Great Couples Counselling in Jasper Place, AB. Therapy to heal relationships.

Licensed therapists for relationships and marriages in Jasper Place, Alberta. Discounts available (see profiles).

Kim Silverthorn, B.A., R.P.C., M.P.C.C., C.T
Couples Counsellor

Kim Silverthorn, B.A., R.P.C., M.P.C.C., C.T


In T4X 0A6 - Nearby to Jasper Place.

Couples often need a little support as they navigate the challenges that exist in every relationship. There are many complicating factors that impact the success of a relationship - children, finances, and different childhood experiences can all create a rollercoaster ride of emotions that can add confusion to the love that two people feel for one another. Learning how to communicate clearly, how to argue appropriately, and how to demonstrate appreciation and value for one another are the essential building blocks to a loving and intimate relationship that will last.

Alexandra Goodall, MA, RCC
Couples Counselor

Alexandra Goodall, MA, RCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor, Somatic Psychotherapist, Arts-based Psychotherapist, Sex and Intimacy Coach

Available for Online Therapy

Healing and growing in our sexuality & eroticism can help us understand ourselves and our partners in ways we may have never been privileged to before. It opens us to the appreciation of the full depth and breadth of human erotic expression. I work with individuals and couples. My approach is informed by training as an Erotic Blueprint Coach, somatic attachment and conscious kink. All forms of love, relationship structures, and sexual expression (from the most sensual "vanilla" to the raunchiest kink) welcome.

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW
Couples Counselor

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Loving, successful relationships need to be carefully and skillfully nurtured in the following five areas: Emotional, Intellectual, Spiritual, Sexual, Financial. Couples who are ready to do ongoing work on their relationships are richly rewarded with a loving, meaningful and joyful life together. Committed relationships that have the possibility of morphing into long term relationships benefit greatly by being guided by the Gottman research on relationships as well as Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). Premarital Counselling prepares a couple for a new stage in their relationship by identifying potential areas of conflict and strength and developing tools to create a strong foundation.

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Couples Counselor

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

At Home or Private Discreet Intensives

What are the most common couples' issues? If you are thinking "communication, conflict, sex, money, child rearing" you are correct. However, most therapists will go after the symptom on each side of the couple fence thinking that the way to effective change is by getting each party to "work" on their respective "issue". Many times the parties don’t agree but comply. Imagine if you could align the unconscious brains of a couple and stop the "working on your issues" part that has become so popular in therapy settings? Contact to learn how! Or call 877-606-6161. DR. FLEMING'S NEW RELATIONSHIP/COUPLES INTENSIVES.

Bharat Sharma, MPCC, RPC, CCAC, DCA, SAP
Couples Counsellor

Bharat Sharma, MPCC, RPC, CCAC, DCA, SAP

Master Practitioner in Clinical Counselling

In T6K 4C1 - Nearby to Jasper Place.

My therapy is focused on helping Couple's relationships improvement. My commitment is to listening closely and finely adapting mine counseling to the individual coming in for help. I am trained in CBT, and family systems therapy andI I enjoy working with people of diverse cultures and background. Many troubling issues in current Couple's relationships are rooted in patterns established in their childhood. In my counseling sessions, I look at the lifestyle you learned to relate as a child and how that behavior interferes with experiencing freedom and intimacy today. I guide my clients to begin a trusting relationship where they can speak honestly with their partner of the issues that most crash them and the events where they have felt anger, fear,...(view profile to read more)

Jack Lewis, R.Psych., C. Psychol., AFBPSs.
Couples Counsellor

Jack Lewis, R.Psych., C. Psychol., AFBPSs.

Registered Psychologist

In T8N 5A7 - Nearby to Jasper Place.

Working with couples is a particular love of mine. Being in a relationship that continuously grows and evolves I know the value of a good relationship. When it does not thrive it can be miserable. Having an objective outsider who is skilled in pointing out negative patterns and helping you work through hurts and grievances can often save a relationship that appeared doomed. We always need to be able to express our wants and needs and feel heard and equally we need to do the same for our partners. The latter is not always so easy but that can be where the gold is! Of course we often feel its a one way street and then different strategies have to be applied.

WJW Counselling and Mediation, RPscyh, CSW, RSW, MED/ARB, DMFT
Couples Counsellor

WJW Counselling and Mediation, RPscyh, CSW, RSW, MED/ARB, DMFT

Registered Psychologist Registered Clinical Social Work RSW Doctor of Marriage and Family Therapy

In T8N 1B4 - Nearby to Jasper Place.

I have been told that I have well accepted and a results oriented approach with my clients. This approach moves beyond the conventional session structure providing you, the client, a greater opportunity to utilize the tools and insight gained in session. My goal for clients is to move through counselling in the most efficient way without a requirement for long-term, ongoing therapy. My methods will give you the opportunity to become free of the chronic stress and emotional drain of the issues that you are facing. This solution focused approach helps you to resolve issues and move forward to fully enjoy your life and purpose. I am also a trained Gottman Method Couples Therapist; well known Psychol....

Vanessa Iceton, MC
Couples Counsellor

Vanessa Iceton, MC

Registered Psychologist

In T5S 1L3 - Nearby to Jasper Place.

The Gottman Method approach is an empirically based treatment used when couples have become gridlocked. This method starts with thorough assessments that help inform the therapy process through research-based interventions. The goals of this therapy are to learn and practice softened start up communication skills, increase fondness and admiration, manage conflict, create shared meaning, and increase trust and commitment. I have completed Level 1 and 2 Training in Gottman Method Couples Therapy, and I use Gottman Method Couples Therapy in my work. Note: this method is not appropriate for couples where violence is occurring.

Tamara Hanoski, Ph.D, R.Psych
Couples Counsellor

Tamara Hanoski, Ph.D, R.Psych

Registered Psychologist

In T6B 3J4 - Nearby to Jasper Place.

I often work with couples who are struggling in an effort to develop effective communcation, express feelings appropriately, overcome infidelity, deal with parenting conflicts, address unresolved issues, establish more of a connection with one another, adjust to various life transitions (such as having a baby), and deal with day-to-day struggles (such as housework). I use a variety of techniques to address these difficulties, with the ultimate goal of establishing a sense of goodwill and connection, so that each partner has empathy and support for the other, and they can create a sense of being a true team as they navigate life together.

Priya Bains, M.A.
Couples Counsellor

Priya Bains, M.A.

Registered Psychologist, Certified Hakomi Therapist

In T5N 3W6 - Nearby to Jasper Place.

When working with couples, my focus is the "relationship". It is my goal to understand the relationship that two people have created; to explore what works and does not work in the relationship. My focus is to create awareness for a couple as to how they maintain and reinforce the existing relationship patterns that may not necessarily work. A new way of relating can then be formed once the relationship is understood. The goal in couples counselling is to create Intimacy in a relationship, yet this can only be formed with safety and vulnerability.

Kirthana Ramani, M.Sc., R.Psych.
Couples Counsellor

Kirthana Ramani, M.Sc., R.Psych.

Registered Psychologist

In T5K 1C5 - Nearby to Jasper Place.

Most people deeply desire a warm and healthy relationship with a spouse or partner. However it requires work and effort, and is not an easy process for either individual in the relationship. On the other hand, the benefits of the effort put in are inevitably well worth it in the long run. If you're looking to work out differences and move towards a more harmonious relationship, I can work with you to find love, acceptance and the tools that work best for you and your relationship.

Rivers Edge Counselling Centre, Inc.
Couples Counsellor

Rivers Edge Counselling Centre, Inc.

Rivers Edge Counselling Centre

In T5N 0A2 - Nearby to Jasper Place.

Our Therapists at Rivers Edge Counselling can help you to • Effectively communicate with your spouse • Solve misunderstandings and engage in a “fair fight” • Increase your trust, intimacy and friendship with your spouse • Learn how to forgive when you feel betrayed • Focus on hopes and dreams that defines your relationship • Live with hope for a better future with your spouse

Sherri A. Lees, B.A., M.C.
Couples Counsellor

Sherri A. Lees, B.A., M.C.

Registered Psychologist & Certified Grief Recovery Specialist

In T8N 2G4 - Nearby to Jasper Place.

Many relationships hit a point where help and support are needed. Opening up the pathways of communication and learning how to successfully move through breeches within the relationship and move towards repair, can have couples finding themselves liking one another again and feeling much closer. If this kind of support feel needs, reach out today through email or by phone.

Michelle Vandegriend, Ph.D., Registered Psychologist
Couples Counsellor

Michelle Vandegriend, Ph.D., Registered Psychologist

Registered Psychologist, Certified Gottman Therapist

In T5T 4M2 - Nearby to Jasper Place.

Dr. Vandegriend is a Registered Psychologist and Certified Gottman Therapist specializing in working with couples/marriage/relationships and implements a practical, easy-to-talk to, and results oriented approach. Areas of focus are: better communication; working through conflicts and areas where they just feel "stuck"; managing transitions better together (ie. new parents, retirement); healing after infidelity and establishing greater trust, respect and connection between each other; and deepening levels of intimacy.

Mallory Becker, M.A.C.P., R.Psych.
Couples Counsellor

Mallory Becker, M.A.C.P., R.Psych.

Registered Psychologist

In T6E 1T4 - Nearby to Jasper Place.

Relationships can be one of the most rewarding human experiences and one of the most difficult . I work with couples at various stages using techniques proven by research. I can help you enrich your current relationship or help with problems such as conflict, arguing, lack of intimacy, communication difficulties or affairs in a positive and safe environment. Together, we will change the unhealthy patterns in your relationship that aren't working while working on ways to become happier and feel loved.

Nest Integrative Wellness, Inc.
Couples Counsellor

Nest Integrative Wellness, Inc.


In T5N 1S3 - Nearby to Jasper Place.

Although relationships ebb and flow, the experience of pregnancy and parenthood can impact a couple greatly. As you and your partner navigate your new roles and identities, it is not uncommon to be navigating changes in your relationship. Our therapists can help you and your significant other navigate these changes together and work to strengthen your relationship.

Paul Sussman, Ph.D.,R.Psych.(AB),L.Psych.(GA)
Couples Counsellor

Paul Sussman, Ph.D.,R.Psych.(AB),L.Psych.(GA)

Licensed Psychologist, Alberta and Georgia

In T5R 3K2 - Nearby to Jasper Place.

I have a significant caseload of relationship therapy clients. I am comfortable with essentially any type of relationship taking place between consenting adults. I accept the orientation(s) of the parties to a relationship, and am as a rule able to come from there. If I have a bias, it is to preserve the being of the relationship, the "we" that emerges when one and another form a bond. My bias notwithstanding, I am able to assist parties to a relationship to achieve a more peaceful separation/termination when that is their choice.

Tamara McCormick, M.A., R.Psych
Couples Counsellor

Tamara McCormick, M.A., R.Psych

Registered Psychologist (AB)

In T8H 0L8 - Nearby to Jasper Place.

Couples often get stuck in their relationships - they disconnect. The good news is that reconnection is possible. Sometimes, it means processing through regrettable incidents or learning to take responsibility for the pieces of communication that you can improve. Tamara uses the Gottman Method in her work with you as well as her years of experience/knowledge in the area of mental health.

Cherisse Kovacs, Provisional Psychologist
Couples Counsellor

Cherisse Kovacs, Provisional Psychologist

Registered Provisional Psychologist

In T8A 4E3 - Nearby to Jasper Place.

Couple's counselling can provide an opportunity to identify issues impacting the relationship, while working toward discovering solutions to resolve presenting concerns. I have experience working with couples struggling with intimacy and communication issues, assisting them to work toward increasing interpersonal connectedness and developing ways to reduce conflict by communicating more effectively.

Lyndsay Wright, MC
Couples Counsellor

Lyndsay Wright, MC

Registered Psychologist

In T8N 1B4 - Nearby to Jasper Place.

Have You And Your Partner Experienced A Breakdown In Communication? Do you feel unable to work as a team or compromise on important issues? Are there differences between you that you didn’t foresee when your relationship started? Have you both gotten so busy with your lives that sex and intimacy have fallen to the bottom of your list of priorities? Maybe you and your significant other find yourselves arguing in circles—your interactions have become hostile and defensive. Perhaps there’s been infidelity and now you’re wondering if you’ll ever be able to rebuild the trust between you. Or maybe you both get along, but you’re newly married and struggling to blend your families together.

Cheryl McDougall, MSW, RSW, AAMFT
Couples Counselor

Cheryl McDougall, MSW, RSW, AAMFT

Registered Master of Social Work ,

Available for Online Therapy

Creating stronger relationships through the research- based Gottman approach. Couples who wish to develop a deeper awareness and connection in their relationships will benefit in using E- Counselling to enhance communication and bonding. Often when we are in a face to face conversation we are thinking of our next response rather than allowing the other person to be understood. Using a secure and completely confidential web based Gottman trained counsellor will help break down the barriers of communication and improve relationship dynamics. Couples can expect more understanding, respect and intimacy in their relationship. LGBT relationships are welcome.

Samuel Platts, CSAT
Couples Counsellor

Samuel Platts, CSAT

Registered Psychologist (Alberta, #4832)

In T5K 0J8 - Nearby to Jasper Place.

I am trained in Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy. I help couples heal from the wounds that prevent us from feeling safe and secure in our relationships. These wounds sometimes happened to us long before we found our current partner, and sometimes there is betrayal in the marriage. I help clients recognize how these wounds affect our emotions and behaviors in a way that prevents us from getting what we are most longing for: connection in love.

ShiftGrit Psychology & Counselling, R. Psych, MACP, MSW, RSW
Couples Counsellor

ShiftGrit Psychology & Counselling, R. Psych, MACP, MSW, RSW

Psychologists, Counselor, Child Psychologist, Marriage Counsellor, Mental Health Clinic, Mental Health Service, Social Workers

In T5N 1R7 - Nearby to Jasper Place.

In a relationship, each member is responsible for an equal share of the dynamic. In a family, that means it splits between the amount of people, and in a couple it’s 50% created by each partner. This 50% is the result of the individual’s needs- both functional and dysfunctional. Functional needs relate to biological drives, culture, relationship goals, values, etc. Dysfunctional needs come from limiting beliefs, which are internalized in our childhood. They create needs like: the need to be in control, or the need to protect oneself. The needs, whether functional or dysfunctional, can balance each other out, creating a “stabilizer” or they can become unmet needs.

Andrea (Thrall) Dobbs, MACP, R.P Psych
Couples Counsellor

Andrea (Thrall) Dobbs, MACP, R.P Psych

Registered Psychologist

In T8N 6B9 - Nearby to Jasper Place.

We offer couples counselling from both an Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT) approach as well as incorporating the Gottman Method. Our focus incorporates understanding attachment histories and how they influence current relational patterns. We also support couples to more effectively express themselves, understand where their partner is coming from, as well as strengthen their skills in navigating conflict.

Debbie Grove, Ph.D., R.Psych.
Couples Counsellor

Debbie Grove, Ph.D., R.Psych.

Registered Psychologist

In T6R 0P2 - Nearby to Jasper Place.

Over the years, I have worked with couples helping them improve their relationship, prepare for marriage, amicably separate or divorce, and do so in ways that are also healthy for their children. What I call the Building Blocks of Being a Couple, I help couples explore these aspects of their relationship: Acknowledging each other’s perspectives, Learning about the meaning of behaviours, Exploring the effects on emotional well-being, and Co-exploring stressors that are impacting the relationship. Building a healthy relationship includes: Improving communication, Working together as a team for problem-solving and a healthy family life, and Living with joy, intimacy, harmony, and love.

You Have Found The Best Couples Counsellors in Jasper Place, AB. Restore Your Relationship.

Thank you for visiting our Alberta search of licensed therapists for couples in Jasper Place who specialize in helping relationships and marriages heal and overcome division and hurt. Relationships are hard. Unless you are actively working towards coming together, by default you are drifting apart. It takes work. A licensed therapist is an expert at helping to untangle the mess that can develop when things go wrong. Find honest and effective couples Counselling in Jasper Place and renew your relationship.

Jasper Place is located in Alberta, Canada.  The population of Jasper Place is 37,521 people. Jasper Place therapists serve postal code: T5N.