Stress, PTSD and Anxiety Therapists in Bon Accord, AB.

Licensed professional counselling for anxiety, stress, phobias, and panic in Bon Accord, Alberta.

Kirthana Ramani, M.Sc., R.Psych.
Anxiety Counsellor

Kirthana Ramani, M.Sc., R.Psych.

Registered Psychologist

In T5K 1C5 - Nearby to Bon Accord.

Daily life inevitably brings with it a certain level of anxiety and stress, that everybody experiences to some degree. Are you finding yourself too overwhelmed by the stress and confusion? I can work with you to develop strategies and coping methods so that these stressful situations are manageable. We can work together to ensure that you have the tools to balance the areas of your life that are causing you stress, whether they are relationship, work or health related.

Angie Allan, MEd
Anxiety Counsellor

Angie Allan, MEd

Registered Provisional Psychologist

In T5Y 0A3 - Nearby to Bon Accord.

Everyone feels anxiety at some point in their lives but when it starts to interfere with your life, counseling can help. Although anxiety can feel debilitating, it is treatable. People with anxiety don’t always share the same symptoms, they vary from person to person. Therapy will help you to reclaim your life and function in a chronically stressful world.

Rivers Edge Counselling Centre, Inc.
Anxiety Counsellor

Rivers Edge Counselling Centre, Inc.

Rivers Edge Counselling Centre

In T8R 1W1 - Nearby to Bon Accord.

Anxiety Counselling by our experienced Therapists will help you • Find the true reason for your fears • See difficult situations in a more positive way • Developing skills to calm yourself in tough situation whenever you want • Become more confident in yourself and socialize with others • Understand your emotions and accept the reality of your situation • Learn skills that can help you to control your emotion and thoughts from affecting you in bad way • Engage in self care activities such as exercise, meditation, eating healthy, spirituality to reduce the effect of stress

Maggie Davidson, MC
Anxiety Counsellor

Maggie Davidson, MC

Registered Psychologist

In T6E 2R2 - Nearby to Bon Accord.

These days it can feel like anxiety and stress are inescapable. Money, work, family, watching the news can all cause anxiety and stress. It may feel like you will never work past your feelings. However, anxiety and stress can be managed. If you feel like anxiety and stress are having a negative impact on your life contact me. We can make a plan that will help you learn to manage your anxiety and stress and get back to feeling in control of your life.

Kevin Alderson, Ph.D.
Anxiety Counsellor

Kevin Alderson, Ph.D.

Registered Psychologist (Alberta and Ontario)

In T5N 3Y8 - Nearby to Bon Accord.

[I OFFER VIDEO SESSIONS THROUGHOUT ALBERTA AND ONTARIO]. Anxiety and stress are two conditions that have treatments that work. Cognitive behaviour therapy, desensitization therapy, and hypnotherapy (all of which I practice) are often tremendously helpful. I have been a psychologist since 1986, and I can help. Set up a time to see me by visiting

Patrick Schiller, MEd., R. Psych.
Anxiety Counsellor

Patrick Schiller, MEd., R. Psych.

Registered Psychologist

In T8N 1H6 - Nearby to Bon Accord.

Feeling anxious and experiencing stress are normal and healthy human experiences. However, both anxiety and stress can get out of control in our lives and can cause incredible challenges that lead to feeling overwhelmed and out of control. You may be experiencing the negative impact of overwhelming stress and anxiety in your life right now, and you may even feel like life is slipping out of your control. You and I will work together to restore control, to reduce the unhelpful influence of stress and anxiety, and to help you to return to living a life that reflects who you want to be.

Nancy Hurst, Ph.D
Anxiety Counsellor

Nancy Hurst, Ph.D

Registered Psychologist

In T6E 1T4 - Nearby to Bon Accord.

Anxiety and stress are experienced as very distressing and can become debilitating. They are often signs that we need to make some changes in our lives and find more balance. Fortunately there are many ways to combat anxiety and stress. Everyone is unique and counselling is modified to meet the individuals needs of each person. Starting to identify alternative ways of approaching stresses enables you to make changes that relieve anxiety so you can become more focused and peaceful.

Al Riediger, Ph.D.,  R.Psych.
Anxiety Counsellor

Al Riediger, Ph.D., R.Psych.

Registered Psychologist

In T8N 1H6 - Nearby to Bon Accord.

As a psychologist I try to provide a safe, confidential environment within which my clients can explore their feelings and values. People seek therapy when they are in pain, when they feel overwhelmed by stress and when they are struggling in relationships. I try to help my clients to resolve these issues by looking within themselves and by allowing debilitating wounds to heal.

Living Well Counselling Services Inc., MA, MEd, RSW
Anxiety Counselor

Living Well Counselling Services Inc., MA, MEd, RSW

Counsellors, Psychologist & Social Worker

Available for Online Therapy

Jennifer spent all of her early years as a therapist specializing in anxiety disorders and has treated clients all over the world, including areas such as Australia, New Zealand, USA and the UK. She continues to treat clients in these areas, by offering teletherapy & Skype counselling. If you are suffering from an anxiety or stress disorder, and would like an experienced therapist with a high success rate to help, Jennifer would be an ideal fit. For a few testimonials of her work in anxiety, check out

Farrel Greenspan, MC
Anxiety Counsellor

Farrel Greenspan, MC

Registered Psychologist

In T5K 2J1 - Nearby to Bon Accord.

My approach to treating anxiety is based on learning skills and strategies to help you accept instead of get rid of your anxiety. As you stop trying to fight against feeling anxious you will notice that all of your anxiety symptoms become easier and easier to manage. Anxiety is kind of like quick sand the more you fight against it the worse it gets.

Shannon Loewen, R.Psych (prov), MSc.
Anxiety Counselor

Shannon Loewen, R.Psych (prov), MSc.

Registered Provisional Psychologist

Available for Online Therapy

Anxiety and stress are sometimes helpful responses and can carry important information for us about our current lives. However, they can also be overwhelming and come with sensations that are difficult to tolerate. I can help you learn techniques to soothe your body, regain balance, and address the mind chatter that may be perpetuating your anxiety.

Sherri A. Lees, B.A., M.C.
Anxiety Counsellor

Sherri A. Lees, B.A., M.C.

Registered Psychologist & Certified Grief Recovery Specialist

In T8N 2G4 - Nearby to Bon Accord.

Anxiety and stress can be ongoing issues that are challenging to manage. Learning how to identify thoughts and emotions and effectively address them can lead to decreased levels of anxiety and stress. Then, learning how to actively move toward higher levels of relaxation can increase overall functioning and capacity to manage stress levels! We call this emotional fitness and clients report that they did not realize how much it mattered for feeling better.

Tori Hornbacher, MC, R. Psych.
Anxiety Counsellor

Tori Hornbacher, MC, R. Psych.

Registered Psychologist

In T8H 0H9 - Nearby to Bon Accord.

Anxiety and stress can negatively impact client's ability to deal with daily challenges and stressors. Anxiety is excess activation in the nervous system so helping clients to release the activation in turn reduces their anxiety and then they can experience a sense of calm and feeling settled. Toxic stress affects the way we think and perceive reality so addressing the anxiety allows us to retrain the brain to manage the stress and perceived threat which reduces fear, worry, and panic.

Tamara McCormick, M.A., R.Psych
Anxiety Counsellor

Tamara McCormick, M.A., R.Psych

Registered Psychologist (AB)

In T8H 0L8 - Nearby to Bon Accord.

Did you know that both stress and anxiety can be helpful? In today's world, we are often told that stress and anxiety is abnormal. Yet, anxiety is a feeling, a very important feeling and it doesn't always impact us in a negative way. Working with your own anxiety level and experiencing a meaningful life is possible. Tamara will do her best to try and help you on your valued path, with or without anxiety.

Laurence Zalmanowitz, M.Ed, R.Psych
Anxiety Counsellor

Laurence Zalmanowitz, M.Ed, R.Psych

Registered Psychologist

In T5K 1C5 - Nearby to Bon Accord.

Anxiety, fear and stress are all natural human responses that are supposed to be helpful but sometimes they get in the way. They may feel overwhelming or appear when they are not needed. Learning to cope with these emotions involves understanding their purpose, triggers and I help you build coping strategies to manage stress and anxiety or even overcome it so you can live your life on your terms.

Nexus Psychology, R.Psych.
Anxiety Counsellor

Nexus Psychology, R.Psych.

Registered Psychologist

In T8A 6H2 - Nearby to Bon Accord.

Anxiety and stress can be adaptive in small doses- it can help give us the motivation to study harder for a test, or practice before an important presentation. In large doses, however, anxiety can be paralyzing. It can cause us to miss work, have panic attacks, or feel irritable or moody. This is when treatment becomes necessary. We use evidence-based therapy to help you achieve results. We will help you identify your own triggers, and teach you skills and tools that you can use to help you manage your anxiety.

Priya Bains, M.A.
Anxiety Counsellor

Priya Bains, M.A.

Registered Psychologist, Certified Hakomi Therapist

In T5N 3W6 - Nearby to Bon Accord.

My approach to working with anxiety and stress is body focused. Most people can "feel" anxiety and stress in their bodies thus I use the body's stress cues to teach us what the limits are. I would focus on listening and learning the body's cues and then teaching clients' how to physically "bring yourself down" from the elevated state of arousal that anxiety and stress cause.

Cherisse Kovacs, Provisional Psychologist
Anxiety Counsellor

Cherisse Kovacs, Provisional Psychologist

Registered Provisional Psychologist

In T8A 4E3 - Nearby to Bon Accord.

I have experience helping individuals overcome challenges related to managing multiple life stressors (i.e., parenting and relationship issues; difficulties finding work/life balance; caring for aging parents; etc.). Based on the unique needs of the individual, I incorporate evidence-based therapy techniques into sessions such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT).

Mallory Becker, M.A.C.P., R.Psych.
Anxiety Counsellor

Mallory Becker, M.A.C.P., R.Psych.

Registered Psychologist

In T6E 1T4 - Nearby to Bon Accord.

Every one of us experiences some amount of stress or anxiety in our lives. However, when anxiety negatively affects your life such as avoiding situations, difficulties sleeping, constant worrying or repeditive thinking, additional help is often required. Worrying and being fearful can prevent you from having a peaceful life while impacting your physical health. Counselling can help to reduce stress and anxiety by resolving issues and learning how to be your true self.

Michelle Vandegriend, Ph.D., Registered Psychologist
Anxiety Counsellor

Michelle Vandegriend, Ph.D., Registered Psychologist

Registered Psychologist, Certified Gottman Therapist

In T8R 0A1 - Nearby to Bon Accord.

Anxiety can feel debilitating when feelings of fear, worry, or nervousness develop into a day to day excessive, irrational dread and impacts a person’s daily functioning. As a registered psychologist I draw on various approaches to help individuals develop the skills to feel more in control of anxiety and stress. I assist individuals in understanding how anxiety or panic attacks develop and how to manage better by assessing needs, limits, and triggers for anxiety and stress.

Landon Hildebrand, MA
Anxiety Counsellor

Landon Hildebrand, MA

Registered Psychologist

In T6E 1Z9 - Nearby to Bon Accord.

Stress and anxiety often get in the way of how and who we want to be. Stress can trap us where we are at, keeping us from growing, and anxiety can leave us crippled as we face the future. However, stress and anxiety happen for a reason. Through approaching our stress, mitigating the effects and learning ways to calm our systems we can both overcome our anxiety and insulate ourselves to future stress.

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Anxiety Counselor

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

At Home or Private Discreet Intensives

While most treatment approaches for anxiety and stress are effective on the surface, they don’t treat the real problem. Mantras, deep breathing, and rational dialogues about your fear being irrational rarely work---for most people don’t believe it or you! Imagine if you can trick the brain into changing without you telling your conscious mind that you are changing it? Problem with anxiety and stress is that the brain in this state knows you want to change it and it resists. Contact for the ultimate stress and anxiety solution that will literally change your brain's autonomic nervous system patterns while you sit on your butt. 877-606-6161.

Paul Bianchini, Ph.D., R.Psych.
Anxiety Counsellor

Paul Bianchini, Ph.D., R.Psych.

Registered Psychologist

In T6C 2S1 - Nearby to Bon Accord.

Anxiety and stress in healthy doses and can have advantages, but it can easily turn into a debilitating feeling. Some may experience serve physical symptoms as a result chronic unmanaged stress. I have successfully worked with people from a variety of backgrounds to treat a variety of anxiety and stress-based issues and look forward to working with you. Visit my website at from more details.

Andrea (Thrall) Dobbs, MACP, R.P Psych
Anxiety Counsellor

Andrea (Thrall) Dobbs, MACP, R.P Psych

Registered Psychologist

In T8N 6B9 - Nearby to Bon Accord.

Stress and anxiety are often a part of our daily lives in modern culture. Managed effectively, feelings of stress and anxiety can be helpful forces that prompt us to learn new skills and stretch our comfort zone. When stress and anxiety are not well managed, however, these feelings can interfere with our ability to function and enjoy daily life. At The Counselling Space, our therapists rely of a variety of counselling approaches to support our clients to clarify the sources of these uncomfortable emotions, recognize the difference between "what I can control" and "what I can't control" as well as learn new tools and strategies to express and cope with their emotions.

Compassionate Counselling Inc., Therapists
Anxiety Counsellor

Compassionate Counselling Inc., Therapists

Compassionate Counselling Inc.

In T6E 1T4 - Nearby to Bon Accord.

We live in a fast passed society with a lot of time lines and pressures. Many people are unaware of how their approach to these stressors can increase the sensations of anxiety. Fortunately, there are many ways of decreasing anxiety. Identifying ways of thinking and behaving that increase anxiety introduces the possibility of change. It is life changing to discover that the fearful thoughts and beliefs that have been leading you to anxiety, can be uncovered and transformed into more helpful beliefs that enable you to feel happier and improve relationships.

You have Found the Top Therapists for Stress, Anxiety, and PTSD in Bon Accord, AB.

Thank you for visiting our Alberta page of stress therapists in Bon Accord, Alberta who are skilled and experienced in dealing with anxiety, worry, and panic in all its forms.  Worry and stress can cause a myriad of physical symptoms and wreck havoc on both our personal life and our relationships. Counselling for stress and PTSD in Bon Accord, AB will give you healthy tools and help you move forward. Let's get started. Reach out to us today, our contact forms are "open" 24/7.

Bon Accord is located in Alberta, Canada. It has a land area of 2.13 square kilometers.  The population of Bon Accord is 1,529 people with 560 households . The population ranking for Bon Accord is #1621 nationally and #167 for the province of Alberta with a density of 718.70 people per sq km. Bon Accord therapists serve postal code: T0A.