Depression Counselling in Ottawa, ON.

Leading therapy for major depression, bipolar, postpartum depression, SAD and mood disorders in Ottawa, Ontario.

Garrett LaFosse, M.Sc., RP, RMFT
Depression Counsellor

Garrett LaFosse, M.Sc., RP, RMFT

Registered Psychotherapist; Registered Marriage and Family Therapist; Professional member of Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA)

Kitchener, Ontario N2P 1L2 | 519-568-9917

In many cases, I view depression as an "alarm bell" that tells the individual that there is something wrong in their life. Have they turned their anger in life toward themselves? Are they not living their best, or preferred, life? Is there something that's happened in their life that is getting them down, but they don't realize how much power it truly has? Depression can also be about learned helplessness, or having a sense, through experience, that there is no point in even trying at something. Such helplessness can come from feeling defeated, feeling significant guilt about something, & even from self-defeating 'self-talk' that an individual engages in (without completely realizing it).

Kristie Brassard, MSW, RSW
Depression Counsellor

Kristie Brassard, MSW, RSW

Registered Social Worker | Psychotherapist

Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0A6 | 1-844-591-9892

Depression is all encompassing. It affects all aspects of our life including our physical health, our emotional state, our thinking patterns, our behaviours and reactions, and our relationships. We often lose interest in participating in life and this can lead to feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and worthlessness. Although we can feel like a lost cause at times, there is always hope! Working together in therapeutic relationship, we can can help you reconnect with your joy in a supportive and compassionate way. If you want to start feeling better, book a free consultation or book a session today!

Mihaela Iacob, RP(Q)
Depression Counsellor

Mihaela Iacob, RP(Q)

Register Psychotherapist Qualifying

Online, Online, Ontario M4G 1H6 | 647-493-0889

Do you experience low mood most of the time? Are you unable to cope with day-to-day activities? Comparing yourself to others has become your norm and this may leave you feeling empty, lost, and dissapointed. Together, we will look at how low mood affects your life and find straetgies to propel you forward. You want to feel strong and in charge of your life.

Insight Neuropsychotherapy, Counselling, and Supervision, PhD, RP
Depression Counsellor

Insight Neuropsychotherapy, Counselling, and Supervision, PhD, RP

Kate Harper, PhD, RP Registered Psychotherapist (CRPO) & Clinical Supervisor

Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G1 | 4163151418

Depression is a sign that we are no longer able to adapt to the complex and stressful world we live in. Our biological bodies and brains were not designed for the types of financial, cultural, social, and relational stressors we live with today. I see depression as a pivotal moment in one's life - as a reminder to start listening to our body, our mind, and spirit. If you are feeling overwhelmed, disconnected, sad, fearful, stuck or on autopilot in your life, I can help you to get at the root of these feelings and work through them to attain relief.

Shanna Budzinsky, RP
Depression Counselor

Shanna Budzinsky, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Depression can leave us feeling hopeless and sometimes even the way our loved ones respond can actually increase our sense of isolation. In my work with clients experiencing depression, I focus first on understanding and appreciating each person’s unique story. Fostering a trusting and collaborative relationship creates an environment that feels safe to explore our emotions and paths to healing. Contact me today to book a free consultation to start your healing journey.

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW
Depression Counselor

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

When one is depressed the range of thoughts and feelings encompass a wide spectrum. Sadness and despair might be pervasive. One can feel as if they have fallen into a deep dark pit where everything is covered in negativity and hopelessness. In this state, one can feel inadequate, discouraged, unable or unwilling to make decisions. In addition, guilt, shame, profound low self-esteem and loss of interest in relationships, sex, career and even life itself are commonly found. A variety of evidence-based tools, specific to the needs of the individual, applied skillfully at the right time, can dramatically lift one out of that deep, dark pit and help avoid relapse.

Stephanie Wojciechowicz, RP, CCC, c.o.
Depression Counsellor

Stephanie Wojciechowicz, RP, CCC, c.o.

Registered Psychotherapist

Embrun, Ontario K0A 0A9 | 514-548-3468

Depression can feel isolating and that every day tasks and social interactions require a lot of mental and physical effort. The approaches that will be used are cognitive behavioural therapy and narrative therapy. There will be a particular focus on a change in behaviour as it influences one's thoughts and therein offering an alternative decision-making process.

Steve Rose, PhD
Depression Counselor

Steve Rose, PhD

Addiction Counsellor

Available for Online Therapy

When struggling with depressed moods, everything feels heavy and you lack a sense of meaning and purpose. Even the most simple tasks can feel impossible. If you find yourself turning to alcohol, substances, or other addictive behaviours to cope with depressed moods, there is a way out. I help clients with addictions overcome the depressed moods causing them to turn to substances or addictive behaviours to cope. Everyone is different, so I work with you to develop a plan that fits your unique situation. If you are unsure where to start, send me a message. If I'm not the right fit, I can connect you to resources that will allow you to start getting help today, without having to wait.

Omar Waheed, MA RP CSAT
Depression Counsellor

Omar Waheed, MA RP CSAT

Registered Psychotherapist | Certified Sex Addiction Therapist

Online Therapy, Ottawa, Ontario K2G 1E3 | 905-758-5444

The combination of schema therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is an effective approach to dealing with depression. The CBT aspect of the therapy provides insight into HOW depression affects our lives. The schema portion of the therapy addresses the question of WHY depression exists in our lives. The therapy is comprehensive and intense and I encourage you to give it a try.

Francois Levert, RP
Depression Counsellor

Francois Levert, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

595 Montréal Road, Suite 305, Ottawa, Ontario K1K 4K4 | (613) 704-3731

The lack of energy and interest that join depression can be debilitating. Not wanting to see family or friends, or even get out of bed is a reality for many with depression. How do we create a life worth living and spark up that fire of life? Let's work together to build a life for you that is worth living. Let's offer you a space to just be while we do so.

Semra Lamky, RP (Q), MA
Depression Counsellor

Semra Lamky, RP (Q), MA

RP (Q),Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) (CRPO)

Ottawa, Ontario K2C 1Z3 | 289-278-9225

Depressive symptoms include deep sadness or hopelessness that persists for an extended period of time and has multiple impacts on affected individuals. It can greatly hinder an individual's capacity to engage in everyday activities. Fortunately, the effects of depression are highly treatable through therapy, which can serve as a potent remedy. Therapy can help you determine which negative or distorted thought patterns lead to the helplessness and hopelessness that come with depression and set realistic goals that enable you to enhance your emotional well-being. You will regain a sense of control and pleasure in life while incorporating enjoyable, fulfilling activities back into your life.

Carolann M Trainor, MAPC, RP, MASp, MBA
Depression Counsellor

Carolann M Trainor, MAPC, RP, MASp, MBA

Registered Psychotherapist & Pastoral Psychotherapist

317 Catherine Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1R 5T4 | 613-371-7472

Depression is a mood disorder that can cause a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest that can interfere with daily functioning. Reaching out for help is a step towards wellness. Symptoms of depression can vary from person to person, but it is a very treatable condition. Therapy for depression helps you overcome the feelings of hopelessness and despair and to gain control of your life.

Mario Sonier, MA, RP(Q), CCC
Depression Counsellor

Mario Sonier, MA, RP(Q), CCC

Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

Available for Online Therapy and currently accepting new clients, Ottawa, Ontario K1S 1C4 | 778-980-3583

My approach to depression therapy emphasizes embracing emotions and making purposeful choices. By fostering present-moment awareness, clients learn to manage their symptoms and find balance. Integrating physical, mental, and spiritual elements, my therapy helps clients uncover a deeper sense of meaning. This supportive and holistic strategy enables clients to feel valued and empowered, guiding them towards a hopeful and resilient recovery from depression.

Michaela Clermont, M.A., R.P. (Q)
Depression Counsellor

Michaela Clermont, M.A., R.P. (Q)

Registered Psychotherapist (Q)

100 argyle avenue LL300, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1B6 | 613-291-7363

Depression has different impacts on different individuals. Because of this, treatment plans specific to depression are especially unique. When I work with clients with depression, I ensure that the root of the depressive mood is explored, the current aspects in the client's life that is maintaining the depression is targeted, and that client-specific interventions and strategies are put into place. Depression has various aspects to it and it is only in exploring each of these aspects that treatment can be thorough and effective.

Zahra Nafar, MACP
Depression Counsellor

Zahra Nafar, MACP

Registered Psychotherapist

1212-130 Albert St., Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5G4 | 6134109393

Depression can make a person feel as if the world has gone dark and nothing can bring them joy. Utilizing effective therapeutic methods, I can help you identify factors that contribute to depression and help you find ways to adapt to those situations. We will set realistic goals for the future, identify distorted thought processes or unhelpful behaviours that contribute to feelings of hopelessness and helplessness and develop skills to cope and prevent future episodes of depression.

Stephanie Dugdale, M.A., RP, CCC
Depression Counsellor

Stephanie Dugdale, M.A., RP, CCC

Individual and Couple Therapist

451 Daly Ave., Lower Level 3, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6H6 | 613-230-3444

Therapy can be a place where clients can explore the blocks they are experiencing to feeling ok. Sometimes such things as early childhood experiences, trauma [recent or historic], challenging work situations, feeling overwhelmed in life, and interpersonal and relationship struggles can contribute to feeling disempowered, hopeless, helpless, numb, exhausted, and disinterested in life. Being able to feel supported, to explore and come to understand what is happening, to explore the body's and the nervous system's role in how one is feeling, to speak freely can often help.

Suzanne More Kerr, MA (C Psych), CCC, RP #3526
Depression Counsellor

Suzanne More Kerr, MA (C Psych), CCC, RP #3526

Marriage & Family & Individual Psychotherapist

278 O'Connor Street, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1V4 | 1-613-238-2222

When engulfed in the blackness of depression we loose site of the debilitating negative cloud casting despair over all aspects of our life. We come to see our lives solely through the depression lens rather than being able to construct an accurate map of our reality. With psychotherapy we can learn to once again access a more balanced vision of our living that better recognizes the goodness in our lives and provides direction to possibilities. Depending on the level of clinical depression, medication is often recommended temporarily in conjunction with psychotherapy to alleviate depression symptoms and help bring motivation for movement--the client can begin to help themselves

Depression Counselor

Saint-Paul University

223 Main Street, Ottawa, Ontario

Saint Paul University’s Counselling and Psychotherapy Centre welcomes a diverse clientele, for individual or couple’s therapy. Services are provided by counselling interns at the Master of Arts and Doctoral level in Counselling and Spirituality at Saint Paul University. *Services in French available

Casper Watras, RP, MACP, BSc
Depression Counsellor

Casper Watras, RP, MACP, BSc

Registered Psychotherapist

237 Carruthers Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 1N8 | 6138541818

Getting to the root of one's depression, why it occurs, and how it presents itself is imperative in understanding how one can remedy it. By working with clients to explore and comprehensively understand their depression, we will be able to better manage, mitigate, or eliminate the cognitions, behaviours, and feelings tied to our depression. How we became depressed is only the first step in ones work on depression; figuring out how to create change, support, and maintain change is the bulk of it.

Conny Barry, RP, M.Ed. (Counselling), CCC
Depression Counsellor

Conny Barry, RP, M.Ed. (Counselling), CCC

Can. Cert. Counsellor and Registered Psychotherapist

Ottawa South, Alta Vista, Ottawa, Ontario K1H 5T7 | 613-733-1422

Sadness and Depression are often challenges we may encounter in our lifetime. Feelings, thoughts and behaviors associated with them can at times overwhelm and even paralyze us with their power. In a supportive and empathic environment I help clients understand these feelings, progress through their isolation with them, find a way through their tight hold and learn to live productively again.

Congruent Living Therapy, R.P., M.A., B.A.
Depression Counsellor

Congruent Living Therapy, R.P., M.A., B.A.

Registered Psychotherapist

, Ottawa, Ontario K1E 3P5 | 613 218 6117

Depression is problematic in several ways and can feel impossible to break out of. My goal for working with clients struggling with depression is to start imagining a better future. My interest lies in getting to know my clients specifically, because while there may be some general truths about depression treatment, the more specific we can tailor the healing, the more it will fit and sustain itself.

Cynthia Schoppmann, MA, RP, CCC
Depression Counsellor

Cynthia Schoppmann, MA, RP, CCC

Registered Psychotherapist and Canadian Certified Counsellor

110 Bearbrook Road, Suite 206, Blackburn Hamlet, Ontario K1B 5R2 | 613-317-2179

Helping clients understand what depression is and ensuring that they are aware of what the various treatment options that are available to them (i.e therapy, traditional medicine, naturopathic medicine, etc). Helping clients determine what is at the root of it all and finding strategies that work for them to cope with the emotional roller coaster and other symptoms associated with depression. Normalizing client's experience and determining a treatment plan that aligns with the client's goals for therapy.

Sara Usmani, MACP, RP(Q)
Depression Counsellor

Sara Usmani, MACP, RP(Q)

Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

10 Milner Business Ct., Scarborough, Ontario M1B 3C6 | 8445876264

Depression can leave you debilitated. The hopelessness, heaviness and anxiousness you feel can make everyday tasks feel impossible. It can impact your relationships and overall quality of life. Therapy with me means up-regulating you and your nervous system. I supported you with a mind-body approach to get you activated. Let's connect to get you back to feeling like yourself.

Tory Baker-Reed, MSW
Depression Counsellor

Tory Baker-Reed, MSW

Therapist/Registered Social Worker (MSW) and Clinical Director of the Thrive Centre

Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1J6 | 6132050822

Depression can be debilitating. I work with many individuals who struggle with both chemical and trauma related depression. Through coaching and emotional support, I will work with you create a healing plan that fits your needs. We will discuss not only your emotional stressors, but other factors that may be deepening your depression (e.g. sleep patterns, food option, and more).

Michelle Iacobucci, RP
Depression Counselor

Michelle Iacobucci, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Depression presents in various forms and has many different features. When working with me, you will find that space is created to explore the experience of depression, its influence on different aspects of your life, and how you can work through these challenges as they arise. If you are hoping to find solace in your experience, I invite you to contact me for a free consultation to see if we would be a good fit.

You Have Found The Best Therapists for Depression and Mood Issues in Ottawa, ON.

Are you ready to experience new freedom? Thank you for visiting our Ontario search of licensed therapists in Ottawa who specialize in helping people overcome sadness, treat major depression and mood disorders such as bipolar, postpartum depression, and seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Feeling down, lonely, and depressed can affect us at any station in life. Sometimes the cause may be physiological (such as hormonal or due to medication), it may be emotional, environmental, psychological or any combination of the above. Counselling for recovery and restoration from depression by a top rated therapist in Ottawa will help you climb back up and start living your dreams again.

Ottawa is located in Ontario, Canada. It has a land area of 2790.30 square kilometers.  The population of Ottawa is nearly 1 million people with 373,756 households . The population ranking for Ottawa is #4 nationally and #2 for the province of Ontario with a density of 334.80 people per sq km. Ottawa therapists serve postal code: K1T.