Anger Management and Counselling in Bowen Island, BC.

Therapy and counselling for anger issues, self control and stress management in Bowen Island, British Columbia. Find effective help for real change.

Britta West, MA, RCC, TICT-CT/CFST
Anger Therapist

Britta West, MA, RCC, TICT-CT/CFST


In V5C 0J3 - Nearby to Bowen Island.

At the core of managing anger is insight into your own way of thinking and feeling. I can help you to gain this insight and become free of the burden of anger. You will be able to manage and control your reactions and improve your relationships and sense of self. My anger management approach is effective and focused. I will help you sort through the situations that trigger anger responses and help you gain mastery over them. You will ultimately be able to push beyond simply manging your anger to becoming truly free from its hold on you. Contact me to start making changes today.

Helen Francis, BscN MSW RCSW
Anger Therapist

Helen Francis, BscN MSW RCSW

Registered Clinical Social Worker

In V6K 2G8 - Nearby to Bowen Island.

Anger is often an expression of unhealed loss and pain. I will guide you to finding healthy ways of expressing anger and explore with you the underlying issues which may be fuelling the anger. Often we respond in the way we observed others express anger and other emotions. The important thing to know is that there are other options to use in expressing anger and we will find those ways together.

Jeff Ross, MA, RCC
Anger Therapist

Jeff Ross, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V6Z 2R4 - Nearby to Bowen Island.

Anger management counseling can help to identify stressors and learn the steps to stay calm in the face of anger. The goal is to handle tense situations in more constructive and positive ways by reducing the emotional and physical arousal that anger can cause. It will provide the tools to take back your life and resolve the triggers that result in unplanned anger reactions.

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW
Anger Therapist

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

A response to life's events falls upon a continuum from neutral to highly-reactive. At times anger, Gandhi called it "Righteous Indignation," is necessary to respond to injustices or inappropriate behaviours. However, uncontrolled, inappropriate anger is destructive to one's self and others. Mindfulness and Metta (Loving Kindness) meditations are excellent tools to deal with anger. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) also called Tapping, along with skillful use of affirmations can help to cool the fires of anger. The benefits of anger management lead to a regulating of emotions and thus a gaining of peace of mind, positive relationships, career and family security.

Huda Sajjad, MA, MSc, RCC
Anger Therapist

Huda Sajjad, MA, MSc, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V6Z 2R4 - Nearby to Bowen Island.

In my approach to Counselling for Anger and Anger Management, I help clients gain insight into the root causes of their anger and equipping them with effective strategies to manage it constructively. I believe that anger is a natural emotion, but it becomes problematic when it is expressed in harmful ways. Through our therapeutic work, clients will learn to identify triggers, understand the underlying emotions driving their anger, and acquire practical techniques for healthy expression and control. By fostering self-awareness and providing tools for emotional regulation, clients can expect to experience improved relationships, reduced conflict, and an overall enhanced quality of life.

Ellen Abrams, RCC
Anger Therapist

Ellen Abrams, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V6K 2G8 - Nearby to Bowen Island.

I work with voluntary clients who want to change how they express their anger. Very few of us were lucky enough to see anger modelled in healthy ways in the families we grew up in. I will support you to slow down and pay attention to what leads you to feeling frustrated and angry. You'll discover your "anger styles", what types of interactions and situations tend to set you off, and the internal and external cues it’s important for you to notice so that you can get a handle on this problem. The goal is for you to gain mastery over your anger, learn how to express it in skillful and fair ways, and see your relationships and self-esteem improve.

Trevor Hale, PsyD. MSc., RCC
Anger Therapist

Trevor Hale, PsyD. MSc., RCC

Registered Clinical Counselor

In V7P 3R9 - Nearby to Bowen Island.

Anger can arise from a number of events in one's life. For some it is comes about from frustration and a lack of coping strategies, for others it is the culmination of many (sometimes divergent and seemingly unrelated) events, or it may be in reaction to changing life circumstances (e.g. loss of employment). I work first to help my clients understand the source of their angry behaviours, feelings, and thoughts, and then work with them to develop more effective ways of expressing their needs and dealing with other potential triggers. Leaving them feel a greater sense of control and strength.

Kathryn Dodds, RPC in Psychotherapy
Anger Therapist

Kathryn Dodds, RPC in Psychotherapy

Registered Professional Counsellor in Psychotherapy

In V5R 6G4 - Nearby to Bowen Island.

What Clients are saying: "You were able to put my mind at ease even though I was very nervous about the first session. I didnt feel judged and was able to learn how to express my feelings better so that I wouldnt get mad as easy. I didnt realize that I had so many expectations on myself and was setting myself to get mad at everyone else. Thanks for teaching me about boundaries and how to love myself and other people with limits. Im not as stressed out and dont get mad like I used to."

Jennifer Scott, RCC, RSW
Anger Therapist

Jennifer Scott, RCC, RSW

Registered Clinical Counsellor, Registered Social Worker

In V6B 6L5 - Nearby to Bowen Island.

Anger is a healthy and normal emotion. It is only when it is acted out in inappropriate ways that it becomes unhealthy and socially "unacceptable". The key to getting a handle on anger is to learn mindful awareness of what you are actually experiencing in the moment - particularly what you are experiencing physically in your body. That moment to moment awareness shows you the truth of your experience and slows your reaction time, giving you a chance to take a breath, evaluate, and assess how you might want to RESPOND, rather than simply REACT, in a given situation. It is equally important to discover underlying anxiety or depression that might be contributing to unwanted anger.

Sarah Poole, M.Ed, RCC
Anger Therapist

Sarah Poole, M.Ed, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V5L 1V4 - Nearby to Bowen Island.

Has losing your temper hurt your relationships with family, friends, and colleagues? Is anger your go-to state when you are overwhelmed, exhausted, and feel misunderstood? Do you often think: it shouldn’t be this hard to be patient and calm, even when you’re frustrated? Anger can bring out the worst in us. It often leads us to make decisions that we regret later causing pain to the people we love and care about the most. ANGER MANAGEMENT THERAPY CAN HELP YOU RECOGNIZE THE EARLY SIGNS OF ANGER SO YOU CAN STOP IT FROM ESCALATING

Three Sisters Clinical Counselling, MACP, RCC, BPEH, RT
Anger Therapist

Three Sisters Clinical Counselling, MACP, RCC, BPEH, RT


In V6B 2W9 - Nearby to Bowen Island.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) specifically focuses on providing clients with skills in four specific areas: Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotional Regulation, and Interpersonal Effectiveness. It is widely used to successfully treat many issues including anger management issues, domestic violence, PTSD, Substance Abuse, and Depression. We work with the individual to teach them how to manage and alter intense emotions, increase their ability to tolerate negative emotions, and communicate effectively in a non-emotional manner

Elana Sures, MEd, RCC
Anger Therapist

Elana Sures, MEd, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V6K 2E1 - Nearby to Bowen Island.

If you're seeking out therapy to help you with anger management, you have likely experienced yourself losing control, only to feel racked with guilt later on. Or, perhaps you simmer with resentment, and your anger comes out in passive aggressive slights. My approach to anger is to explore it fully, so that we can understand its source, and figure out a constructive and healthy way to manage this important emotion. I work collaboratively and actively with my clients to use mindfulness, self-compassion, and emotional awareness to learn about the roots of their anger, and intercept it before it hijacks them.

Jenna Purcell, MSc, CCC
Anger Therapist

Jenna Purcell, MSc, CCC

Social Confidence Life Coach

In V5H 3Z7 - Nearby to Bowen Island.

We feel anger because we feel that something is not fair, something is not working out the way we thought it should, our boundaries have been crossed, or we feel we have been treated badly, or missed out. Anger can be frustrating if you don't know how to address the underlying issue. I specialize in helping those whose anger is related to social anxiety, isolation, bullying, harassment or lack of important social skills.

Tamara Knott, BA, BComm, MA, RCC
Anger Therapist

Tamara Knott, BA, BComm, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V6J 1Y9 - Nearby to Bowen Island.

One of the greatest detriments of anger is that it makes us feel helpless and out of control. Anger management techniques aren't meant to eliminate your anger. Anger management techniques put you in charge of the situation and teach you how to make your anger work for you. Resolve conflict creatively, calm yourself before you hit the red zone, recognize the early warning signs of anger…so that you’ll stay in control of your emotions, offer and respond to criticism with confidence and react to a crisis calmly and that you will be powerful instead of overpowering.

Keeley Powers, RSW, MSW
Anger Therapist

Keeley Powers, RSW, MSW

Registered Social Worker

In V5C 0G2 - Nearby to Bowen Island.

Where anger shows up in my work is often with children and youth who are expediting emotional outbursts. These emotional outbursts often present as anger and are happening as the children and youth are unable to process and articulate how they are feeling. During our sessions together I work with the children and youth to understand their primary emotion as anger is a secondary emotion. We work together to process how there are feeling and be able to articulate their feelings and use different coping techniques instead of aversive outbursts.

Kristina Sohal, RCC
Anger Therapist

Kristina Sohal, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V6E 2P4 - Nearby to Bowen Island.

Anger can take control of your life, and your reactions to anger can jeopardise your personal and professional life. I work with males and females clients that are mandated by the court to take Anger Management Therapy, The treatment plan allows you to identify the triggers, recognise what behavioural patterns needs altering and how to transform unhealthy anger and healthy anger.

Jessica Willis, MA, RCC
Anger Therapist

Jessica Willis, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V6B 2W9 - Nearby to Bowen Island.

Anger management equips individuals with the tools and insights necessary to understand and regulate their anger effectively. A range of techniques are utilized, including cognitive restructuring, relaxation exercises, and assertiveness training, to help clients identify triggers, manage physiological responses, and express emotions constructively. By fostering self-awareness, empathy, and problem-solving skills, counseling empowers individuals to break destructive patterns of behavior, cultivate healthier relationships, and navigate conflicts with greater resilience and composure.

Quyn Le Erichsen, M.Ed., RCC
Anger Therapist

Quyn Le Erichsen, M.Ed., RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V5H 2W4 - Nearby to Bowen Island.

Want to control and manage your anger? Want to gain a deeper understanding of the root causes of your anger? Want to channel your anger to more constructive outlets? Many therapists often simply help their clients to control their anger such as timeout, breathing, etc. I use EMDR therapy to help you calm your brain and your nervous system so that your fight response does not get activated automatically. You become a calmer and wiser person who thinks with clarity. I use hypnotherapy to help you gain a deeper understanding of the root causes of your anger. It can also reset your mind and body. Angry no more! Let your calm and beautiful YOU shine! Call 778-548-7345!

Hannah English, RCC, M.A.
Anger Therapist

Hannah English, RCC, M.A.

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In v5k 1b4 - Nearby to Bowen Island.

I believe anger management ultimately comes down to emotional regulation and finding an alternative way to still express yourself, but in a more safe and effective way. The goal is not to get rid of the emotion, but to work with it before it overcomes you. What is underneath the anger? What message are you trying to get across when you feel angry? How was anger expressed to you growing up? What emotions did you feel safe to express growing up? How did you learn to deal with your anger over the years? These are questions that I would explore and build skills from here to help you reach a better understanding of the processes behind the intense anger that you are feeling.

Ben Bjorgaard, PhDc, MA, RCC, CCC
Anger Therapist

Ben Bjorgaard, PhDc, MA, RCC, CCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor, Canadian Certified Counsellor

In V7M 2K4 - Nearby to Bowen Island.

Anger is ultimately a healthy emotion that can be an adaptive and appropriate response to our circumstances. It can let us know what we need and be a helpful guide in taking positive and proactive actions. Yet, in some cases it can control and motivate us to take actions we regret or that lead to negative consequences. Developing an empowering relationship with anger is a skill that can be learned. In order to do so, our individual contexts need to be considered—our personalities, values, life histories, and underlying psychologies. There is no one size fits all approach. Anger can fulfill different functions in each of our lives.

Innerverse Therapy, MA, RCC
Anger Therapist

Innerverse Therapy, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellors

In V6Z 2V4 - Nearby to Bowen Island.

We employ an integrative approach to assist our clients in gaining a deeper understanding of their emotions. Our primary goal is to eliminate the stigma surrounding anger by fostering a compassionate environment that encourages clients to explore the underlying meaning behind their anger. Through our guidance and support, we empower clients to express anger healthily and constructively.

Bronwyn Sullivan, MOC, RCC
Anger Therapist

Bronwyn Sullivan, MOC, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V5Z 3Z1 - Nearby to Bowen Island.

Do you find yourself yelling at your partner, losing your temper at your children, storming out of the office in a fury of frustration and anger? Anger is a normal, healthy emotion that sometimes gets away on a person. Feeling disappointed in yourself when you 'lose your cool' is information that there may be better ways to handle a situation. Together we will work to help you develop the skills to communicate effectively, maintain your authenticity and foster strong, positive relationships.

Natasha Noble, RCC, CCC, MACP, BTh
Anger Therapist

Natasha Noble, RCC, CCC, MACP, BTh

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In V6G 1W6 - Nearby to Bowen Island.

Anger is a healthy emotion. It is an important part of our human experience in certain instances where our boundaries have been violated, or some injustice has impacted us, for example. Anger becomes destructive (to ourselves and others) when it is expressed in dysregulated ways such as angry outbursts, abusive speech, violent acts, feeling overwhelmed and out of control, etc. Dysregulated anger was at one point a quiet, subtle regulated feeling, but was either overlooked or avoided and, just like any boiling pot of water that has been left unattended, it bubbles over and burns whatever it touches. In therapy, I help clients slow down their experience of anger so they can learn to give proper attention to the subtle nudges – the early bodily experiences of anger – rendering the escalation

Martin Pinaud, Psy. D.,   M. A. RCC
Anger Therapist

Martin Pinaud, Psy. D., M. A. RCC

Dr. of Psychology BC Association of Registered Clinical Counsellors #1992

In V7V 0A2 - Nearby to Bowen Island.

Real Solutions to Real Challenges. Common Sense Techniques. Anger can be helpful or it can be destructive. Anger unchecked and not understood can consume a persons attention and energy and keep them stuck. Anger can be hepful in that it is telling us that something is wrong. We may feel unfairly treated, overpowered, and hurt. As a result individuals may become defensive, withdrwan/silent, or even aggresive if they sense injustice and then go the attack. Quite often if the intensity of the anger response seems out of proportion to the current incident then this is most likely due to a cumulative history that comes rushing in to the present and hence the over reaction.

Tim Garner, MC, CCC
Anger Therapist

Tim Garner, MC, CCC

Canadian Certified Counsellor

In V5M 2W2 - Nearby to Bowen Island.

Feeling like you always go from 0 to 100 in seconds? Do people say you overreact to small things, or do you feel constantly on-edge? Maybe your anger is hurting the people you care about. If any of this sounds familiar, counselling can help. Together, we can develop better emotional control, improve your relationships, and reduce your stress. You'll gain insights into your triggers and learn how to manage them. Imagine feeling calm and connected with the people you love. You deserve this peace. Let's take the first step together. Book your free 15-minute consultation now, and start your journey to a more peaceful life today.

You have Found the Best Anger Management Therapists in Bowen Island, BC.

Thank you for visiting our British Columbia page of anger counsellors in Bowen Island, British Columbia who are experienced in therapy and treatment for anger issues.  Ask your provider about classes or workshops in addition to individual sessions to help with issues relating to anger. Begin your new journey today.

Bowen Island is located in British Columbia, Canada. It has a land area of 50.14 square kilometers.  The population of Bowen Island is 3,680 people with 1,495 households . The population ranking for Bowen Island is #885 nationally and #133 for the province of British Columbia with a density of 73.40 people per sq km. Bowen Island therapists serve postal code: V0N.