Grief and Loss Counselling in Ottawa, ON.

Therapy and bereavement services in Ottawa, ON. Find real help with the right therapist.

Kristie Brassard, MSW, RSW
Grief Counsellor

Kristie Brassard, MSW, RSW

Registered Social Worker | Psychotherapist

Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0A6 | 1-844-591-9892

In today's society, we are expected to "suck it up and move on" in situations related to loss. However, grief has a mind of its own. It shows up when we least expect it and can linger a lot longer than we want. It comes back again and again, even when we thought we've dealt with it. . Time does heal, and therapy can help. Whether you have lost a loved one through death or a relationship ending, have gone through a difficult life transition or are grieving the loss of something else important to you, we'll help you heal grief in a supportive, non-judgmental & compassionate space. We're here when you're ready!

Congruent Living Therapy, R.P., M.A., B.A.
Grief Counsellor

Congruent Living Therapy, R.P., M.A., B.A.

Registered Psychotherapist

, Ottawa, Ontario K1E 3P5 | 613 218 6117

Loss leaves a horrible feeling with a person. We feel left behind and unsure of where to go next. We ought to process these emotions in addition to imagining what moving forward could look like. It is my job to help facilitate this process and be a part of this journey venturing forward which may sometimes involve looking back. However, it is my ultimate belief that we can and will move on and move forward.

Conny Barry, RP, M.Ed. (Counselling), CCC
Grief Counsellor

Conny Barry, RP, M.Ed. (Counselling), CCC

Can. Cert. Counsellor and Registered Psychotherapist

Ottawa South, Alta Vista, Ottawa, Ontario K1H 5T7 | 613-733-1422

Grieving and Loss are life and living issues that are part of the normal challenges we face in our lifetime. The often irrational and overwhelming thoughts, feelings and behaviors associated with them can sometimes frighten and even paralyze us when they occur. In a supportive and empathic environment I help people demystify and understand these challenges and events so they can cope again.

Zahra Nafar, MACP
Grief Counsellor

Zahra Nafar, MACP

Registered Psychotherapist

1212-130 Albert St., Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5G4 | 6134109393

Grief and loss are parts of life, and yet, everyone grieves in their own way. Grief can be complicated by other conditions, most notably depression. The person’s level of dependency on the departed can also cause complications. The grieving process often involves many difficult and complicated emotions. Yet joy, contentment, and humour do not have to be a lost memory. I work with you to help you recover from grief and loss and find your way back to feeling joyful again.

Stephanie Dugdale, M.A., RP, CCC
Grief Counsellor

Stephanie Dugdale, M.A., RP, CCC

Individual and Couple Therapist

451 Daly Ave., Lower Level 3, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6H6 | 613-230-3444

Clients experiencing grief and loss can often benefit from a supportive therapeutic process. It can allow a space to explore feelings without having to take care of anyone else-it is just for them. Clients can also explore blocks or complications to grieving that might be contributing to their struggle, for instance older traumas, difficulty with feeling or expressing their emotions.

Stephanie Wojciechowicz, RP, CCC, c.o.
Grief Counsellor

Stephanie Wojciechowicz, RP, CCC, c.o.

Registered Psychotherapist

Embrun, Ontario K0A 0A9 | 514-548-3468

Grief and loss are complex emotions that at times can feel as though one is on an emotional rollercoaster. It can result in being angry, sad, resentful, relieved, and tired. An important aspect of grief is social support and self-care. Through counselling, it becomes about not getting rid of the emotion of grief and loss but rather living with them and accepting what life now looks like with friend.

Garrett LaFosse, M.Sc., RP, RMFT
Grief Counsellor

Garrett LaFosse, M.Sc., RP, RMFT

Registered Psychotherapist; Registered Marriage and Family Therapist; Professional member of Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA)

Kitchener, Ontario N2P 1L2 | 519-568-9917

I open up space for clients accept and share their grief, since many people don't feel comfortable doing so, especially with others. I help clients to work toward resolving unresolved grief and express their unexpressed grief. I help clients to honour & give space to their grief. In today's rushed world, people often don't take adequate time to honour their grief & sense of loss. I help clients to try and honour what their lost loved one would have wanted for them, or, sometimes to take back their life back from a lost loved one who didn't value or validate them. I work to prepare clients for grief to be lifelong, though that doesn't mean that it will always have the same intensity.

Suzanne More Kerr, MA (C Psych), CCC, RP #3526
Grief Counsellor

Suzanne More Kerr, MA (C Psych), CCC, RP #3526

Marriage & Family & Individual Psychotherapist

278 O'Connor Street, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1V4 | 1-613-238-2222

Rather than drive our grief and loss underground or deep into our unconscious, therapy allows us to focus on the pain of our loss with all its multiple layers. Processing our thoughts with the spoken word rather than keeping them as mere mental reflections permits us to actively embrace our pain. We experience clarity and eventually direction to our grieving process. We can in time come to a place of sorrowful acceptance. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross gives us understanding of the grief and loss process in her Five Stages of Grief. However, it is important to note that these stages are not linear in their progression and are somewhat unique to each individual.

Jennifer Kroeger, MEd, RP
Grief Counselor

Jennifer Kroeger, MEd, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

When you lose someone or something you love, it may seem like the pain will never end. I will hold space for your grief, and any emotion that comes up, as you share your inner turmoil. Over time, the pain will lesson, and you will gain the energy, focus, and motivation that you have been missing. You do not have to walk this path alone. Reach out, and you will be met with a gentle voice full of compassion.

Francois Levert, RP
Grief Counsellor

Francois Levert, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

595 Montréal Road, Suite 305, Ottawa, Ontario K1K 4K4 | (613) 704-3731

It's easy to feel stuck, feeling too little, feeling too much. We can work together through your grief, no matter how complex to find a way to move forward. I've seen loss, it's never easy, and there isn't a lot of room to talk through some of the darker sides of it with friends and family. So many of us don't want to be a burden or are ashamed of our own feelings.

Cynthia Schoppmann, MA, RP, CCC
Grief Counsellor

Cynthia Schoppmann, MA, RP, CCC

Registered Psychotherapist and Canadian Certified Counsellor

110 Bearbrook Road, Suite 206, Blackburn Hamlet, Ontario K1B 5R2 | 613-317-2179

Helping clients go through the stages of grief and loss by validating their experience and educating them on what these stages consist of and strategies to help them cope with the variety of emotions that they will be processing through this difficult time. Also helping clients recognize that grief and loss are a part of any type of loss that we may encounter, whether it be the loss of a relationship, loss of a job, loss of a loved one, etc.

Tory Baker-Reed, MSW
Grief Counsellor

Tory Baker-Reed, MSW

Therapist/Registered Social Worker (MSW) and Clinical Director of the Thrive Centre

Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1J6 | 6132050822

As a person who has navigated many of life's challenges, I understand the struggle of grief and loss both as a person with lived experience and a professional. My experience in safe emotion release work (Psychodramatic Bodywork) can assist with helping to address the deep feelings related to this topic. Grief and loss are deeply personal experiences, and there is no one way to cope or navigate the experiences. Lets work together during this difficult time.

Insight Neuropsychotherapy, Counselling, and Supervision, PhD, RP
Grief Counsellor

Insight Neuropsychotherapy, Counselling, and Supervision, PhD, RP

Kate Harper, PhD, RP Registered Psychotherapist (CRPO) & Clinical Supervisor

Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G1 | 4163151418

Grief and loss are inevitable and an inescapable part of life. Grief can of course include the loss of someone to death, but it can also be ambiguous. Ambiguous loss can include the loss of relationships, family connections, our identities, our careers, or even who we were pre-pandemic? Grief around post-traumatic events or grieving the loss of a childhood you never had are also types of losses and grief that I can help you with.

Omar Waheed, MA RP CSAT
Grief Counsellor

Omar Waheed, MA RP CSAT

Registered Psychotherapist | Certified Sex Addiction Therapist

Online Therapy, Ottawa, Ontario K2G 1E3 | 905-758-5444

Grief can occur in many ways. Fundamentally it is a loss of something or someone important to our lives. The loss leaves a void behind. Moving through grief and healing from it is a process that occurs over time. Sometimes it helps to go through this with someone beside you. If you feel the need for a companion on this journey who may have some ideas that could help your grief process, please reach out.

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Grief Counselor

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

At Home or Private Discreet Intensives

Grey Matters International and the work of Kevin J. Fleming, Ph.D approaches issues of grief & loss through the lens of innovation----instead of growing the same neural networks responsible for the pain in weekly therapy sessions, we reset the brain to move forward quicker and efficiently by working on the stuck limbic system so as to empower the person with more success and traction. For no one wants to stay in a grief mode for too long; but when you don’t include the brain in your work with someone, you risk describing the water to them while they drown and calling it success. Contact Grey Matters International, Inc now at or 877-606-6161.

Semra Lamky, RP (Q), MA
Grief Counsellor

Semra Lamky, RP (Q), MA

RP (Q),Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) (CRPO)

Ottawa, Ontario K2C 1Z3 | 289-278-9225

Most people will go through a period of loss in their lives. A response to any kind of loss is grief. Grieving over the loss of a loved one is known as bereavement. There is no right or wrong way to grieve. Some people are highly emotional and delve deeply into their emotions, while others are resistant and could look for ways to divert their attention from an unchangeable aspect of life. Each person has unique needs when coping with loss. Grief and loss counselling can help you to manage your emotions and help you heal.

Casper Watras, RP, MACP, BSc
Grief Counsellor

Casper Watras, RP, MACP, BSc

Registered Psychotherapist

237 Carruthers Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 1N8 | 6138541818

Grief, loss, and bereavement, whether it is the passing of a loved one, the end of a career, or the falling-apart of a relationship are all similar: we are losing or have lost an important part of our lives. Understanding the emotions, feelings, and behaviours we have when we experience grief and bereavement is part of helping us accept what has occurred, why we feel the way that we are feeling, and what is next for us. In working with clients on grief, loss, and bereavement it is important to understand that the way we process these experiences is unique to each person, and the pillar of respect is paramount.

Caitlin Marchand, RP
Grief Counselor

Caitlin Marchand, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Many people have ideas about how grief should look or feel based on expectations from family, society, or the media. There are so many experiences and events that deserve be mourned, whether society recognizes them or not, and your feelings about the loss are valid. Your experience of grief is unique to you and there is no correct way to process your loss, which is why I work collaboratively with clients to explore meaning in the thoughts and feelings that emerge as you begin your healing journey. Book a free consultation to learn more about my approach and explore if we are a good fit.

Mario Sonier, MA, RP(Q), CCC
Grief Counsellor

Mario Sonier, MA, RP(Q), CCC

Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

Available for Online Therapy and currently accepting new clients, Ottawa, Ontario K1S 1C4 | 778-980-3583

In my Grief & Loss Therapy, I help clients accept their grief and commit to actions aligned with their values. By staying present and grounded, clients can process their emotions without becoming overwhelmed. My approach also integrates mind, body, and spirit, helping clients find meaning and purpose amidst their loss. This holistic method ensures clients feel understood, supported, and empowered to navigate their grief journey with resilience and hope.

Carolann M Trainor, MAPC, RP, MASp, MBA
Grief Counsellor

Carolann M Trainor, MAPC, RP, MASp, MBA

Registered Psychotherapist & Pastoral Psychotherapist

317 Catherine Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1R 5T4 | 613-371-7472

Grief and loss is hard, it is difficult and we all experience it in many phases of our life span. There is no right or wrong in grieving or any length of time however, there is life and hope after! It is learning to accept the grief, feel it and then move on with either with professional help or your own path to moving forward with your life.

Cheryl Grant, R.S.W, M.S.W.
Grief Counsellor

Cheryl Grant, R.S.W, M.S.W.

Registered Social Worker

Virtual Practice, Ottawa, Ontario K1V 1A3 | 613-355-9300

Losing a loved one is one of the most painful experiences we can have in life. There is grief at the loss when it happens, and also anticipatory grief, which starts the minute one learns about a change that will lead to the likelihood of loss. Loss and related grieving can also happen with respect to a change in your role, relationships, a job, or the way that you were living your life. I operate on the approach that you need a compassionate witness and an emotionally safe space to express, process and honour your feelings, and what or who you hold dear, on this sacred, deeper journey towards acceptance.

Michaela Clermont, M.A., R.P. (Q)
Grief Counsellor

Michaela Clermont, M.A., R.P. (Q)

Registered Psychotherapist (Q)

100 argyle avenue LL300, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1B6 | 613-291-7363

Loving a loved-one may have a profound and debilitating effect on us. When working with those struggling with grief and loss, I have found that EMDR therapy is particularly beneficial. I work with clients to identify the particular aspects of the loss that is the most vivid, the negative self-beliefs held about the loss, and the attachment to the negative feelings. We then, collaboratively, work together to question the truth of these negative self-beliefs and dissolve the emotional pain surrounded by the loss. At the end of grief and loss therapy, clients have the potential of restoring the wonderful memories of their loved-ones, free from the pain of their departure.

Sarah Glinski, RP (Qualifying)
Grief Counselor

Sarah Glinski, RP (Qualifying)

Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

Available for Online Therapy

Coping with loss and adjusting to life without a loved one is overwhelming. It is unsettling and painful to watch the world keep turning when it feels like yours has stopped. Adequate emotional support is critical during these times. Therapy will not only provide appropriate coping skills but also offer a safe space to feel and process your loss. Reach out for a free consultation; we can talk and see if I am the right fit to walk with you through this adjustment.

Sara Usmani, MACP, RP(Q)
Grief Counsellor

Sara Usmani, MACP, RP(Q)

Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

10 Milner Business Ct., Scarborough, Ontario M1B 3C6 | 8445876264

Grief is a complicated experience that leaves many feeling alone even in a room full of people. I work through the various stages of grief with you to process your emotions. Grief is like a heavy backpack you can't put down. I will support you in managing the overwhelm and exhaustion you feel as you return to daily tasks. Let's connect to get you back to feeling like yourself.

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW
Grief Counselor

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Grief is a potential reaction to a loss of any kind whether through death, divorce, abandonment, separation, job loss, illness, disease diagnosis, kids leaving home, etc. Feelings of anger, resentment, shame, confusion, isolation or abandonment can result. Friends and family may not know what to say or how to provide support. A trained professional, who is profoundly sympathetic, respectful and empathetic, with the skills required to help one navigate through this difficult time, can be critical in helping one regain equilibrium.

Compassionate Bereavement Services in Ottawa, ON.

Thank you for visiting our Ontario search of licensed grief specialists in Ottawa.  Moving through grief after loss is difficult. Therapy helps through listening, by having someone there with you who understands the stages and process of grieving. You can find help for grief in Ottawa right now, please contact a provider above, you can email 24/7.

Ottawa is located in Ontario, Canada. It has a land area of 2790.30 square kilometers.  The population of Ottawa is nearly 1 million people with 373,756 households . The population ranking for Ottawa is #4 nationally and #2 for the province of Ontario with a density of 334.80 people per sq km. Ottawa therapists serve postal code: K1T.