, RSW

Registered Social Worker

768 Maitland St, London, Ontario N5Y 3H5 | 416-432-3070

Addiction often occurs because of some other underlying issue, which could be ADHD, trauma, abuse, neglect, etc... We will work together to try and uncover what you are trying to bury or not acknowledge with the addiction. I will work with you on developing coping skills and strategies to reduce or stop the addiction (your choice), but until we get at the reason underneath, they are only going to provide a band aid solution. If you are ready to dig deep and more fully understand yourself, I'm ready to go on that journey with you.

Russell Stagg, MA, MC, LCT,RP
Addiction Counsellor

Russell Stagg, MA, MC, LCT,RP

Licensed Counselling Therapist, RP

London, Ontario N6B 3J4 | 519-808-4386

If you come to me because YOU want to end your substance use or behaviour, I can help you. If you are still struggling with whether or not you want to quit, I can help you with that as well! I may suggest a rehab if that is what seems best. If you are already sober and are trying to remain that way, I will offer you the numerous tools of relapse prevention, including self-care, having a sponsor, and practising mindfulness.

Kathy Nyman Counselling & Psychotherapy, M.Ed., RP
Addiction Counsellor

Kathy Nyman Counselling & Psychotherapy, M.Ed., RP

Registered Psychotherapist

4992 Colonel Talbot Rd, London, Ontario N6P 1B6 | 519-878-4545

I have offered support to those experiencing various addictions since 2010. My particular focus and specialty is supporting those who have experienced trauma and other negative life experiences that have driven them toward coping with substances. I offer a supportive and evidence based approach to people looking to reduce or discontinue using substances.

Ojasvi Bhardwaj, RP (Qualifying)
Addiction Counselor

Ojasvi Bhardwaj, RP (Qualifying)

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Addiction is a multifaceted challenge, and understanding its roots is key to recovery. I specialize in addiction counseling, focusing on mild to moderate addiction. My approach is to delve into the underlying causes that lead to addiction and work with you to develop effective strategies for management. Let's embark on a journey to comprehend your unique challenges and pave the way towards lasting recovery. Reach out for a free consultation and take the first step towards a healthier, addiction-free life.

Mia Pintus, MSW RSW
Addiction Counsellor

Mia Pintus, MSW RSW

Registered Social Worker

1255 Commissioners Rd W Suite 232, London , Ontario N6K 3N5 | 519-871-6742

Sometimes it's hard to see when something we enjoy is beginning to get out of control. It's not uncommon that loved ones are the first to point out that our use of something has become problematic. Alcohol, opiates, sex... if you are not sure if your use of something has crossed the line, call me. I offer non-judgemental counselling for people who struggle with symptoms of addiction. While social work cannot diagnose, I can most certainly assist you as you continue to explore your challenges at this time.

Michelle Gibson, MSW,RSW
Addiction Counsellor

Michelle Gibson, MSW,RSW

Registered Social Worker and Psychotherapist

18 Becher St, London, Ontario N6C 1A3 | 15199133201

When we experience difficult times, it can be easy to turn to substances and distractions to numb the pain. This is a natural protective strategy. Some clients seek to stop this completely, while others seek to find a way to better manage their current use. Our aim is to find out what is best for you. If you feel stuck and could use support, read out to use and let's explore where to start.

Peter Dikih, H.B.Sc., M.Ed., R.P.
Addiction Counsellor

Peter Dikih, H.B.Sc., M.Ed., R.P.

Registered Psychotherapist and Clinical Supervisor

151B York Street, London, Ontario N6A 1A8 | 519 461-1221

I have been helping individuals overcome their addictions since 1996. I have helped individuals who were addicted to drugs, alcohol, gambling and pornography. Given my experience working with addictions, I am able to determine if my counseling can be sufficient and or when other interventions would be more appropriate. If it is determined that outpatient or residential treatment is required, I have provided the support and assistance to individuals in preparing for and applying to appropriate treatment centres.

David Grand, MSW, RSW, PhD(c)
Addiction Counsellor

David Grand, MSW, RSW, PhD(c)

Registered Social Worker

1135 Adelaide Street (North), London, Ontario N5Y 5K7 | 519-640-5252

I view addiction from a holistic perspective, taking the entire person into account when providing therapeutic support. While addiction can emerge through a biological predisposition, it is also often related to how we have learned to cope with and navigate life’s challenges. I approach intervention from a trauma-informed perspective, helping clients to understand where addictive behaviour is being used to cope with unresolved emotional challenges. I also help clients to identify new ways of coping and develop healthier behaviours that contribute positively to well-being.

Amelia Holden, M.S.W., R.S.W.
Addiction Counsellor

Amelia Holden, M.S.W., R.S.W.

Registerd Social Worker

8 Edward St, London, Ontario N6C 3H1 | 519-433-0918

Addiction can be a mask to coping with other complicated issues and emotions in your life. I would assist the indivudal through therapy by giving them distress tolerance skills, validating but not always agreeing with their views, and help them to accept what they cannot change while changing what they have control over. Together we will unveil and understand their triggers thereby empowering them to battle against the addiction. Creating short term goals to build their confidence by utilizing other health coping mechanisms and then long term goals to develop a pathway to new transformation.

Yasmin Goldie, RP, RN
Addiction Counselor

Yasmin Goldie, RP, RN

Registered Psychotherapist, Registered Nurse

Available for Online Therapy

Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and Alcohol use disorder (AUD) can affect mental and physical health, relationships, work, and quality of life. There are many factors that contribute to drug and alcohol use and addiction counselling can help a person explore these factors as well discuss motivation to change the cycle of addiction. I use a blend of CBT and DBT to help give practical skills to help with cravings, emotional regulation and thought processes. Addiction counselling works to: • Strengthen a persons self-worth • Develop alternative ways to manage stress • Prepare and manage triggers • Develop skills to help manage cravings • Help with broken relationship

Barry Johnston-Spooner, M.Ed., R P
Addiction Counsellor

Barry Johnston-Spooner, M.Ed., R P

Registered Psychotherapist

40 Windsor Avenue in Wortley Village, London, Ontario N6C 1Z7 | 519 686 6822

Sadly, addiction is more than a surface issue. It’s any habit that controls you - your own healthy perspective or behaviour compromised. It can be: smoking, drinking, drugs, gambling, gaming, shopping, fetishes, cutting, porn, unsafe sex, unhealthy eating, self negating, bulimia, compulsive message checking, even too much time online. Elimination or control of such a habit is only a partial answer. There’s more going on. What led you to develop the addiction in the first place? In therapy a key issue I will help you look into is what you can do instead. You can realize why you came to lean on an unhealthy behaviour, then learn to Mindfully notice other options you have in the moment.

You have Found the Top Therapists for Addiction And Codependency in London, ON.

Thank you for visiting our Ontario page of therapists in London who specialize in addictions in all forms- internet addiction, pornography and sex addictions, gambling, alcohol and drug abuse, shopping, and food addictions.  An addiction can destroy lives and relationships. Often times there is a codependent person somewhere in the sphere of an addict. Professional therapy from an addiction specialist in London, ON is a vital part of recoverey and healing. We are ready to help, let's get started.

London is located in Ontario, Canada. It has a land area of 420.35 square kilometers.  The population of London is 523,000 people with 163,140 households . The population ranking for London is #15 nationally and #6 for the province of Ontario with a density of 913.10 people per sq km. London therapists serve postal code: N6C.